What happens to your body when you stop eating gluten, according to experts

Changing your diet has its advantages and disadvantages.

It seems that more and more people are becoming gluten-free these days, whether they have celiac disease, are gluten intolerant , or simply try to locate and solve digestive problems and other annoying problems. Gluten, which is a protein mainly found in wheat, barley and rye, can cause symptoms Ranging from cerebral frog and bloating to headaches and diarrhea in individuals sensitive to it, explains Mayo Clinic.

"A gluten -free diet Excludes all the foods that contain gluten ... This means eating only whole foods that do not contain gluten, such as fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs, as well as gluten -free foods like bread or pasta gluten free, " Selvi Rajagopal , MD, a specialist in internal medicine and obesity, told John Hopkins Medicine. "Some people think that going gluten -free means not to eat carbohydrates, but that is not the case. Many foods that contain carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes and beans, do not contain no gluten. "

Going gluten -free is certainly a change in lifestyle - so long, pizza and sandwiches - but in addition to adjusting your broken habits of the grocery store and the order of standing, what can you expect when Do you make this change? Read the rest to discover what can happen to your body when you stop eating gluten.

Read this then: This is what happens when you take ibuprofen 30 days in a row, according to doctors .

You can feel worse before you feel better.

Mature woman feeling sad
PANUSHOT / Shutterstock

Just as the weight lift for a few days will not give you sculpted arms, the gluten cut will not resolve your digestive misfortunes right away. "Once you have started a gluten -free diet, your symptoms are not likely to disappear overnight," said Christina Towle , a certified clinical nutritionist with Charlie's Oasis Table . "In fact, you can feel worse before you start to feel better." She says Better life The fact that the time it takes to see a difference will depend on your symptoms, the duration of your opinion and their severity.

And while Rajagopal told John Hopkins that "there is no scientific evidence" that the cessation of gluten causes withdrawal, she said there East Anecdotal proof of the difficulty in adapting to a gluten -free diet. "Some people report dizziness, nausea, extreme hunger and even anxiety and depression when they suddenly pass a lot of gluten-free gluten," she said. "These symptoms generally disappear after a few weeks with a gluten -free diet, but talk to your health care provider if they persist."

You can become deficient in other nutrients.

Cheerful senior couple eating salad standing together with healthy food on the kitchen at home
Rosshelen / Shutterstock

When you stop eating gluten, it is important to make sure that you get enough whole grains, fiber and other nutrients from your diet from other sources, say the experts of Johns Hopkins Medicine. "It is particularly important to obtain enough whole grains in your diet if you risk heart disease Or diabetes, "they write, noting that whole grains help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar, and that certain foods that contain gluten also contain" important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B, iron and magnesium ". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Rajagopal said that for people who do not have celiac disease, eliminate highly transformed food from their diet, rather than those containing gluten, can be sufficient to resolve their symptoms - and stresses that "a gluten -free label does Not necessarily necessarily a healthy food ... Certain transformed gluten foods contain high quantities of unhealthy ingredients such as sodium, sugar and fat. The consumption of these foods can cause weight gain, sugar swings in the blood, high blood pressure and other problems. "

Your digestion can improve.

Person Clutching Toilet Paper Roll and Stomach`
Shisu_ka / Shutterstock

On the positive side, if you are sensitive to gluten, cut it could help you feel much better over time. And although this does not happen overnight, your digestive problems (constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.) may not take as much time as you think of solving. "Many people report Improved digestive symptoms In a few days of the drop in gluten, "reports very well.

Be careful, however: the site writes that once you stop eating gluten, you may have an even worse reaction to gluten if you accidentally ingest or decide to cheat a little and treat yourself to pizza or pizza or pizza or pizza or pizza or pizza or pizza or pasta. "Unfortunately, it is normal for your gluten reactions - even a little bit - to worsen once you have become gluten -free," they say, warning that you want to be wary of the cross contamination of gluten after gluten after After adopting your new lifestyle.

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You can start sleeping better.

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Digestive problems are not the only thing that could be resolved when you put gluten from your diet. Carlie Gasia , A Certified sleep science coach At Sleepopolis, said that some people could notice that they rest better after changing their eating habits.

"Some people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity reported better sleep quality after eliminating the gluten from their diet. Better life . "Inflammation is a natural immune response to injuries or infection, but Chronic inflammation Can lead to a range of health problems, including sleep problems. ""

Gasia notes, however, that stress levels, sleep environment and overall health also have an impact on sleep quality, and that cutting it out of your diet is not a remedy for sleep in difficulty . "It is also possible for individuals to have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity and do not feel any sleep problem."

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. If you have health questions or concerns, always consult your health care provider directly.

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