100 messages "I miss you" (and quotes!) For everyone in your life

Use these messages "I miss" to stay connected over time and distance.

Flowing up a few messages "I miss" may seem to be an obvious and overculed movement, but it can really make a difference for those who receive. That you try to reaffirm Your connection With a long -distance partner or simply miss someone special in your life, a few kind words can go very far. And more detailed, the better, because these generic messages simply do not seem to strike so hard. So if you have trouble thinking about things to say, continue to read. We have provided a list of 100 things that you can integrate into your next communication.

Read this then: 134 good morning messages for her .

"I miss you" messages for lovers

young lovers cuddling in bed
Shutterstock / Mikhail_kayl
  1. Count on days until we are together again. This does not heal my solitude, but it helps.
  2. Get out of my thoughts and come back in my arms where you belong.
  3. It's a shame that you are absent. There are many ways to entertain yourself at the moment.
  4. Come back soon before your side of the bed is cold.
  5. There is no place that I prefer to be around the world to your side. I miss you so much today.
  6. It may seem cheesy but I will tell you as much: I really prefer to kiss you as to miss you.
  7. Send you a lot of hugs and kisses. We may be away but my heart is always with you.
  8. Thanking my lucky stars this evening that we have so many wonderful memories together to help me separate from this time.
  9. I love to watch you fall asleep with your arms rolled around me. It is always worth waiting.
  10. Looking at your contact and impatiently waiting for an eventful meeting.
  11. I can feel my heart call for you tonight. It is time to make arrangements so that I can finally see this incredible smile again.
  12. They say that love transcends the distance, but that does not prevent me from wanting to see you IRL.
  13. Come back here and hold on me. This is the only way to repair this poor broken heart.

Sweet messages "I miss you" for him

man reading i miss you messages on his phone from his girlfriend
Shutterstock / Fizkes
  1. I miss you, I kiss you, I hug you, I love you, baby!
  2. You are the only one who can put a smile on my face. I miss you so much.
  3. You are just impossible to forget.
  4. I like my beautiful boyfriend more than anything worldwide. Now, if only I had the opportunity to tell him that in person.
  5. I started thinking about our nights together and now I can't stop missing. Come back please.
  6. It's good, I only miss you when I'm awake.
  7. Take advantage of your time, but don't forget to miss me from time to time. I know I will count on days until you are back home.
  8. Recognizing that every time I feel alone, you know exactly how to cheer me up. However, that does not prevent me from missing you.
  9. There is only one person who can end my sorrow, and it's you. I miss you so much.
  10. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful husband. Now, if only he would go home.
  11. You plan to put your cologne on my pillow so that I can fall asleep in your perfume.
  12. A small dose of you is exactly what the heart needs to cross these long solitary nights - even if it is in the form of FaceTime.
  13. I miss you more than the sun I miss the sky at night.
  14. There are not enough words in the English language to express how much I miss you.

Read this then: 113 good morning messages to start the day .

You miss text messages for friends

two female friends hugging
Shutterstock / Ollyy
  1. Time lights up when you are not here. I miss you so much.
  2. I feel like I have lost my left arm. Come back soon!
  3. Eat cheese and drink wine again by myself. If only you were here so that we can enjoy all these wonderful things together.
  4. You know things are wrong when I start to salivate on the sound of my phone. Come back soon!
  5. I understand that you have other obligations, but with whom am I supposed to spend time while you left?
  6. I miss you so much, I almost feel like we are going out together. Something to discuss when you return.
  7. Very well, it becomes a bit ridiculous. You, me and reality TV - now.
  8. You left so long that I start to forget your face. I need you now!
  9. Really not prospered with you. Come back now, please.
  10. I wish you all the success while you are on the road there, but that does not mean that I want you to leave forever, come back here soon!
  11. Feel a little lost without you. I need My second half Back here with me.

Messages "I miss you" for long distance partners

young couple saying goodbye at the train station
Shutterstock / Song_about_summer
  1. Each song I hear reminds me of how much you mean for me. I want you to be here by my side.
  2. I feel so lucky to have someone in my life that makes goodbye so hard. I would like us to do so so often.
  3. Cherishing every moment that we can spend together. I cannot wait the next time the opportunity takes place.
  4. The only remedy for my broken heart is the promise to see you again soon. I miss you so much.
  5. I miss you a lot right now. Organize trips now so that I have something to hope for.
  6. I did not know how spoiled I had become, to see you every day. It will be an approximate adjustment.
  7. Thinking how much we are together and you are missing today.
  8. I am constantly struck by how much I miss you every time you are absent.
  9. I miss you have become my hobby.
  10. I miss you so much today, but do my best to work properly with you.
  11. I continue to fantasize about the moment when we can see each other again. I will be so overwhelmed with happiness, I will not even know what to do with myself.
  12. I miss you every time my heart beats, my eyes flash and every second of each day.
  13. I can't wait to see you again and this magnificent smile soon. I miss you a lot today.

Read this then: 102 sad quotes on love, life and loneliness .

