The 6 most lucky names, according to astrologers

Invite good fortune in your daughter's life with these lucky names.

All names have a sense -Maybe yours has been transmitted to the family, or maybe it reminded your parents their favorite song. But what happens if your name is also lucky? Choosing names that invite luck and good fortune becomes more and more popular these days. And a way of doing it is with astrology. If you are curious to know what are the lucky names of girls, continue to read to hear astrologers.

Read this then: The 6 most lucky numbers, according to astrologers .

The 6 most lucky names

1. Felicity / Felicia

Felicity in Tiles on the Street
William A. Morgan / Shutterstock

According Julie Hackett , founder and chief storyteller Name stories , Felicity (or Felicia) is one of the luckiest names for a girl. He came from Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck. "It literally means happiness, fertility, fortune, good luck," she explains.

Kerry Ward , astrologer and tarot and expert in spirituality at Tarotou , adds that Felicity comes from Felicitas, the Latin word for good fortune.

In modern English, Felicity as a name also means intense happiness or happiness, so anyone with this name is necessarily to have good things.

2. Béatrice / Beatrix

Beatrice Street Sign
Chedko / Shutterstock

Béatrice is from the Latin word Beautus, which means happy or blessed.

There was a first saint whose Latin Viarix name was conveniently modified in Beatrix, says Hackett Better life . The name was made popular for the first time by the saint and can take one or the other form (Beatrice or Beatrix).

"The one who is blessed or who brings happiness, is the direct meaning of the name," explains Ward, who adds that the Beatrix Beatrix variant means traveling, so girls with this name can be intended to go far!

Read this then: 12 crystals that can be good for you, according to astrologers .

3. Grace

Grace name in Bricks
Marekuliasz / Shutterstock

"By definition Lauren Degolia , Consultant in clarity and astrologer at Fresh departure register . The grace comes from the Latin word guilty, meaning favor or blessings. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"In addition, the key to the demonstration is to take advantage of the grace and detachment of the result," explains Degolia. "Doing this lowers our expectations, allows us to find more gratitude in the present moment and active all luck in our field."

4. Amber

Amber Jewelry
Bearfotos / Shutterstock

Not only Amber is a lucky name, but it is also a pretty Popular precious stone . He has Celtic and Arab roots, and Ward says "Hindi amber comes from Sanskrit and means" heaven ", so heaven is the limit for ambers!"

As a precious stone, it is yellowish brown and is formed from fossilized trees resin. The Romans called him Electrum, which means "electricity charged", because of his ability to attract other substances when rubbed, says Hackett Better life .

"I call it" happy stone "because it is known to bring happiness and good luck," explains Hackett.

Girls with this name will not also be ferocity about them.

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5. Eva / Zoe

Zoe Wooden Letters
Vasilena Ivanova / Shutterstock

These names can be short and soft, but they have a lot of punch because they both mean "life".

"Energetically, this name could be perceived as lucky because of the vibrations that surround it which activate more living and lived experience," explains Degolia.

Eva comes from Hebrew and is linked to Eve, the first woman on earth, while Zoé has Greek roots.

"The ability to connect to the parts of us that give us life or that discover a more full and significant life are lucky," adds Degolia.

6. Tessa


Tessa Block Letters
Decisive images / Istock

Tessa might not come to mind immediately, especially since it translates directly into the fourth child. However, the meaning behind, Harvest, is ideal for attracting luck.

"A person named Tessa is someone who leads with appreciation the things that have materialized in his life, or that she has harvested," explains Degolia.

She adds that the name Tessa can make someone an instant magnet for everything they want because the appreciation is the highest vibration of luck.

Categories: Smarter Living
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