17 States require a mass recall of Hyundai and "dangerous" Hyundai and Kia

Vehicles are easily stolen due to a lack of safety characteristics, say the attorneys general.

Car reminders are more common than we want: according to Consumer Reports, tens of millions of vehicles are subject to recall each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) oversees these reminders, which are announced when vehicles "present a risk to engine vehicle safety". We generally trust the NHTSA to be aware of all pressing Security concerns , but states say there is a blatant problem that has not yet been resolved. Read more to find out why they ask the administration to "exercise its authority" and issue a mandatory reminder for "dangerous" Hyundai and Kia cars.

Read this then: 800,000 bottles of fabric softener recalled due to carcinogenic chemicals .

Kia and Hyundai cars are easily stolen.

Close up on car thief hand pulling the handle of a car. Car thief, car theft concept

On Thursday April 20, the prosecutors (AGS) of 17 states and Washington, D.C. sent a letter at the NHTSA asking the agency to institute a compulsory recall for certain Hyundai and Kia vehicles manufactured between 2011 and 2022. The GA underlined the "vulnerability of their starting systems", which allows cars to be wired and Stolen in a single a few minutes.

"Vehicle's ignition switches can be easily bypassed by removing the cover of the steering wheel column, accessing key ignition and turning it with a USB cable or a similar item," said the letter, Affirming that this defect violates federal safety standards for motor vehicles for federal motor vehicles on federal motor vehicles on federal motor vehicles.

The AGS also allegedly alleged that these cars did not have backup safety in the form of engine assets, which prevent vehicles from starting unless a single code is transmitted from the car key. These were "standard", said the AGS, and because the Kia and Hyundai cars do not have, they are more vulnerable.

"The flights of these Hyundai and Kia vehicles have led to at least eight deaths, many injuries and material damage, and they have diverted significant police resources and the emergency services for other priorities," said the letter.

Flights have become viral on social networks.

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Xandersrs / Shutterstock

A recall (ordered by the NHTSA or voluntarily issued by Hyundai and Kia) is even more important, argued the AGS, because the "vulnerability" of vehicles has become viral on social networks.

Since 2021, Tiktok users have been documented by stealing these vehicles, but recently, the figures have skyrocketed, according to the letter. In 2022, Hyundais and Kias flights increased by 85%, and in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, flights increased by 836%and 611%, respectively, last year.

The letter indicates that these crimes endanger the public, while thieves abode recklessly, "accelerating and performing wild stunts". As for the owners of Kia and Hyundai, they are struggling with payments to repair stolen vehicles or find other transport methods, according to the AGS.

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Kia and Hyundai said they were working to solve continuous problems.

kia car in lot
Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

In a declaration at Better life , a spokesperson for Kia America said that the company "remained very focused on this issue" and continues to "take measures to respond to the concerns that these attorney general have raised". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The company added that it was working with the police in different states "to fight the theft of cars and the role that social media played to encourage it."

But the company also claims that all KIA vehicles comply with federal safety vehicle safety standards, including those concerning flight protection measures.

"Because there is no defect in the safety characteristics in any of these vehicles and because these specific models fully comply with all applicable federal standards, a reminder is neither appropriate nor necessary by virtue of Federal law, "said Kia.

For his part, Hyundai said Better life The fact that he is in communication with the NHTSA on how to help customers, adding that Hyundai vehicles are "fully in line with federal anti -theft requirements".

According to the NHTSA, criminal activity is the responsibility of the police. However, administration officials met Hyundai and Kia to tackle the situation and will continue to make known and lend its expertise in the safety of motor vehicles, said a spokesperson Better life .

The AGS state claims that software upgrades are not sufficient.

hyundai logo on steering wheel
Vyshnikov / Shutterstock novel

In February, Hyundai and Kia announced that they would offer free security software upgrades. Hyundai confirmed that its upgrade had already been deployed and added that the company had also associated itself with AAA to offer insurance options to eligible customers. In addition, engine immobilizers were added to all Hyundai vehicles produced in November 2021.

Kia said that it would "continue to deploy a free and improved safety software to restrict the unauthorized operation of vehicle ignition systems" and provide free steering wheel locks to affected drivers.

According to officials, however, this will not cut it.

"This is an insufficient response to the problem and does not adequately remedy the security problems facing vehicle owners and the public," said the AGS letter. "First, it would take months to publish software updates for all models, and more disturbing, an update is not even achievable for a significant percentage of affected vehicles. Second, this voluntary service campaign n ' No opinion and other regulatory requirements of a process of reminding non-compliance or security and it is therefore unlikely that it remedies as many vehicles as necessary in time. "

The most recent letter follows another sent last month More than two dozen state prosecutors, NPR reported. The previous letter required "rapid and complete action" to approach the growing number of Hyundai and Kia Stolen vehicles.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: / News / / Safety
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