Prior salad salads and salad kits recalled on the potential contamination of Listeria, the FDA warns
Multiple products could endanger your health now.

Are you planning to make a salad To make relationships for lunch or to serve your family for dinner? If yes, you will first want to check your products. Two different salad brands have just announced reminders. According to new alerts, the discovery of Listeria , a potentially fatal bacteria has aroused significant concern about several products that could already be in your refrigerator. Read the rest to find out more about the latest reminder of salads and kits of salad before.
Read this then: The strawberries sold in Aldi and Costco remembered due to the epidemic of hepatitis, warns the FDA .
A salad brand recalls all its products.

On April 5, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) announced that Revolution Farms voluntarily recalled Several lettuce products distributed under its brand. Two days later, on April 7, the FDA said that the manufacturer of products based in Michigan would be widen "Include all products sold in the Revolution Farms brand".
According to the latest alert, the products recalled were sold to several retailers and distributors of food services in six states: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Wisconsin. The articles affected by the Revolution farms include the Roman lettuce sold in the whole head, the plastic platform and the form of bag, as well as the spring mixing products and several salad kits, such as the Zesty Southwest kits, Sesame Ginger Crunch and CRISP CRISP CAESAR.
In collaboration with Revolution Farms, Meijer also announced On April 7, it would be voluntary to voluntarily recall preliminary "fresh" from Meijer "salads because they were provided by the product manufacturer. The affected products include Meijer Caprese tomato salads, cobb salads, chicken cesar salads and BLT chicken salads.
"The recall is part of a reminder of lettuce of wider revolution farms and includes salads prevalent in the Meijer stores in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and Wisconsin, "Meijer said in his press release.
Another company also recalls salad kits.

Product problems do not stop there. On April 7, the FDA issued another alert on a Reminder related . According to the agency, Fresh Express Incorporated also voluntarily recalls some of its offers based on the salad. This recall affects a "limited quantity of three varieties of brand salad and private brand salad products already expired produced at the installation of the company, in Georgia," the alert said.
This includes certain minced kits of Caesar Express Fresh, which have been distributed by retailers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, as well as certain chopped chipotle kits which have been distributed by retailers in the four same states, as well as in Virginia.
The recall also affects some of the Makoto Ginger Ginger Ginger salad kits that have been sold to consumers through retailers in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.
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All products have been recalled on contamination problems.

Revolution Revolution Farms and Fresh Express are both the result of potential health risks. As the FDA explained, the products recalled were potentially contaminated by Listeria . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Revolution Farms launched its recall after the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) of Michigan (MDARD) obtained a positive result for Listeria monocytogenes From a random sampling test of a set of the company's green crisp lettuce. For Fresh Express, a positive Listeria The result was collected by the Georgia Department of Agriculture during a random sampling test of a single salad kit of the company.
"The retailers have been invited to withdraw all the products recalled from the shelves from the stores. Consumers who bought the products recalled should eliminate or return them to their place of purchase for a full refund," advised the FDA on the products Revolution Farms.
The new express articles are no longer available for sale, as they have already expired, but the agency has said that "consumers who could still have the products recalled in their refrigerators should throw them away and not consume them".
Listeria Contamination can be fatal for some people.

You can develop a disease called listeriosis to consume foods that have been contaminated by Listeria monocytogenes . Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of your disease, with light cases likely to cause fever, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, from a few hours to two or three days after eating contaminated foods.
"More serious forms of listeriosis can take three days to three months to develop," said the FDA. "If the most serious form of listeriosis is developing, symptoms may include headache, steep neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions."
Some people are more at risk of severe listeriosis infection, according to the agency.
"" Listeria monocytogenes Can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, fragile or elderly and other people with weakened immune systems, "said the FDA, adding that Listeria The infection can also "cause false layers and mortinagers in pregnant women".