≡ extremely easy beauty tips for any home ingredients》 Her Beauty
You may be surprised when familiar "ingredients" like toothpaste, gelatin or beer can help you beautify every day.

You may be surprised when familiar "ingredients" like toothpaste, gelatin or beer can help you beautify every day.
Soothe swelling, burns
Toothpaste is one of your "savior" in reducing swelling, soothing insect bites because they have a cool gel. Even a little toothpaste can help you temporarily cool the burning skin due to carelessness when cooking or stretching. In addition, toothpaste can also help accelerate the healing of ulcers and blisters.

Toothpaste can also help you get fresh pink for your lips. As long as you combine half a teaspoon of toothpaste, a teaspoon of white sugar and a few drops of honey, you will have a very useful exfoliating mixture for your lips. You should apply the mixture evenly on the lip surface in a circular motion gently for about 2 minutes. Once done, wash your lips with warm water and apply Vaseline lip balm as usual.

Blackhead peeling
Not only is the ingredients that make cool desserts, gelatin is also used in the beauty methods of housewives. In particular, you can make your own blackhead peeling mask from gelatin. First, use a teaspoon of gelatin powder mixed with 1.5 teaspoons of milk and put in the microwave to heat for 10 seconds. After this mixture cools, you can apply gelatin mask for 30 minutes or until it is completely dry. At this time, when you pull the gelatin from the skin, it will remove the blackheads on the skin. Do not forget to wash your face gently with warm water then!

Kill death celk
Oats are almost always available in the kitchen of Eat Clean followers because this is an essential ingredient in the diet. Besides, oats are also used to exfoliate, cleanse the skin. Oatmeal has the ability to peel off dead skin cells. In addition, the vitamins A, B5, C, E in oats also help the skin to be regenerated and nourished from deep within. You can grind pure rough oatmeal and mix with fresh milk or honey to form a paste and massage your face as well as body.

Hair care
If in your refrigerator is having a bad beer cans, do not rush to throw away because you can use this barley fermented drink to nourish your hair. The easiest way is to use a beer to rinse hair after shampooing, massage gently for 3 minutes and rinse hair with water. If you have time, use beer mixed with coconut oil, chicken eggs or honey to form a mixture of hair. These natural hair care methods will help you improve dry hair, maintain hair shine. Besides, beer can also help you effectively cope with hair disease due to seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp.

Treatment of stretch marks after birth
Mothers diapers can soon regain young skin after giving birth to a baby with a simple formula from potatoes. Boil a potato and puree into flour. Then, add a teaspoon of unsweetened fresh milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the potato to form a paste. Apply this mixture on the area of the abdominal skin and gently massage for 10-15 minutes. The antioxidant nutrients with vitamin A and Beta-carotene in potatoes will gradually remove patchy stretch marks on the skin. Meanwhile, fresh milk can help increase the elasticity of the skin, and lemon can accelerate the darkening process of darkening on the skin.

Treatment of folliculitis
Folliculitis is the suffering of many women, making them unable to confidently wear short skirts or shorts when out. If you are fighting with this disease, plant a betel tree right around the house. Betel leaves do not contain many antioxidant active ingredients, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling. In addition, this leaf also contains many antibacterial essential oils, helping to inhibit and kill the fungus harmful to the skin. You can crush about 5 betel leaves with a little salt, then put the mixture in a milk towel to massage around the inflamed skin area from about 2 to three times a week.

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