5 surprising reasons that your backyard is full of mosquitoes

There are a lot of things that could attract them, say the pest experts.

Nothing is worse than enjoying time outside to realize that you have been eaten alive by mosquitoes. While these annoying insects could settle down due to Fragrant flowers Or food residues, there are also surprising reasons for which your backyard is full of mosquitoes, especially during this period of the year. Fortunately, pest experts know why they invade your space and have advice on how to control them. Continue to read to find out why you are assaulted by mosquitoes.

Read this then: 5 plants that will keep mosquitoes out of your courtyard, according to pest experts .

There is even a little bit of water in the courtyard.

Flooded Backyard
Amare / Shutterstock marketing group

Mosquitoes have a plethora of reproduction spots in the backyard, and maybe their favorite place is anywhere with humidity.

"It takes only a bottle of water full of water for a female mosquito to place 20 to 30 eggs", explains Shannon Harlow-Ellis , certified entomologist and technical specialist at Joe mosquito . So, even if the water is not noticeable, it could always attract insects.

It is important to inspect your courtyard after any "water yield event" such as rain or the use of jets, notes David Lundquist , Owner of Austin mosquito hunters .

Although it is impossible to eliminate all stagnant waters, especially if you live at the edge of a stream or a stream, but you can get rid of excess water in your courtyard by adjusting the times of watering and being vigilant, Matt Smith , owner and professional antiparasitic control technician approved to Green pest management , recount Better life . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"You must really be a diligent by looking for places that could contain water and empty them," explains Smith, and this includes emptying pipes, water taps, gutters and pots in pots.

Children's toys are everywhere.

Kids Play Set in Backyard
Gorloff-KV / Shutterstock

As we know, if it can contain water, mosquitoes will find it and become comfortable - and one of the most common culprits is children's toys in the courtyard.

"When I made inspections and I looked under the rear bridges that are close to the ground, I will find frisbees upside down or other toys with mosquito larvae," explains Smith.

Harlow-Ellis says that another common reproduction point is a gaming slide, either in the water that comes together, or at the end of the slide itself.

Everything that can be returned must be tilted so that it does not hold water, and any toy that holds water should already be thrown.

Your court is poorly maintained.

Overgrown Grass in Backyard
Tippman98x / Shutterstock

"Adult mosquitoes generally reside in high grass, shrubs, suspended baskets and other wet shade sites and shaded in the depths of the landscape, while waiting for the opportunity to attack," explains Brian Feldman , principal operations director to Trigreen .

When you do not cut your grass or do not keep shrubs, mosquitoes are more likely to stay in your courtyard. "The simple fact of surpassing your lawn and bringing more growth in plants is a breeding ground," explains Harlow-Ellis.

Lundquist notes that ivy, bamboo or dense vegetation can provide cold and humid habitats that are perfect for these pests.

There are a lot of people around.

Woman Scratching Her Arm
Photoroyty / Shutterstock

As scary as it may seem, mosquitoes need nutrients to continue to reproduce and live, and they will not discover it if they have no people.

"Even if only half of the mosquito population around the world bites humans (whether it is female mosquitoes), the search for hosts is crucial for the survival of mosquito eggs and the promotion of future generations mosquitoes " Emma Grace Crumble , entomologist at Mosquito squad .

If you host something in your courtyard during the eggs laying of eggs, you can probably expect to see an influx of mosquitoes.

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You wear things that attract them.

Two Men Clinking Bottles Outside
Wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

One of the most surprising reasons for which your court can be full of mosquitoes could have to make with your lifestyle choices, clothes you wear with the scented deodorant you use. Crumbles mentions that mosquitoes Use all their senses When you are looking for hosts.

"The colors, the lights, the aromas, the movement, the heat and the CO2 are all indicators that mosquitoes collect when looking for a host," she said. Sometimes even your breath can attract them according to what you have eaten or your type of toothpaste.

Feldman advises to wear light colors and avoid floral scents if you know that you are going to be outside for a long time.

Pregnancy and alcohol consumption can also bring more mosquitoes. "Although mothers and revelers are not the same, the increased attractiveness for mosquitoes can come from similar origin: heavy or frequent expulsion of CO2 and increased sweat production", explains Crumbley.

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