Can the food we eat cause hair loss? Absolutely yes
The most decisive cause in baldness is to be found in genetics, lifestyle and in the diet. Can the food we eat also cause hair loss? Absolutely yes.

Our body is the result of what we feed on, that we breathe, with which we come into contact. The lifestyle, in fact, plays a fundamental role in that every process, internal or external, reminiscent of a fundamental objective: total well -being. And it is here that we are talking about one of the elements that best demonstrates the health of the body in its entirety: hair. According to, worldwide, 85% of men and 33% of women suffer from hair loss and the most decisive cause in baldness are found in genetics, lifestyle and, in fact , in the diet. Can the food we eat also cause hair loss? Absolutely yes.
Before starting
A first alarm bell relating to hair loss is at the moment when more than a hundred per day is lost: in these cases it is good to go to a dermatologist. In any case, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet and feed on foods rich in vitamin C (which summarizes collagen), vitamin B (useful for hemoglobin) and minerals such as iron, copper and zinc (useful elements to reinvigorate and develop a lot The scalp as the hair follicles and hair in its entirety).

Foods rich in saturated fats
High levels of the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone have been found are related to hair loss and that the excessive intake of foods rich in saturated fats such as red meats, dairy products and fried products increases the level of the hormone in question.

The foods, once fried, not only have high levels of DHT but, among other things, they lose precious nutrients useful for the well -being of the scalp and therefore are to be avoided.

Energy bars
Very often, food supplements with 0% fat, such as energy bars, are rich in a specific way of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS): this additive determines a poor cardiovascular response and in the management of glucose.

Protein supplements
Protein supplements are also to be avoided or, if necessary, to be taken with absolute moderation: isolated serum proteins and tesuited proteins have a hydrolyzed protein called monosodic glutamate. The pleasant or tasty flavor of these supplements is due precisely in the presence of monosodic glutamate.

Foods rich in sodium
It is good to avoid constant use of ready and canned foods in that in most cases they contain a high concentration of sodium, an element that can cause an imbalance in the chemical composition of the blood by damaging, consequently, the hair follicles.

Foods rich in sugar
Even insulin, if high, is the cause of hair loss: too sugary drinks, candies and sweets in general must be eaten one -off, not regularly.

Artificial dyes
They are practically everywhere. The recommendation is therefore to carefully read the nutritional values and the composition of which the foods that we assume and to take on moderation are made: yogurt, ice cream, pre -packaged soups, sausages and salami, sausages in general, pitches, candies, baked goods, Various and energizing drinks, energy bars ...

Carbonated drinks
It goes without saying that even carbonated drinks, especially if rich in sugar and other chemicals, if taken regularly they can negatively impact on the health of the scalp: primarily on the loss of volume, secondly with the hair loss.

Drinking alcohol regularly is a destructive wealth for hair health: alters the synthesis levels of keratin (one of the main components of the capillary fiber), decreases zinc levels, accelerates hair loss.

A Alaska fisherman was surprised to see a bald eagle at the dock and what followed the end the