The most zen zodiac sign, according to astrologers

You can't help but feel calm with these people.

Whether they are the total control of themselves and their emotions, prefer everything in order or meditate to reach inner peace, some people just have a very zen energy about them. They are cool as cucumber and have a soothing atmosphere whenever they are in your presence. Their actions are generally guided by their intuition - And if it is true that these people can be more spiritual than most, the sign they were born could also be a factor. Continue to read to discover the most zen zodiac sign, from slightly meditative to completely in peace.

Read this then: The most spiritual zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Woman with Organized Shelves
Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock

The Virgin lives for the organization. They like a little drama in their lives but hate when things become too messy and out of their control. Their approach to Zen is a little different from some of the other signs, but whatever, they appreciate peace and serenity.

They can be tempted to engage in chaos, but as a sign that is known for their anxious trends, they would better sit on the sidelines. "When they are in clean and organized spaces, they are literally capable of thinking more clearly," said Ryan Marquardt , astrologer and founder of Ryan's astrology .

These signs of earth are also more practical than most . They are led by Mercury, the planet of the intellect and communication, therefore having a mental space desendect Better life .

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Man Relaxing in Living Room
Srdjan Randjelovic / Shutterstock

You probably think that Capricorns are all work and no game. For the most part, it's true, but "these sea goats that work hard appreciate their time Like their achievements , "said Tara Bennet , astrologer and spiritual coach at Medium channel .

Capricorns are thought out and are more motivated by logic than emotion. They are not motivated by flashy things and appreciate a minimalist approach to life. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Thanks to Saturn, the planet governing the discipline and the structure, Capricorn knows how to advance things effectively and effectively. They have a bad reputation for being too assertive and focused on work, but in reality, they are quite Zen.

"Their life has models and rehearsals, which brings them a feeling of peace and order," explains Bennet.


Woman Listening to Music and Meditating
Insta_photos / Shutterstock

The fish are strongly in contact with their spiritual side. They can escape reality for hours and simply exist , which cannot be said for most people.

Marquardt says that although they constantly lose a trace of time, they are never in a hurry. And although it can be boring for their friends or commitments if they are late, less worrying means that they are more comfortable.

"They can draw from higher meditative states much easier than other signs, and they are able to see beauty in the banal parts of life," said Marquardt. This means that they will not miss small details and are delighted to appreciate all the aspects that the world has to offer.


Woman Drinking Hot Beverage
Inside Creative House / Shutterstock

Loving and attentive, the balances like to keep peace. "Their life is a question of balance and harmony, leading them to spend their home time to think or meditate," explains Bennet.

They have a way to establish order wherever they go, and they are fantastic Various social situations , so that they can bring their soothing energy to others. In addition, these air panels cannot bear the confrontation.

They will work hard to create relationships and environments where they can be calm and relaxed as much as possible; There is no need to worry about anything when you are with these people.


Couple Cooking together in Kitchen
Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

The bull does not care to lead a simple life, which keeps them in a constant state of Zen. They also have a way to bring tranquility and soothing energy to the people of their lives.

As a sign of the earth, they are incredibly anchored and in contact with the world around them. Marquardt says they are able to coexist effortlessly with all types of people.

They are also slow to anger - he takes a lot to bring them up. "They keep it calm, cool and collected from any storm that life could try to make them," said Marquardt.

Read this then: The relaxation ritual you should have, depending on your zodiac sign .


Young Woman With Eyes Closed in a Field
Floor image / trigger

Despite being a sign of water, cancer has a ton of trends in the grounding and can easily bring comfort to those around them. They are very in tune with their own emotions And those of others, it is therefore not surprising that they are the most zen sign of the zodiac.

"Cancer has their Zen spot all mapped," explains Bennet. "They actively practice mindfulness and are grateful for good things in life."

These people are lovers, not fighters, so they will always choose things in their lives that support peace rather than hatred. Everything they do serves a goal, and they have thought about their daily activities a lot - regardless of their size.

Categories: Relationships
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