Copper snake bites are increasing - 5 ways to protect you
Here's how you can reduce your break -in with the Venomous reptile.

No one likes the idea of having a running -in with a poisonous snake like a copper, whether on their property or in nature. But thanks to higher temperatures than the average, These reptiles became active earlier in the year than usual, resulting in an increase in observations and bite incidents with it.
"Copper snakes are common in many outdoor environments, especially in the south and east of the United States". Gene Caballero , co-founder of lawn service company Greenpal, tells Better life . "But understand that they are an integral part of the ecosystem and are generally not interested in facing humans unless they feel threatened."
Fortunately, you can always keep safe even if you live in their habitat by following some tips. Read the rest to learn ways to protect yourself from copper snakes, according to experts.
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1 Look carefully before sitting down or looking for items during hiking or in your courtyard.

One of the most delicate parts to avoid copper is that they are that they are naturally camouflaged And may be difficult to spot. But according to experts, anyone who lives in their home must always keep their eyes open when they work outside or enjoy nature.
"When you go hiking or the dog's walk, be sure to check under any log, rock stack or other featured debris before approaching or sitting," Roger Dickens , Wildlife Technical Services Manager in EHRLICH pest control , recount Better life . "Bite often occurs when a human hand is confused with a kind of prey or that the snake feels threatened."
2 Wear protective clothes while pushing or exploring nature.

Sometimes, even staying alert is not enough to move away from all snake meetings. This is why putting the right equipment can be essential to keep you safe.
"If you know that you will be outside, especially in an area subject to snakes, no matter what you do, you should wear long sleeves, long pants, thick socks and boots," said Ben Mcinerney , founder of Home Garden Guides. "It may not seem necessary at the time, but these clothes will act as essential protection against snake bites!"
Covering your ends can help avoid any serious damage. "Copperheads are pit vipers with relatively short fangs," explains Caballero. "Wearing robust clothing can prevent them from reaching your skin."
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3 Do not blindly reach a dense brush.

One of the most common rules to avoid snake bites is to look carefully before walking or reaching any area where they could hide. This is particularly true for all those who do yards or trekking through a thick brush.
"When you work in dense foliage or areas where visibility is low, use long tools like a hoe or a stick to probe the area before continuing," explains Caballero. "This reduces the chances of accidentally walking on a copper and provoking an attack."
4 Do not just invite Copperheads.

Experts have noted that copper has shown an impressive ability to face human encroachment on their territory in recent years. So, if you try to prevent your property from becoming a popular meeting place for reptiles, it is better to stay above garden work and keep things tidy. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Snakes love to hide in tall grass, undergrowth, mounds of leaves and other debris like lots of wood or stone, it is therefore preferable to completely avoid these types of areas", explains Mcinerney . "If it is inevitable, be sure to walk carefully and slowly or use a tool to reach where you cannot see."
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5 Do not try to kill or capture copper.

Even if they have a formidable reputation, brass is always a naturally shy and non -aggressive species. This means that except accidents or surprises, keeping your distance to their share should be more than enough to protect you.
"If you see a copper, leave it alone," said Dickens. "Do not try to repel it, catch it or disturb it. They are very fast and can strike without warning."
If you fear that too much time are dragging, do not try to solve the problem yourself. Instead, Dickens suggests calling a professional to move animals safe for both humans and snakes involved.

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