20 signs that your tooth pain indicates something more serious

This pain can be more than gum disease. Discover the warning signs before it's too late.

You unpack your favorite ice bar and can already taste this ice cream with creamy vanilla with hard chocolate coating. You take this first bite, watering in the mouth and ... ouch!

Intense, thrilling pain grows through your molar - and all your body. Maybe you just hit your tooth. Maybe it's something worse.

Occasional mouth pain can simply indicate a hot or cold sensitivity, which can become more and more common as you get older. But different types of attics - and other symptoms associated with this pain - can be indicators that you develop one of the many serious health conditions requiring immediate treatment.

Do not only appear an ibuprofen and assumes that it will leave. Read on to find out more about 20 signs indicating that you have to take your teeth pain seriously.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSymptoms that everyone needs to know during this pandemic.


It hurts when you chew

woman chewing food

If your tooth sends acute and pulled pain when you take a bite of something, it can be cracked or damaged. If you do not remember a kind of trauma-be struck in the mouth, dive into a GobStopper - this crack may have taken place to grind your teeth at night or tightening your jaw too intensely. The exposed nerves of a cracked tooth produce this pain and, if left untreated, can cause the propagation of bacteria and lead to an infection.

It could also hurt chew because your tooth enamel is worn. The enamel of the teeth protects the nerves of your teeth from the external factors that can cause pain. If enamel wears, you will notice increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods, which can cause snapped pain when you chew. Depending on the model of your enamel disappearance, it can also be linked to chronic acid reflux or poor diet. According to a study published in theInternational Dentistry JournalDentists can be the first to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) because they can spot these teeth erosion models.

RX: A cracked tooth should be addressed immediately to prevent infection or disintegration. Visit your dentist so that it can repair it. If you encounter a loss of dental enamel, you will need to look at your eating habits and gastrointestinal health. There is no way to get the enamel of the tooth once it disappeared, so you make healthy lifestyle changes, the less likely you are to feel pain during chewing at the 'to come up.


Your gums bleed when you have dental silk

cleaning his teeth with dental floss and smiling while standing in front of the mirror

The bloody gums during dental floss can be a sign of gum disease, an accumulation of plate and bacteria on the gums that cause your gums to retreat from your teeth. According toUS Department of Health and Human ServicesMost US adults have a form of this disease, but it is more likely to occur in adults aged 30 to 40 years. In the sweetest cases, it translates into bloody and slightly remote gums. In severe cases, this can lead to a loss of teeth and decomposition.

RX: Regular brushing at least twice a day and dental silk once a day (do not lie to your dentist! She knows when you do it!) Can usually prevent the disease of the gum. A clean professional Once every six months can also keep this disease at the bay. If your tooth pain is associated with bloody gums, visit your dentist. It can suggest additional oral health care, such as a daily mouthwash or a procedure to save your teeth in severe cases.


You feel intense throbbing pain

unhappy african american woman suffering from toothache and holding coffee cup

Intense and thrilling pain in your tooth that is not associated to eat can indicate that you are dealing with a tooth infection. An infection with the tooth occurs when the bacteria invade the tooth pulp, which is the inner part of the tooth, where the connective tissues, the nerves and the blood vessels are located. Infections are serious because they can spread to other parts of your body if it is not treated. According toMAYO Clinic, bad dental hygiene, dry mouth, or a diet rich in sugar can cause tooth infection.

RX: If you feel intense and thrilling pain in your tooth, make an emergency dentist appointment as soon as you can. Your dentist must treat the infection so that it does not spread, which can mean draining the abscess and prescribe antibiotics.


You feel pressure

Growing Wisdom Teeth Pain On X-Ray

If your tooth pain is associated with pressure, this may indicate that your wisdom teeth give you problems. According to a study byDr. Jay W. Friedman, DDS, MPH10 million wisdom teeth are extracted each year in the United States. Your wisdom teeth make most of their growth and change when you are 16 to 23 years old.

If they seemed to grow normally in these years, can your dentist have chosen to let them stay. However, when you get older, they can always start treading your other teeth. If your wisdom teeth grew from an angle, they are more likely to infections or tooth decay, which can cause other problems in your mouth if they are not out.

