14 reasons why you really want chocolate

Nutritional gaps at cultural myths, here are all the reasons why your body wants the bar of snickers so bad.

Chocolate is a guilty pleasure that most of us have. And many of us hit the Google search bar feeling helpless, with questions such as "Why do I want chocolate?" Or "Why am I addicted to chocolate?" Do not worry, you are not alone. Even if you do not have a natural sweet tooth, the chocolate has a good way to make you sign to be a sign of having cravings before you leave yourself in a deep sugar crash.

Nutritional gaps at cultural myths, here are all the reasons why your body wants the bar of snickers so bad.

1. A PMS myth

Because society tells us that we need it when we are PMSing. Did you know that the only scientific evidence behind this is the fact that chocolate was marketed over the years? Therefore, we believe that we need "during this period of the month, all through disinformation and cultural conditioning that has been transmitted.

2. Goodbye, stress

It is a powerful stress relief. Anyone who lives in 2020 knows what a powerful relief is that it can be. But even if it just seems a quick solution to your bad mood, it will be digging blood glucose, and you will just believe it more.

3. Added sugars

Unless you buy a dark chocolate bar in your local organic store, you probably charge on milk chocolate, which is filled with a small amount of cocoa and a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. Add aromas like caramel or marshmallow and you have a sugar mountain that creates extra cravings.

4. Magnesium deficiency

Only 20% of people get the magnesium they really need and that the need for this important vitamin is almost always deficient in women. Consume a lot of whole grains and dark green and hardwoods if you are worried about your magnesium levels and talk to your doctor.

5. Milk chocolate vs black chocolate

We all heard "but the chocolate is good for you!" Unfortunately, it only applies to the dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. Milk chocolate is quite unhealthy and fattening. In fact, dark chocolate should only be consumed a few squares at a time if you want antioxidants and other health benefits that it can provide.


When you are hungry, you tend to go for unhealthy quick fixes. Your body wants fast carbohydrates and refined sugars can give you that. Unfortunately, it will give you a sugar rush and will leave you sooner than ever. We suggest drinking a glass of water and have a healthy snack before reaching dessert.

7. A need for caffeine

Some of us use chocolate to wake up a bit. The chocolate contains caffeine (the dark chocolate has more) and this can boost your central nervous system, adding to the addictivity of chocolate. Eat a mix of trails for an energy boost, not a bar of Hershey!

8. He frees dopamine and serotonin

At any time, your body feels something nice, it frees modified substances from the mood called dopamine and serotonin. Your dopamine and serotonin levels are partially decided by genetics, but food preferences and chocolate consumption can play an important role in this one. Cheptophane chemical (amino acid in Turkey that makes you overload on Thanksgiving) is also present in chocolate and paves in the path of serotonin.

9. A natural aphrodisiac

The strawberries covered with chocolate are famous for their seduction and there is a reason behind that. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is a chemical known to excite heart rate and encourage excitement. A food that makes us want to get that Freaky will obviously be an addiction ...

10. Pregnancy

It's a major reason why women with children can sometimes eat a wild quantity of junk food and still do not feel satisfied. Eating chocolate while pregnancy can actually be beneficial for you - make sure you make sure you have a lot of flavonoids in everything you consume, rather than a cheap candy bar.

11.It's like a drug and your brain also thinks

A natural cerebral chemical called ENKephaline is a great reason why the chocolate is so addictive to humans, in a study with rats, rodents consumed of M & MS and have seen a considerable increase in the chemical, which triggers opioid receptors in the same way as serious narcotics. like morphine do.

12. It's usual

Many of us have a dessert ritual. We like to treat us at the end of a long day and why not? The essence of the chocolate waiting at the same time every day will make us believe it. If you still have a spoon of chocolate ice cream after dinner, consider going to a new habit, such as green tea or fruit.

13. Low sugar

If you frequently wait long times between meals or jump all together, these crazy cravings could make the star. The sugar gives you quick energy, but it's a rage. Instead, eat food with high fibers that maintain blood glucose in verification, such as oatmeal.

14. Fight against mental health

It is not an antidepressant, but many people treat it as such. Studies show that those who suffer from depression eat doubling the chocolate of people who do not do it. Make sure you do not use chocolate as a replacement for real medicine because it is only a temporary bandAid.

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