Walmart is continued on its plastic bags

A new trial calls into question the recycling efforts of the mega-detailed.

Sustainability has become an important consideration for retailers, as consumer demand for more concerned about the environment of the environment continues to grow. Companies at all levels have adopted new sustainable strategies, including Walmart, which has just announced its intention to move away from plastic packaging waste For online orders. But despite these efforts, at least one civil servant now calls into question the commitment of the mega-detailed towards his recycling initiatives. Read more to find out why Walmart is now continued on some of its plastic bags.

Read this then: New Law wants to introduce tent at Walmart and other large retailers .

Walmart has worked to reduce its waste.

Walmart will accept any and all plastic bags from their competitors. They believe in recycling.

In 2005, Walmart set out an ambitious goal: Zero waste . The large-scale retailer said that he was aimed at achieving this goal by 2025 in the United States and Canada, and he has taken measures in recent years to eliminate his waste more and more.

So far, this includes Walmart Banning Single use plastic bags In more than 420 locations, encouraging customers to use reusable bags and by putting collection bins in stores to increase access to recycling of plastic bags.

In order to reach its global Zero waste objective , Walmart must obtain 100% recyclable packaging, reusable or industrially composed for private brand packaging in the next two years. Currently, it is 58%, according to its website.

But now, a Attorney General calls into question part of Walmart's work in zero waste space.

The retailer is continued on some of his plastic bags.

Closeup of neatly organized shelves of household goods at Walmart Super Center store.

While Walmart has focused on eliminating waste with its operational packaging, problems can hide on store shelves. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Minnesota is now pursuing Walmart on its Store brand recycling bags , THE Star grandstand reported. Attorney General Keith Ellison announced the new trial on June 6 during non-profit recycling Eureka in the northeast of Minneapolis.

The trial specifically targets the recycling bags of the Great Value de Walmart brand, as well as the recycling bags of high brands of Reynolds Consumer Products, which was appointed second defendant in the costume.

As Ellison explained in a press release, Walmart and Reynolds are prosecuted to have pretended to "take advantage of the good intentions of minnesotans to marketed their recycling bags with sadness, both compounds of plastic in low density polyethylene (LDPE).

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The costume claims that these recycling bags are not really recyclable.

Aluminum soda cans are being stored for recycling. Two bags and a bin of cans contain a variety of brand sodas, including Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew and Mist.

Walmart markets its High value brand recycling bags As a "practical" and "fast" means for customers to sort and collect their recyclable materials. "Home recycling is facilitated," says the large -scale retailer in the details of the product for these bags on his website. The company also maintains that this product has been developed to be used in "municipal recycling programs".

But the pursuit of Minnesota alleys that these claims are false, declaring that these recycling bags cannot be recycled in any state establishment.

"Plastic bags are not recyclable in our programs, and we do not accept them. When the recyclable material arrives in our establishment contained in a plastic bag, we must throw it because there is too much risk of injury For our RIP employees opens the bags as they cross the line, " Lynn Hoffman , the co -president of Eureka Recycling, said in a statement at Fox 9.

Hoffman added: "It is a false common idea that plastic bags are recyclable, which is even worse by false marketing allegations. We appreciate the Advocate General Ellison for having asked for the responsibility of these harmful practices."

Walmart says it is based on its suppliers to "provide quality products".


Instead of providing consumers with a means of reducing their own waste, high -value brand recycling bags "increase the costs for taxpayers, undermine well -intentioned consumer recycling efforts and create more non -recyclable waste that Finish in our discharges and our navigable waterways ", depending on the Minnesota trial.

Consequently, Ellison invoices the retailer - and Reynolds - with consumers' fraud, misleading commercial practices, false advertisements and allegations of misleading environmental marketing, Star grandstand reported.

"I want Reynolds and Walmart responsible for the realization of their badly acquired profits before people, our environment and the law," said Ellison in his declaration.

When Better life Contacted Walmart about the trial, the company said it was planning to answer in court.

"Walmart does not manufacture these articles, and we turn to our suppliers to provide quality products in accordance with all applicable laws, including labeling requirements. We will respond to the courts, if necessary once we are Served, "a spokesperson said in a statement.

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