Yosemite national park managers warn more closings this summer

The snowfall records the floods. And one of the three main Yosemite motorways may also have to close.

The Yosemite National Park can be a little different this summer. After a Chapports adjusted Recorts this winter —The sierra nevadas seen about 15 feet of snow , a ranger tells the Los Angeles Times - The National Park Service Yosemite has announced that more areas in the park could be closed well in July due to floods. While visitors will be treated with extra-luxuriant forests due to all the precipitation this year, the unprecedented amount of snow should raise the rivers above the designated flood stadium.

Read this then: 8 Hacks Experts to have the perfect Yosemite journey .

In an Instagram post of May 5, the Park service revealed that the Merced River " Canned a few centimeters below the flood stadium "Park managers also conducted a snow survey on May 1 which" reached 231% of the Merced river basin and 253% of the average for the Tuolumne river basin ".

All this to say, there is still a ton of snow to melt. For park lovers, unfortunately, this means that river activities such as rafting and swimming cannot be authorized in the Yosemite valley. In addition, picnic areas along and near the river can be a rope. On the right side, the rangers will monitor the areas on a case-by-case basis, which means that there could be times by July when you can swim and picnic. The weather, of course, will affect official reopening dates.

At the time of publication, there is no flood closure in force; But as the officials warned travelers in the comments, Yosemite faces several road closings.

Earlier this week, park officials alerted visitors that Big Oak Flat Road, a continuation of the 120 West highway that takes people to Yosemite, will be closed From the limit of the park to Merced Grove until mid-June, perhaps even in July, due to a colossal crack on the road. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to the Instagram of the park, Big Oak Flat Road is inaccessible after the highway collapsed in two. The crack would be 200 feet long and four feet deep. Even more frightening is the surface of the road, which changed from two to three inches vertically and horizontally, and continues to move.

The managers add: "The backfill under the road has moved up to 15 feet downstream and has an important flow of water through." At this point, the road is completely inaccessible and allowing limited traffic be out of the question.

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The Federal Highway Administration is on the case and the repairs should start as soon as possible. Although the road is not open earlier than mid-June.

To help travelers plan their visit, Yosemite provided the following driving instructions:

"Visitors entering Yosemite via highway 120 from the west can reach Hodgdon Meadow and Hetch Hetchy, but no other areas of the park (including the Yosemite valley)."

And, "from Yosemite Valley, visitors can climb on the road to Big Oak Flat to reach the Tuolumne and Merced of Giant Sequoias Bosquets."

So, if you plan a trip to Yosemite this summer, be sure to check how you can enter and what you will have access before doing the Trek.

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