How do you know you love someone? Look for these 16 revealing signs

Fuck yourself, because things are about to become serious!

How do you know if you like someone? It's hard to say. Even when you have seen someone for some time and you are in a committed relationship, there is always this persistent question about what true love is and if you and your my half are inside or not. Of course, there is no unique control list for signs you are in love, especially since falling in love requires a range of incalculable factors, feelings of assistance to sexual attraction, but there Some clues to look at for the way. Below, we have collected some signs supported by true and unshakeable romantic love science.

Read this then: How to say if he loves me? 15 signs a man falls in love .

Am I in love? Here is 16 ways to understand

Instead of counting on the contribution of family friends and members to resolve your feelings, pay attention to the signs that say that you are seriously struck.

1. Your eyes are attracted to their face.

older couple embracing and looking into each other's eyes
Shutterstock / Fizkes

If you are wondering if it's lust or love, note where your eyes go first when you look at your partner. It looks cliché, but someone is really a sign supported by the science that you are in love.

In a 2014 study published in the journal Psychological sciences , the researchers asked volunteers to look at photos of foreigners and to decide if they would be interested in this person in a romantic way against sexual. And it turns out that their eyes were a dead gift for which they would choose.

When the volunteers had a sexual desire for the person in the photo, they spent more time looking at the image and their eyes were attracted to the person's body. But when it looked like a romantic love, their gaze was attracted to the face of the other.

2. You started breathing in synchronization with them.

couple spooning in bed
Shutterstock / Chad

Humans naturally start to imitate the body language of another person when they feel connected, and this is true for love couples.

A 2017 Scientific relationships The study of 22 long -term couples revealed that when the two spent time and sat together - even when they did not touch - they breath and heart rate naturally fell in time with each other. If we were suffering and they were unable to touch, the connection was lost, but the radiation of the contacts helped them to synchronize again.

The next time you cuddle, see if your chests go up and go down together. If they are, it could be love.

3. The world seems to be a better place.

woman smiling while drinking her morning coffee
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Everything is pink when you are in love - and science proves it.

A 2014 study on 245 young adult couples published in the Journal of Personality found this be in a relationship Individuals helped to generally feel less neurotic and more optimistic. If you have noticed that your own attitude changes, you could prepare for a healthy and long -term relationship.

4. You laugh at all the same things.

couple laughing together
Shutterstock / Volodymyr Tverdokhlib

Research published in Evolutionary psychology found this Laugh at another person's jokes was a sign of interest with this person (especially if it is a woman who laughs at the joke of a man).

But the best signal of romantic attraction was that the two people cracked together. Laughter shows heat, so laughing together means you feel a mutual connection.

Read this then: How to complete a guy: tips, tips and things to say .

5. You don't feel like having to keep secrets.

couple sitting on the couch being affectionate with one another
Shutterstock / Rocketclips, Inc.

Intimacy is the most important factor that distinguishes the love of the physical attraction that you feel in the first days of dating, explains the relational therapist Marisa T. Cohen , PHD, co-founder of the relational laboratory Self -consciousness and link laboratory and associate professor of psychology at St. Francis College in New York.

"Intimacy involves self-disclosure," she said. "This means to allow your most intimate feelings and desires and must be known." When you allowed yourself to open up to your partner, it shows that you may very well be in love.

6. You were obsessed with your partner.

man kissing girlfriend's hand
Shutterstock / Lightfield Studios

When you are in love, it is difficult to focus on anything else - and it could be your body's fault.

According to research from the University of Loyola, People who are in love have lower serotonin levels, which also happen to be a common event in people with obsessive-compulsive disorders.

"This may explain why we focus on little other than our partner during the first stages of a relationship," said the obstetrician-gynecologist Mary Lynn , Do, in a press release.

7. You include your partner in your stories and plans.

couple looking at map while on vacation
Shutterstock / Floor Image

"There is a big change when" I "becomes" us ", explains Cohen." You are going to focus on your wanna, your needs, your desires the needs of the couple. ""

This does not mean that you will suddenly lose your individuality, she says, but it could mean subtle changes. When you are lover, You could immediately ask yourself if your S.O. can take a party or take a note to bring your partner to the big place of sushi that you have just discovered.

