CDC says "Do not" do this after getting your Covid vaccine
Do not think you are immediately protected.

The CDC has an important advice for anyone who has obtained his vaccine: do not think you are protected fromCOVID-19 [Feminine after your shot. It takes time that the vaccine works (and even then is not 100% effective). "Covid-19 vaccination Work by teaching your immune system How to recognize and combat the virus that causes Covid-19, and it protects you from becoming sick with Covid-19 ", says the CDC. But it takes time. Read to see when each vaccine is effective - to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
The CDC says you do not think you have immediate protection. It takes a few weeks to your body to strengthen immunity after being vaccinated.
First of all, the vaccine does not make you sick with COVID-19. "None of the Covid-19 vaccines authorized and recommended or COVID-19 vaccines currently under development in the United States contains the living virus that causes Covid-19. This means that a Covid-19 vaccine can not make you sick with Covid -19, "says the CDC. "There are several types of different vaccines in development. All teach our immune systems How to recognize and combat the virus that causes Covid-19. Sometimes this process can lead to symptoms, such as fever. These symptoms are normal and are normal and are normal A sign that the body builds protection against the virus that causes Covid-19.
"It usually takes a few weeks for the organization to reinforce immunity (virus protection that causes Covid-19) after vaccination," says the CDC. "This means that a person can be infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 just before or just after vaccination and still sick. It's because the vaccine did not have enough time for offer protection. "
So, how long should you expect until you may feel protected?
Said the CDC:
- "You will need 1 shots of Vira Vector Covid-19 vaccine,Johnson's Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine & Johnson.
- It takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccine. Covid-19 vaccines requiring 2 shots may not protect you before about 2 weeks after your second shot. For Covid-19 vaccines requiring 1 shot, it takes about 2 weeks after vaccination of your body to strengthen protection. "
RELATED: If you feel that you may have already had Covid says Dr. Fauci
The CDC asks you to continue to wear a mask after vaccination
Do not forget to continue wearing a mask after being vaccinated. You can still spread potentially the virus to someone else - and the vaccine is not 100% effective, it could still optimize lust.
"Being protected to become sick is important because even though many people with COVID-19 have only sweet disease, others can get aserious illness, haveEffects on long-term health, or die, "said the CDC." There is no way to know how Covid-19 will assign you, even if you do not have anyIncreased risk of developing severe complications. "
Follow the foundations of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.