RX: Go see your dentist so he can take X-rays of your mouth and see what's going on with your wisdom teeth. If they are starting to tread your other teeth or do not look healthy, you may need to have them removed for your tooth and pressure to leave.


Your mouth is dry

woman with dry mouth

Saliva protects you from bacteria and a dry mouth can exacerbate all the problems you encounter with your teeth because it allows bacteria to grow; Bacteria have a perfect environment to prosper. The dry mouth can be caused by some medications and can make it difficult to spit, talk or talk.

RX: According toNational Institute on AgingYou should avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine because they can worse your dry mouth. Practice regular brushing and silk silk and try to keep your salivated mouth sipping water or sucking hard candies without sugar. Visit your dentist immediately so that he can find the source of your tooth pain. Your dentist can also prescribe medications to counteract your mouth dry and keep your teeth healthy.


Your jaw or your neck is swollen

Woman Suffering From Terrible Strong Teeth Pain

If you have recently experienced dental surgery, your jaw can swell a bit like heal. However, if you have not had a work done recently and you notice a swelling of your jaw or your neck in addition to your tooth pain, it can be a sign that you have a dental abscess. Your tooth is infected and caused an accumulation of pus and bacteria, which spread to your jaw or neck. The infection can also spread to other teeth, surrounding bones and in severe cases, your ears or your brains.

RX: If your tooth pain is accompanied by the jaw or the swelling of the neck, you must search for emergency dental treatment. An abscess never disappears alone. Your dentist must provide treatment, which may involve a root channel or dental extraction, and you may need to take antibiotics to stop the infection of the propagation.


You notice a chip

female patient being examined by dentist

Any tooth you have is likely to decipher, but according to a study published by theJournal of Endodontics, the second lower molar is the most frequently chipped tooth. This can be because it takes the most pressure when you chew or dreast. If you do not address the chip in your tooth, you risk undergoing extreme sensitivity to hot and cold foods and tooth ills forever. A chipped tooth may indicate that your roots and nerves are exposed to the air, which makes your mouth extremely sensitive to all that it is in contact with.

RX:Visit your dentist as soon as you can for a treatment plan to repair your chipped tooth. It can suggest a crown, collage or veneer to make your home tooth again. Not only will it alleviate your tooth pain, it will also help improve your smile.


Your tooth feels loose

woman touching her teeth

If you have a teeth pain and that the tooth itself looses, it is a sign of advanced gum disease, also called periodontal disease. We already know how bad this disease is for your mouth and the problem that it can cause when it spreads, so it is important to get it immediately. A loose tooth can also occur if you have a cavity or a dental caries that you have not treated.

RX: According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention, about 1 adult in 5 years of age 65 or older lost all their teeth. Do not become a statistic! Visit your dentist so that he can know if you have periodontal disease or cavities. The sooner you get a treatment for the problem, the more likely it is that your tooth can be saved.


Your jaw is painful or by clicking on

touching her face with expression of horrible suffer from health problem and aching tooth

A jaw that is systematically painful or clicked when you open your mouth can indicate that you develop a temporomandibular articular disorder, commonly called TMJ. This disorder can occur if you squeeze or squeaken your teeth frequently. This can also result from arthritis or simply genetics. According toMAYO ClinicIn addition to a jaw pain or clicking, you can also feel:

  • Pain around your ears.
  • Difficulty chewing.
  • Locking the jaw, which makes it difficult to open or closing the mouth.
  • Facial pain.

This condition may result in aggravation of arthritis, jaw injury or damage to connective tissues around the jaw.

RX:Make an appointment with a specialist if your jaw is painful, clicking or causing you usually pain. It can provide you with strategies to fight or mitigate the symptoms of TMJ. It can also take an X-ray to understand the extent of your TMJ and your surgery can be recommended if it is serious.


The pain is dull and consistent

Woman Suffering From Painful Toothache

Constant and persistent teeth evils are not only boring, it can also be a sign of something more serious. If your constant pain is centralized to a zone and accompanied by swollen or inflamed gums, this could indicate that you have a foreign substance blocked in your gums. Try to heal completely and see if you feel better.

If your dull pain is generalized throughout your mouth, it can mean that you grind your teeth at night. This can be dangerous because it can lead to chipped or broken teeth or the start of the TMJ.

