6 ways to find your signature color, according to stylists

Curiously, your interior design choices can help your search.

We are always looking for purchase shortcuts - which means that finding a signature color is in our alley. But we don't seek any shade. We are looking for the unique shade that makes our skin brighter, our The eyes look more daring , and our Hair is more vibrant . The one who makes foreigners stop us in the street and say: "It is your color."

However, this mysterious nuance is not always easy to find. In fact, you often need a professional stylist to determine exactly which is your ideal match. Here, we asked them to reverse their secrets to find an out -of -competition signature color. Read the rest for the incredible advice of stylists.

Read this then: The best colors to wear if you have blue eyes, according to the stylists .

How to find your signature color

1. Take note of compliments.

Genuine Friendship Between Women
Mandriapix / Shutterstock

Consider compliments as votes for your future signature color.

"When did you most often hear that" this color looks great for you? "Note that it is very different from someone who says he likes color," said Jaquelyn Wahidi , A personal stylist in San Diego, California. "When you wear a flattering color, it makes you shine; when it is just a color that someone loves, it answers the garment, not to you."

You can also enlist an honest friend in your quest for your unmissable shade. As you are about to learn, it's less an science and more an art, especially if you embark on the trip without stylist.

2. Try seasonal color analysis.

older woman in maxi dress
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

If you visit a personal stylist looking for your signature color, they will probably suggest the analysis of seasonal colors. During this practice, you are draped in a series of color samples and evaluated in each.

"These are indicators more than rules, as well as exceptions and hybrids, which is why it is preferable to hire a professional accredited which is experienced in color analysis to guarantee accuracy", explains Elizabeth Kosich , certified image stylist and founder of Elizabeth Kosich style .

"The best will require sessions in person only to benefit from natural light and for precision because the computer screens are delivered with a high margin of error," explains Kosich. Therefore, she suggests being wary of online color analysis agreements.

Read this then: The best colors to wear if you have gray hair, according to the stylists .

3. Learn your shades.

woman in green
Istock / Coffeaandmilk

If a visit to a stylist is not in the cards, there are ways to identify your nuances and the most flattering colors corresponding, at home.

First of all, determine if your skin has a fresh or hot shade. Wahidi says you can look at the jewelry to which you gravitate to identify yours. If you look better in gold, you probably have hot shades, while you look better in money, you are probably cool.

The colors that are best related will have a nuance that corresponds to yours. "If it's a hot shade, the shades that have a yellow shade will be excellent for you," said personal stylist Niki Whittle . Think of the yellows, oranges and reds. "If it's cool, the colors that have a blue shade will be the best." Think of the greens, the blues and the purple.

4. Consider your hair and eye color.

Close up of Woman with Blue Eyes
Ukraine_riakhin / Shutterstock

Besides your complexion, your hair and eye color can also settle in your most flattering signature color.

Whittle explains that the clothes that correspond to the color of the eyes will almost always have a presentation effect.

When comes to hair , you will want to consider your tone. "If it's a warm shade, the shades that have a yellow nuance will be ideal for you," said Whittle. "If it's cool, the colors that have a blue shade will be the best." Your hairdresser will be able to help you identify the end of the spectrum that yours falls.

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5. Count the contrast.

Cute curly-haired young woman in pink shirt in a street cafe with a man in the background
Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

Now that you know the basic colors that seem best to you, it's time to deal with the exact shades that will sing your features. It comes back to the contrast. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"If there is a strong contrast between your features, you will look great in strong bright colors," explains Whittle. "But, if on the other hand, there is little contrast between your features, then you will look better in the colors that are soft."

For example, if you have deeply, Brown eyes And clear skin, so you have a high contrast. While if you have light, hazelnut and clear skin, you have a low contrast.

6. Take a look around your home and closet.

Clothing hanging on a clothing rack in a shop or home closet.

Do you still have trouble nailing your perfect shade? Scan the things you already have. Whittle says that even your interior design tastes can tell you.

"Look around your house and note the colors you have surrounded," she explains. "While we often have trouble choosing clothes in the colors that work for us, many of us unconsciously choose to fill our houses with our best colors!"

You can also note the colors in which you feel the most confident and decide if they are worthy of your signature. "We all have colors we love and the colors we hate, and it is absolutely useless to wear a color that suits you if you don't like it," adds Whittle. "Your signature color should be the balance between the colors that suit you and the colors you like."

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