The most mean zodiac sign, according to astrologers

You will have a sneer on a smile.

Some people are total shackles. They say and do difficult things impulsively and don't care who they injured. Acting could misunderstanding Not to be their intention, but it often appears in this way. Whether they make fun of you or exclude you directly, these things hurt. You may love them a day off, but if their average sequence perpetuates, astrology could be a reason. Continue to read to discover the signs of the most nasty zodiacs, to reprimand a little completely cruel.

Read this then: The most vain zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Man Thinking at Work
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Aquarius could be mean because they make logic -based decisions rather than emotions. They do not sympathize in the same way as others could, which makes them seem cold. It is true that they have a strong understanding of what people need, but they do not always know how to deliver it in the most pleasant way. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Ryan Marquardt , astrologer and founder of Ryan's astrology mentions that these people are really honest. They never hide their real thoughts and feelings, so sometimes things They may say thorns Instead of flowers.

"Aquarius has definitely has a fine line to walk, because they do not want to delete each other, but at the same time they must learn that everything they judge are not necessary to say, especially if they face someone who is a vulnerable state, ”he says.


Woman with Exasperated Expression
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Although it is known for their kind and attentive nature, the average leo sequence can go out if you are not paying attention. "Too bad Léon's ego, injuring them or their loved ones, and you will feel their anger," Tara Bennet , astrologer and spiritual coach at Medium channel said.

They are fiercely protective, sometimes to a fault, of themselves and those who are close to their hearts. They don't take criticism either, so if they feel like they are threatened, they will be uninformed instinctively.

"They will make themselves bigger and will make you simultaneously smaller and it can be condescending," explains Marquardt. Their unleashed lion is generally sleeping, so it is preferable not to cause these firecrackers.

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Woman With Unkind Expression
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"Virgo has never released directly and says what bothers them, remaining faithful to their passive aggressive nature, they will create an atmosphere of negativity," explains Bennet. Nor can they help notify faults in everything, because they are always on an unrealistic journey towards perfection. Think of dotted, critical and unnecessarily critical.

Their average side will be Really Get out if they feel like they are to lose control on something. Being in charge is imperative and the spiral begins when things cannot plan. They could end up being mean to others simply because they want someone else to feel as bad as they are.


Boss Being Mean
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Capricorn wants to succeed in everything they do. They are considered nasty from the start because you don't mind repelling others if it helps them move forward. "They are masterful to inspire others, but can be a little too arrogant," said Bennet. "If they become frustrated by the complacency of others, they can become bad."

Their leading planet, Saturn, is known as a pessimistic planet, therefore their The prospects of life are harder And less understanding than others, says Marquardt Better life .

The solo operation is the best for these workers bees, so you should try to stay away. Even the nicest of Capricorns can bring out their wickedness if they consider that it is necessary.


Man Yelling at Someone
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The ram is a bit rough on the edges, and they will not hold your feelings. They do not know how not to control and they will force a situation with force.

Not only are these signs of fire aggressive, but they are competitive at a completely different level. They are led by Mars, the planet of the conflict, so they never say no to a challenge.

"Aries hates losing and can Quickly transform into intimidators If they feel that a member of the team is on the way to a victory, "said Bennet. As the first sign of the zodiac, he does not take well to be the second best to anything and They are not afraid to be mean if it brings them to their final goal.

Read this then: The signs of the zodiac that will always make heads, according to astrologers .


Devious Blonde Woman
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The scorpion is very calculated. They always do things intentionally and that could include hurting someone else. They are the most mean zodiac sign for various reasons. Like ram, they can become aggressive, but Scorpios will be seated with their rage and think about the ways they can use against you.

"They easily have resentments and fantasy Their vengeance stories , "Said Marquardt. Scorpios do not take people easily and if you break their confidence, they could become backhand to recover you.

These water panels also become jealous quickly and will have no problem raging if you have something they want. They are very insightful, so they have a way to understand what triggers you. They will press your buttons and cross your limits without a second glance.

"At least, they adopt the approach 'for an eye' 'in an effort to make you feel as bad as they are, but they can also go far beyond this point," explains Marquardt.

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