The Meteor shower will make "fireballs" in the sky, from Saturday - here is how to see it

Scientists say the screen is famous for its "fast and brilliant" explosions in the sky.

Even if our planet overflows with its own natural beauty, there is still something unique to do in the wonders of the galaxy. That it has the chance to catch a Comette or develop our closest neighboring planets By a clear evening, the night sky can be a humiliating source of astonishment and wonder, no matter where you are on earth. And if you are looking to participate in a memorable annual event, you must mark your calendar for the next meteor shower that will make "fireballs" in the sky. Read more to find out how you can see the show from Saturday.

Read this then: The next total solar eclipse will be the last until 2044, NASA says .

The Lyrids Meteor shower is expected to start this weekend.

The silhouette of someone standing by the ocean and looking up at the moon and planets in the night sky at dusk
Istock / M-Gucci

Amateur astronomers will not have to wait for the Leonids or Perseid showers to admire an active night sky. The shower Lyrides Meteor will start in the coming days, show This stands out for other similar showers during the year, according to NASA.

The annual event is distinguished as one of the first showers of meteors recorded, with its first mention dating Chinese records in 687 BC. It is powered by the dust track left by comet c / 1861 G1 thatcher , which was spotted for the first time when it passed near the earth in 1861. But while the source itself will move even further from our planet for decades to come, its remains offer an annual show in april.

The meteors during the lyrides are slightly different from other showers.

meteor streak during purseid meteor shower

In addition to being one of the oldest showers of recorded meteors, the event also stands out for the way they appear to those who see it. Instead of long shiny tails that cross the sky during other notable showers such as Perseids, lyrides tend to produce short explosive gusts called "fireball", according to NASA.

And even if he may not be as heavy as his summer counterpart, the Stargazers who began to look will always see a lot of activity. The shower is generally on average about 18 meteors per hour during its peak, with a few years exceeding this number, by NASA.

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You can start watching this weekend before next week's shower.

The silhouette of a person looking up at the night sky with a telescope
Istock / M-Gucci

Even if the "shooting stars" themselves can appear that like lightning in the night sky, those who seek to have an overview of the shower will have a lot of time to do it in their schedule. This year's lyrics will begin on April 15 and increase in intensity until they reach a summit on April 21 and 22 by NASA. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

According to Earthsky, the radiant point of the Meteor shower is a brilliant star known as Vega in the constellation of Lyra, which gives its name to the event. Those of the northern hemisphere can find it by looking northeast shortly after sunset when it becomes visible above the horizon, stopping higher in the sky until 'It reaches its height almost directly above midnight.

Those Look down The United States will probably not have to change its sleep schedule to see them either. The peak will occur from 9 p.m. Until midnight on April 22, Forbes reports. Those who are standing later in the night will probably get an even more dazzling screen because the meteors appear higher in the sky.

This year's shower is set up for perfect vision conditions.

Couple stargazing together with a astronomical telescope while being on a romantic date
Istock / Mixetto

While the local weather will always play a factor in your point of view on the night sky, some other conditions will make the lyrides of this year particularly good for the stars. According to Earthsky, a new moon occurred on April 19 means that there will be a minimum of interference of light, which facilitates it the streaks and fire balls above. The light crescent that emerges during the peak will also affect experience.

In addition to blocking prospective times on your schedule, there are a few other ways to improve your meteor shower experience. If you can get out of the city a bit, it is best to choose an observation space far from the city or the reverbs, suggests NASA. You should also plan to bring a lot of items to get comfortable, including warm clothes and something to sit on, which makes search easy, such as a blanket, a chair, a bag of sleeping or hammock.

Once you have found the right place, sit your feet in front of the east and lie flat on your back to take as much sky as possible. This can take up to 30 minutes so that your eyes adapt completely to darkness, which includes looks on your phone. From there, you just have to lie down and take the show.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Science
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