6 new lifestyle In the definition of the word "New Normally"

After our Thailand has released more locked down measures Therefore making our country Looks more lively From which businesses must be temporarily closed Most people didn't go out. Causing the country to look quiet Which after the numbers of the Kovid infected people in Thailand are quite that they are almost safe, so various stores business Was allowed to open again But people still have to be very careful Therefore is the source of the word New Normally in order to be careful not to prevent the outbreak of Kavid again.

After our Thailand has released more locked down measures Therefore making our country Looks more lively From which businesses must be temporarily closed Most people didn't go out. Causing the country to look quiet Which after the numbers of the Kovid infected people in Thailand are quite that they are almost safe, so various stores business Was allowed to open again But people still have to be very careful Therefore is the source of the word New Normally in order to be careful not to prevent the outbreak of Kavid again. Which in this article Will present a new lifestyle Of people in the definition of the word New Normally

1. Health mask Become another organ

Due to the prevention of cavoid Is still something that must be done Therefore, the sanitary mask or the face becomes a device that needs to be worn every time. To go to someone In which measures behind the lockdown Was forced those who use the service or customers to put the sanitary mask all the time receiving the service

2.People turn to do more home activities.

Because people still have to be careful of contact with others And the home address for a long time Causing people to add more homework. The party is clearly diminished. And for this reason Causing many people to create ideas to find leisure activities at home, whether it is home decoration, planting Or watching movies more at home

3.Online banking Plays a role clearly

Can be seen that online banking Has started to have a role with Thai people for about 2-3 years. People rarely use cash. Therefore is a good solution For the prevention of cavoid That can spread by touching money Thus causing people to stick to this behavior And make cash spending reduce the popularity and people turn to use the online banking service clearly

4.Online purchase Become a main shopping source

Many people will experience this problem. Is the home It will be more online shopping. Making this behavior And became a reduced reduction in the department store Which if the situation is still like this Future department stores become just a showroom.

5.Delivery business grows

Due to being able to go safely Therefore, people turn to use Delivery. Whether it's food And various services Which is very convenient Which is expected that the lives This people will stick to the delivery business.

6.More and more food

People see that cooking at home. Makes us confident that The food we eat is useful and hygiene, combined with that in the YouTube box There is a more cooking channel. Causing people to think that cooking is easy And cooking for delicious Is not too difficult Therefore, in this navigational lifestyle People will turn to make their own food.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: Covid 19
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