RX: Try to save when and where you feel this deaf, coherent teeth evil. Visit your dentist so he can investigate further and provide you with good treatment. Your dentist could find an infection or abscess that must be treated. If the grinding of teeth is to blame, he or she or she recommends to wear a cocard.

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Your gums look ignited

woman showing, with his finger, inflamed upper gingiva with pain expression

Inflammation is an indicator that your body fight bacteria and infection and inflamed gums as well as tooth pain are clear signs that you have gum disease. If your gums are swollen, your gingy disease can already be serious and regular brushing and dental floss will not cut it. According to a study published in theJournal of PayontologyWomen who have backed bacteria known to cause periodontal disease were more likely to have more severe oral loss than women who have not transported these pathogens.

RX: According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionAn illness of severe gum affects about 9% of adults and can ruin your oral bones and gums, resulting in a loss of teeth. It must be treated by a dentist, so you will have to make an appointment immediately to search for treatment.


You are sensitive to hot and cold

Man have sensitive teeth with ice

The soft sensitivity warm and cold is normal for many people, especially as you get older. However, intense and throbbing pain when biting in hot or cold foods is something to fear.

According toDr. Mark S. Wolff, DDS, Ph.D.Penn's dental medicine, this sensitivity may be due to an exposure of the root structure in one or more of your teeth. This leaves the nerves of your completely exposed teeth. It is therefore logical that hot or cold would trigger a painful reaction.

RX: Make sure you do not brush yourself too much and try staying away from extremely hot or cold foods. Use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and go see your dentist as soon as possible to see if you have exposed roots that can be corrected.

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Your alignment has changed

woman looking at her teeth in the mirror

Although they are attached to your jaw with a periodontal ligament and a cement, your teeth may move and shift in your mouth at any time. According toAmerican Orthodontists Association (AAO), teeth generally advance with age, but other factors can get them to move faster.

A decrease in teeth enamel can affect the movement of your teeth, the alignment of your bite, and even the shape of your pearly whites. As your teeth move, change and change, they can create small spaces and crevices difficult to reach with dental floss or a toothbrush. This facilitates the growth of bacteria, which can cause gum disease and an infection. Your change of tooth alignment can be what causes your teeth harm to start.

RX: If bacteria have caused tooth pain, your dentist will have to be involved. You may need an antibiotic and a deep cleaning to prevent the spread of the infection. If your alignment has changed dramatically, you may need braces to prevent overcrowding damage or teeth.


Your teeth look flat and worn

mouth of woman with grinding teeth

If you notice that your teeth look flat and worn, you may be grinding them at night. This condition is also called Brussels and according to theAmerican Sleep AssociationThis affects 10% of adults and 15% of children. It can be caused by stress or genetics and usually decreases with the age of most people.

You will not even be able to realize that you create your teeth at night, but a jaw or tooth pain, with a plusble bite can be good indicators that you are a nightlife. The bruxism can carry your enamel, cause TMJ and in some serious cases, it can even break your teeth.

RX:Try to eliminate the possible stressors of your life so that you can get a more restful sleep. You will also need to consult your dentist on grinding of teeth. If he agrees with your diagnosis, you can be equipped for a custom-made handguard to wear at night. This will prevent your teeth from making contact and can save you from broken teeth, tooth pains or a painful jaw.


You also have a fever

woman is looking at the thermometer. She has fever

A fever with teeth pain indicates an infection. If you notice a pain in a centralized location, there may be a tooth or gum infection from a particle of food or an accumulation of bacteria and plate. You might even be able to see a bump on an area of ​​your gums. This is an abscess filled with pus of infection. In addition to your fever, you can also experiment with nausea and vomiting.

RX: If your tooth pain is accompanied by a fever, your tooth infection is severe and you may need to look for an emergency treatment. According toHealth and use cost of cost (HCUP), more than 900,000 emergency department visits and nearly 13,000 hospitalized hospital stays in one year were related to dental conditions. Your abscess can be drained and you may need to be placed on antibiotics. You may also be required to visit your dentist for a root channel or get your tooth pull if it is not recoverable.


You also see white wounds in the mouth

woman worry about her teeth and look in the mirror.

If you notice blank wounds on your mouth or language, this can indicate a type of oral cancer. According toNational Institute on AgingOral cancer is more common among people over 40 years old, but it's always a good idea to check your dentist at each review. In 2012, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention, reported approximately 40,000 new cases of oral cavity cancer and pharyngeal cancers. Oral cancers are more common among those who smoke or drink strongly. If you are left untreated, oral cancer can spread to other parts of the body and be life in danger.