8. You have stopped trying to impress someone else.

couple having fun at a party
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

MRI evidence shows that when People who are in love see a photo of their lover, the parts of the brain associated with the award and the motivation light up, according to a research published in The Journal of Comparative Neurology .

Now it is totally distinct from the part of the brain responsible for sexual interest and sexual activity. The results led the researchers to conclude that when someone is in love, their brain is programmed to focus only on this person and to suspend other potential lovers. If you have stopped thinking about who else could be there, you could exploit a primary instinct of coupling for life.

Read this then: 88 attractive texts that will make your crush crazy .

9. Your physical pain levels have dropped.

man listening to music while on a run
Shutterstock / Floor Image

Of course, love can be emotional roller coaster, but it also works as a natural pain relievers. Researchers of a 2010 study used an MRI to study the brain of students who had entered a relationship during the last nine months. Then they applied a slight pain in the hands of the students.

The senses of the participants of The pain has decreased Much more by looking at a photo of their S.O. than when you look at an image of an equally attractive knowledge.

10. You feel more open to try new things.

couple sitting on the floor doing yoga at an art class
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Sometimes the change is good. And studies show that when you barely start to to fall in love , your sense of car changes.

"When we are with a partner, we want these new experiences and we can know more about ourselves," explains Cohen.

You are starting to explore new parties of your personality, especially if your partner mentions that she admires these traits and you are more open to trying new things. This desire to change for another person is one of the first signs that you feel a little more than a platonic love.

11. Your stress levels have passed the roof.

woman covering her face while stressed
Shutterstock / Maria Suru

The one who said that love should be easy probably does not have much relational history.

When the researchers compared Hormonal couples levels Who had fallen in love in the past six months to single people or in long -term relationships, the recent lovebirds had higher levels of cortisol of "stress hormony".

The results, which were published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology , demonstrate that when you are in an emerging relationship, the initiation of social contact can cause an exciting and stressful reaction in the body - which makes sense when you think of the butterflies you get an invitation to the night or A " Good morning " text.

12. You are not afraid to invest time.

couple furniture shopping together
Shutterstock / Bearfotos

Psychologists from a 2011 Purdue University study found an "investment model" in romantic relationships. In short, they found that people were more likely to engage If they were more satisfied, if the alternatives were less attractive and if the investment in which they invested was considerable sufficiently.

Do you feel like you can't imagine someone better than your partner, and as you have already put a lot of energy? If this is the case, it could be one of the main signs that you are in love.

13. You consider it as having similar values.

group of people holding hands while doing volunteer work
Shutterstock / Floor Image

Forget the full appeal of the opposites.

"What defines the basis of a long romantic relationship is that you want to be with someone who looks like you," explains Cohen.

But don't separate yourself simply because your partner is in baseball and you prefer football; These things at the surface are not important, explains Cohen. What do Matter is your value and morality, which will define the basics of a solid relationship.

Read this then: 21 questions for a new relationship .

14. You put them above yourself.

man holding woman's hand as she walks along stone wall
Shutterstock / EpicstockMedia

Research published in the European Psychology Journal show that People who are in love Romantically, the higher levels of "compassionate love" that people who have identified as not in love. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Compassing love involves putting other people before you. Do you agree to go to boring films that you are passionate about? Jump to catch a glass of water so that he can stay relaxed? Put the first signals that you deepen yourself deeply - and may well be one of the signs you fall in love.

15. You wonder what their five -year plan is.

couple window shopping for engagement rings
Shutterstock / Floor Image

When you really get someone closer to someone - be it a friend or a partner - you will probably want to know what their goals in life are, underlines Cohen.

If you are starting to fall in love, you might find yourself asking "things that force you to focus on the future and to really widen deeply and have a feeling of self -awareness about what you want from life," said -She.

Wondering about Wedding and children , you show that you care enough to discover its long -term goals.

16. They make you comfortable.

couple laughing in the grass together
Shutterstock / Lopolo

Studies show that Romantic partners Boost The levels of oxytocin "the love hormone" (therefore the nickname). The oxytocin, in turn, increases the feelings of safety and calm. When the initial butterflies give way to feelings of contentment, it could be a sign that you have gone from the craze to honest love to the good.


This is all for our rotation on how you like someone, but be sure to come back with us soon for more advice when it comes to life and love. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter To take advantage of health, entertainment and travel parts.

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