"Happy Campers" turns out to be a real thing

Apparently, sofa surfing does not actually increase your mental health.

If you have a bad day, you may want to consider going out the Sleeping tents and bags . According to a new report, those who like to spend time in large spaces The campsite is happier , more active, and feel less anxious than people who do not launch a tent.

The study questioned 10,992 people and plunged into the advantages of the campsite. It turns out that the "Happy Camper" sentence is not only a cheeky idiom - according to the conclusions, 48% of campers are happy compared to 35% of non -fabricants, and campers "feel happy almost all days "even when they do not camp.

The trade on trade report includes Data compiled by experts From John Moores University to Liverpool and Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. Their teams have been built on existing information on Camping satisfaction Posted by the campsite and Caravanning Club.

This research aligns with other studies on the advantages of outdoor activities. A The study of the University of Michigan and Edge Hill in England revealed that taking walks in nature was associated Much lower depression rate . And a comparative study on " bathing "(Japanese practice of spending time in the woods) by About Health Medicine Preventive have found that "after the forest bath, those with depressive trends have shown significantly greater improvement". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Relaxing and relaxing in nature is a great reason why many opt to launch a tent on other activities. The contradiction report revealed that 91% of those questioned make the campsite because they make them feel relaxed and that campers are also 23% less anxious than non-compers.

Forty-four percent of campers would even go so far as to say that they are "flourishing", defined as having optimal mental health, especially those who often camp. He might not surprise that 97% of the campers questioned said that happiness is their best motivator for camping.

Read this then: The 12 best national parks that must be on your list of buckets .

Camping mental health benefits are part of the holistic health benefits of many outdoor people also find the acquisition. According to the results, campers are active by nature, with 98% of them benefiting from outdoor activities in general: walking, cycling and observation of birds were all additional outdoor pastime, The campers are also committed.

Forests, woods, beaches and ribs first linked the main types of places that people liked to camp, with rivers, lakes and canals in the end. Twenty-six percent also said that they had appreciated more urban green spaces, such as parks and fields in city centers, which means that they are happy to set up the camp as long as there is a plot of land.

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Outline it in nature in a tent has entered as a preference for the configuration of superior camping according to the report, but those who wish to get closer to nature without obtaining Also Secut seems to opt for motorhomes, which came to second. The tent camping in an designated campsite and launching a tent in a festival was also leading choices.

If you are new in the campsite and want to look for a little fresh air to increase your own happiness, a lot US national parks Offer campsites for an outdoor getaway. Glamping also offers The opportunity to connect with Mother Nature in style, no tent skill required.

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