4 times, you should never shake someone's hands, say the label experts
Make a good first impression by avoiding these common mistakes.

In most social and professional scenarios, the handshake is considered a standard greeting - and one with high issues. Well done, the gesture can transmit heat, confidence and interest in the other, but the label experts agree that there are certain cases in which a handshake can Send the wrong message , or even cause an offense.
"To be mistaken from the start is the definition of a bad first impression," says Lisa Mirza Grotts , an expert in label widely known as Golden Rules Gal .
But when would you have exactly jumping a handshake in favor of another greeting? Read the rest to find out what time you should never shake someone's hand and why the gesture falls flat in these moments.
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4 times not to shake someone's hand
1. The other person has full hands.

A handshake is appropriate in most social situations, but experts say that there is a logistical scenario in which this rule would no longer apply.
"It would be inappropriate to try to shake a person's hand if his hands are full," notes Jules Hirst , founder and expert in label at Consulting label, INC And co-author of the book THE Power of civility . "You don't want to hinder them by putting them down what they wear to shake your hand."
JDI RR Smith , president and owner of Consulting at the Mannersmith label , says that if this situation occurs, it is better to be "as manifest as possible" about your intention to warmly greet them.
You could say: "Hello! Usually, I would shake your hand, but it seems that you have your hands full. So pleasant to meet you," she suggests.
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2. Someone feels sick.

Shake the hand is considered polite , but not if it puts one or the other at risk of spreading the disease, according to experts. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Anyone who is clearly ill would do better to stay at home, but if he decides to interact, he should not shake the hand of anyone," said Smith.
This also applies if someone is not sick, but is afraid of the current climate. "I know more than one person who always makes the" bump "because of the cocovid fear. You learn to accompany him and respect his choice," explains Grotts.
"Before 2020, people have not thought of hand handles much, but they do it now. Each doctor says they don't shake hands, and I understand why," adds Grotts.
3. They show disinterest through body language.

Regarding presentations, it is also important to read the room. If someone seems disinterested to shake hands or uncomfortable with physical contact, it is better to jump it.
"If you observe someone's body language so as not to be interested in holes, you shouldn't try to shake hands," said Hirst.
Certain common clues that could tip you down include the person "keep their arms by their side, nodding to welcome you, put your hand on their hearts or put both hands on their chest (aka the" namaste "position)," she explains.
Any of these gestures could point out that this person does not want to shake your hand and recognized you in their own way.
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4. It is culturally or religiously inappropriate.

Key hand is common in many cultures, but in some, it is in fact considered as a sign of lack of respect, or expressly prohibited. Hirst and Smith agree that it is important to keep culture and religion in mind when they welcome someone again.
"Make your reasonable diligence on cultural customs because some cultures do not shake hands," suggests Hirst. In particular, she notes that certain religions consider that it is inappropriate for men and women single or not linked to touch, it is therefore a scenario to which you would like to be particularly sensitive.
Smith says that there may be external signs than a person can be less inclined to give a handshake for religious reasons.
"Note when the other person carries religious costumes, head coverings or obviously a modest outfit. In these cases, it is better to wait to see if she extends her hand or ask him if she shakes her hand before them touch, "she said.

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