6 times, you should never kiss someone, say the label experts

Avoid awkward greeting with these six simple rules of hugs.

In the right circumstances, a hug can be a warm and welcome expression of mutual affection . However, a hug also has the potential to cause deep discomfort when deployed at the wrong time or with a director.

"Many emotions can be expressed via embrace such as happiness, comfort or compassion," explains Jules Hirst , the founder of Label consultant . While most of the time, hugs are considered a common greeting for people who know each other well, "it is important to understand the culture, the context and the relationship before trying to initiate a hug," she said Better life .

To avoid a delicate interaction or even cause an offense, it is preferable to keep in mind some key rules, according to the experts of the label. Read the rest to learn the six times you should never kiss someone - at least without asking first.

Read this then: 4 times, you should never shake someone's hands, say the label experts .

Jump hugs at the workplace.

Greeting each other. Close up of a handshake of two people while greeting each other

The workplace is prey to a complicated power dynamic which can become even more complicated with physical contact. This is why Hirst recommends that you never kiss his colleagues in the majority of circumstances.

"The workplace is considered a professional environment and generally an area without hugs," she explains. "This would include during business meetings and commercial events. You should also avoid kissing when you meet someone for the first time, such as a job interview."

Certain extenuating circumstances could make a hug more acceptable, although you should always be cautious, she said.

"During the meeting with his colleagues colleagues during conferences, seminars or other professional events, a hug would depend on the relationship between the two colleagues. Two colleagues who have worked together for a long time and have not seen one another For some time, for some time can kiss when they see each other for the first time, ”she admits.

This also applies to others's workplaces.

happy smiling woman hairdresser coiffeur cutting womans long hairs during first weeks of reopening in times of covid-19 crisis

Colleagues would be wise to never kiss unless the two parties make their level of comfort extremely clear. This rule also applies to anyone working for you in any way. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Although you have a long -standing relationship with your hairdresser, you probably don't have such a relationship with the plumber, the mechanic or the doctor. -No," said Hirst.

"If in doubt, offer a handshake," she adds, noting that this is considered more formal and respectful.

Read this then: 6 new surprising tilting rules, according to label experts .

Do not kiss if someone is sick or injured.

Mother and daughter with protective face mask, walking down street and talking

A hug brings you directly to someone else's personal space, and this can be unwelcome if that person is sick or injured. You should never expect a hug in these circumstances.

"If the person is sick, wearing a mask, has a kind of casting or corset, you must remember to see if their body language indicates a hug," suggests JDI RR Smith , founder of Consulting at the Mannersmith label .

Hirst adds that you should always remain sensitive to the subtle clues of others, whatever they seem to feel physically. "Pay attention to the body's body language, because their movement will tell you whether or not they are open to receiving a hug," she said.

Avoid embrace if it is culturally or religiously insensitive.

two people hugging
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Another time, you shouldn't kiss someone, it’s if you know that their culture or religion is not usually kissing.

"Some cultures are not tightened, so having an understanding of people 'cultural norms helps you determine the appropriate greeting," said Hirst. "It would also be true with different religious beliefs. Knowing in advance can save a lot of clumsiness."

Smith says that there may be certain clues that allow you to know that it is better to ask before obtaining physical contact. "Note when the other person carries religious costumes, headgear or obviously modest clothes," she said. "In these cases, it is better to assume that there will be no hug."

Do not try to kiss if someone's arms are full.

woman carrying groceries to car
Enceroro / Shutterstock

Even people who love a good hug can find it unwelcome at an embarrassing moment. Smith says that if someone's arms are full, for example, a hug is not appropriate.

"If they have just crossed the door with grocery products, packages or luggage, the priority is to obtain the packages where they have to go and that the hugs can start," explains the expert in label Better life .

She suggests saying something like. "Hello! We are so happy to see you. Put them inside so that I can give you a big hug!"

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Do not assume that all friends or family would like a hug.

sad kid showing her father affection but ignoring her mother

It is common for family members and close friends to hug, and this is generally received as a welcome greeting.

"However, some people do not appreciate the invasion of personal space and prefer not to kiss," explains Hirst. "This is where you would need to understand the relationship", as well as the context of the event, she notes.

"Weddings are happy moments when you would see a lot of hugs. The funeral is sad and some people would like a comforting hug, while others prefer to cry in their own way and do not want to kiss," said Hirst.

Smith says that it is crucial not to assume that children will want to hug you, especially if they do not know you or do not remember you. "It is important to allow the child to decide if he wishes to kiss you," she said.

Just say: "I'm your aunt Tilly, your father's big sister. It's so pleasant to see you. If you want to hug me, let me know," suggests Smith.

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