Romantic messages "I miss you"

couple holding hands in a park
Shutterstock / Rock and wasp
  1. I hope you have the sweetest dreams after a bright and sunny day. If only I was there to put you in me.
  2. Not being able to hold you is the worst feeling of all time. Count on days until we are together again.
  3. I swear when you are not here, the sun forgets to shine.
  4. I miss you during the day because you are my sun. I miss you at night because you are my brilliant star.
  5. Whenever I open my eyes and you are not there, I stop to think how much I miss you.
  6. I have the impression that there is a hole in my heart without you here. Only your voice could pump my blood again.
  7. Hey baby, you knew that my love for you carries me through the valleys, the rivers and even on the highest mountains? Because I promise it, it can.
  8. I miss you and I miss I.
  9. The sun shines much brighter when you are there. Do what I can to help clean the sky.
  10. Your lips and all what they are attached to I miss.
  11. The joy you have introduced into my life overwhelms me sometimes, but I am never grateful.
  12. I’m always looking forward to falling asleep when we are separated. Dreaming of you gives me the impression of being already back home where I belong.
  13. You miss a little too much, a little too often and a little more every day.
  14. Knowing that you will be in my life forever is the only thing that helps to bury the distance between us. We will pass through it.

"I miss you" messages to make her smile

woman reading i miss you messages from her boyfriend
Shutterstock / New Africa
  1. My heart hurts when you're not here. It will be an epic meeting when I see you again.
  2. Sometimes I wonder if I miss you as much as I miss. I guess I will just have to find a way to prove you to do so.
  3. I miss you so much my heart. Count the seconds until I will see you again.
  4. Don't worry-we may be far away, but we both look at the same sky above. The distance does not mean anything, my love.
  5. I can feel you around me, even when we are miles from each other. The catch you have here.
  6. Time moves slower when I miss you.
  7. This house feels far too empty when you are absent.
  8. The idea of seeing you again keeps my blood to pump and beat my heart.
  9. I will stop missing you as soon as we are together again.
  10. I thought I could manage to be separated from you, but it is much more difficult than expected.
  11. There is no better feeling than knowing that you put in the neighboring room. Come back soon.
  12. I try to concentrate but everything reminds me of you.
  13. I miss you so much. You better come back soon to fill all these holes in my heart.
  14. I give you the biggest hug next time I will see you. Missing You like Crazy.

Read this then: 126 love messages to show how much you care . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"I miss you" quote the names you know

couple holding hands
Shutterstock / Pushish Images
  1. "If you never leave again, I would always spend the rest of my life miss you." - Tessa Bailey
  2. "I miss you in a way that even words cannot understand." - Gemma Troy
  3. "The distance unit from the missing beats of two love cores." - Munia Khan
  4. "I only miss you when I breathe." - Jason Derulo
  5. "When someone we miss, often, what we really miss, it is the part of us that with this person who wakes up." - Luigina Sgarro
  6. "Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you." - Caroline George
  7. "I constantly think of you, whether with my mind or my heart." - Terra guillemets
  8. "We only separate to find ourselves later." - John Gay
  9. "What is the opposite of two? A single me, only one you." - Richard Wilbur
  10. "In case you always forget stupidly: I never think of you." - Virginia Woolf
  11. "But nothing makes a room more empty than wanting someone in it." - Calla Quinn
  12. "I miss you deeply, unfathomably, insensily, terribly." - Franz Kafka
  13. "You are everywhere except here and it hurts." - Rupi Kaur
  14. "There is a comfort in the idea that I will never end up missing." - Jim toil
  15. "How is it that he is always in my thoughts even when I don't think?" - Sanober Khan
  16. "Knowing someone does not come back never means that you stop waiting." - Toby Barlow
  17. "When I miss you, just look at the night sky and remember, I'm like a star; sometimes you can't see me, but I'm still there." - Jayde Nicole
  18. "My love is selfish. I can't breathe without you." - John Keats
  19. "I would like to have done everything on earth with you." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
  20. "As long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we are always together." - Donna Lynn Hope
  21. "Sometimes when a person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated." - Alphonse de Lamartine

Why is it important to let someone know that you are missing?

Let someone know that you are missing is an easy way to communicate the importance of their presence in your life. Not only that, these types of messages reaffirm incredibly for the recipients involved.

According to a 2015 study published in the journal Dialogues in clinical neurosciences , a large part of human emotion stems from imaginary rejection by other people. They also discovered that the feelings of solitude and the country's pain tended to increase among people who did not receive much interaction or support from those they love.

This does not mean that the person who neglects to send these claims trying To withdraw you, it simply means that without a certain type of contact, those at the other end of things will probably undergo a kind of loss or rejection. And that sounds particularly true compared to individuals whose partners have managed to send - you guessed it - some messages on how much they miss them.

The circumstances that put friends, family or couples in high stress situations require specific means of maneuver. If it seems that the distance will be taken into account in your future, it is important to discuss the means to minimize the feelings of loss or loneliness.

Without the opportunity to provide support in person, phone calls, Facetime or even ancient art of writing letters become increasingly important vehicles for communication. And, of course, what you say. Be precise, be sincere and let them know exactly what you miss about being there.


This is all for our list of messages "I miss", but be sure to come back with us soon for more ways to connect to those you love. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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