RX: If you notice white spots or wounds around your mouth, on your gums or on your tongue, make an appointment with your doctor. In the meantime, avoid spicy foods, tobacco products and alcohol. Your doctor will review these areas and may need their biopsy. If you are diagnosed with oral cancer, you may need to get surgery to eliminate these cancer cells. You may also need additional treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy

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It hurts when you miss candy

man feeling tooth ache from sweet food, eating croissant with coffee

If your teeth evils are brought only by sweet foods, a weakening of your tooth enamel can be blamed. Our enamel of teeth disappears as we get older. But if you brush too intensely or with a hard-haired teeth brush, you can make your teeth enamel for wear prematurely. Without this enamel protecting your teeth, sugar in sweet foods can make direct contact with the nerve endings of your teeth, which will cause you pain.

RX: Ask your dentist of your sensitivity to all sweet things. You may need to use a toothbrush with softer bristles and you may need to adapt a softer brushing technique. Your dentist can also suggest a toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth so that the rest of your enamel is not threatened.

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Your breath smells bad


If your tooth pain is accompanied by a bad breath that will not disappear, it is another indicator that you suffer from gum diseases. When bacteria grow on your gum line and your gums begin to retreat your teeth, it can produce an unpleasant odor. Even if you do not notice any change in your gum line, your dentist can identify the gum's disease with a tiny sovereign that measures small pockets in your gums.

While bad breath does not seem to be a threat to your health, the disease of the gum and a mouth full of bacteria can increase your risk for serious health conditions. According toMAYO ClinicPoor oral health can be linked to an increased risk of:

  • Endocarditis. Excessive bacteria of the mouth can cause an infection in the inner mucosa of your cardiac rooms or your valves.
  • Pregnancy and birth complications. A severe gum disease can be linked to low birth weight and premature birth.
  • Heart disease. Some scientists think there is a link between gum disease and heart disease, strokes or obstructed arteries.
  • Pneumonia. If some mouth bacteria are pulled in your lungs, this may cause pneumonia or other respiratory conditions.

RX:If you have a chronic bad breath, visit your dentist for deep cleaning and X-rays. If the gum disease is the culprit, you must stand at a stricter drink routine that includes regular dental silk and brushing. Regular cleanings and balance sheets are also important to prevent the disease of the gum from worsening. Your dentist can be able to prescribe a mouthwash or a toothpaste designed to kill bacteria that cause your gum disease and bad breath.


It hurts when you fear in the air

toothache woman treatment

If you feel pain when you aspire in the air, it means that your dental enamel is worn, which can be an indication that you have a cavity. According to disease control and prevention centers, more than 90% of adults aged 20 to 64 had at least one cavity. Cavities occur when the plate and tartar are left on your teeth enamel. While bacteria consume this plate and tartar, the acid is produced, which goes to the enamel of your tooth and creates a tiny hole in your tooth.

This tiny hole can be the source of this acute pain you feel like your aspirate air or dreast of food. In some cases, however, you can not even feel pain when you have a cavity. If you do not leave untreated, cavities can cause a dental caries or infection.

RX: Once you have a cavity, there is no recourse to the house to get rid of it. You must visit your dentist so that it can exercise the decomposition in the hole and replace it with a filling.

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Your filling or your crown is cracked

Toothache. Frustrated young man touching his cheek

If the source of your tooth pain is a filling or a cracked or damaged crown, do not ignore it. Although it may seem like a disease that may wait, damage to your filling or your crown can cause deeper and more serious problems. If your dental work is compromised, it leaves your teeth vulnerable to bacteria. When your crown is loose or your filling has been cracked, you simply can not reach these small crevices with a dental silk or your toothbrush, so that bacteria continue to feed and multiply. Before you know, your tooth can become infected, which can cause severe tooth pain and other problems.

RX: If your fill has been cracked or damaged, your dentist may need to start again and replace it with a new one. If the tooth itself has damage, you may also need a crown to make sure there are no cracks exposed for bacteria. A loose crown can also be removed and replaced to ensure that there is a solid contact between the tooth and the material.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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