5 ways to reject the evil eye, say the experts

Add this jewel to your collection for peace of mind.

If you are completely submerged in the world of mysticism Or do not pay attention sometimes, you have probably heard of the evil eye. "The evil eye is a form of negative energy or spiritual affliction generally caused by a malicious look or a malicious look," explains Captolia Eaton , a professional witch and spiritual business coach .

It is said that this can cause bad luck, depression, illness, financial problems and, in the worst case, death. Some evil eyes are deliberately thrown and can be caused by a hex, a curse or a general bad will. Others, however, are delivered by a slight jealousy or even the desire for something that someone else has - and a person may not even realize that they have given one.

Fortunately, there are ways to push the evil eye. Here, witches tell us the key means to protect you. With some changes to your home, the jewelry collection and reflection processes, you will be so sure.

Read this then: The best colors to attract good luck, according to an astrologer .

How to contest the evil eye

1. Wear these jewelry.


Specific jewelry, specific charms and amulets are one of the most common ways to ward off the evil eye.

"The most popular is probably the Nazar, an orb with concentric and white concentric circles resembling an eye that reflects the malicious gaze to the sender, protecting its carrier from evil," explains Eaton.

Another common room is the Hamsa, or the hand of Fatima, which looks like a hand. "It comes from Islamic and Jewish culture, and it is supposed to remove negative energy and protect its bearer from damage," explains Eaton.

If you do not have access to these parts but you have access to a general jewelry, Eaton says that a snake or scorpion necklace can also have protective effects. These animals are associated with protection against negativity.

2. Keep these crystals nearby.

Close up of a Black Tourmaline crystal in someone's hand
Holly Mazour / Shutterstock

There are stones that you can use to keep the evil eye simply by keeping them in your home or meditating with them, although you can also wear them. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Black tourmaline, black kyanite, onyx and even diamonds are examples of stones that can be worn as protection," explains Eaton.

Black Tourmaline absorbs negative energy, black kyanite protects psychic attacks such as curses and hexes, onyx shields against negative energy and psychic attacks, and diamonds protect enemies if you keep them by reciting the prayer of the prayer Lord.

Recover those who talk to you the most when you visit your next crystal store.

Read this then: 12 crystals that can be good for you, according to astrologers .

3. Learn a protective mantra.

A woman is closing her eyes, doing breathing exercise and meditating in nature.
Istock / Recep-Bg

Make a recitation is easy, quick and free. In addition, it is extremely powerful.

"By simply declaring: 'I clean, clear and releases any persistent, negative and stagnant energy that does not belong to me and reminds me in my own energy' and say that your name aloud or in your head can do wonders, "Said Talisa Zampieri , intuitive tarot reader, traditional astrologer and owner of Two error rituals x elysium .

If you are more the type of writer, Zampieri suggests the Latin Sator square. According Britannica encyclopedia , "This is the best known example of a magic letter letter, with 25 letters which constitute a grid five per five of acrostic Latin palindromes."

To use this prayer, write "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas" on consecutive lines on a piece of paper to confuse the spirits. Keep it with you for protection.

4. Protect your entry.

Your entry is a powerful space in terms of protection. Michele Lefler , a Jewish witch, shamanic coach and owner of Living moon meditation , suggests placing a nazar or a hamsa on the door.

You can also Paint your red door , which is the color of luck, or hang protective herbs such as garlic, lemon and peppers on the door button. By protecting the entry of your home from bad energy, you will minimize the amount of following you.

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5. Avoid judging others.

couple judgmental
Jeffbergen / Istock

The easiest way to ward off the evil eye does not come from the things you buy, it comes from your mind.

Lori-Grace , the founder of The little witch And the director of the Canadian School of Witchery, says that this is an example of the law of attraction, or the behavior and attraction of the energy you want for yourself. This means never launching judgment or throwing curses on others, she explains. "Being a person who radiates love and positivity is a light fairly large to keep any evil eye away there."

When you feel safe, safe and trust that no one can put anything on "you, then your protection will circulate.

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