What happens to your body if you swallow gum, according to a doctor

Let's clean these rumors "stays in your body for seven years" at the moment.

We have probably all heard the urban legend at one point: if you swallow gum, it stays in your system for seven years. But is it really? And Or Would it drag for seven long years, exactly? Your stomach ? Your colon? Range and eccentric as this rumor sounds, some of us have probably lived in the fear of accidentally stealing our eraser, lest it left with us longer than a lot of romantic relationships.

Better life decided to go to the bottom of this sticky subject. We contacted a doctor Peter Michael , Md, Chief of view , and asked him what really happened to your body if you ingested chewing gum. Read the rest to find out what he said - and prepare to burst your bubble if you always believe the myth of seven years.

Read this then: What happens if you don't wash your hair for a week, according to doctors .

Your body cannot digest chewing gum.

yellow and pink chewing gum with small candies on a blue wooden background
Kiwi / Shutterstock studio

Most of us have put our digestive systems to test every day by eating a variety of food, fruits and vegetables (hopefully!) And foods that do not look Particularly digestible (have you ever really looked at Takis?) Is the gum really very different? AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Yes, says Michael, who explains that our body cannot digest gum. To understand why, let's start by looking at the composition of chewing gum.

Most gums consist of "an insoluble gum base (resins, humectors, elastomers, emulsifiers, charges, waxes, antioxidants and softeners), sweeteners and flavored agents", according to A 2018 article in the newspaper Natural and artificial aromas and food colors . This base of gums can be covered with a sweet exterior made from "sweeteners, aromas agents, coloring agents and fruit acids", note the authors.

It doesn't seem particularly digestible, right?

Most of the time, swallowing gum will not hurt you.

close up of woman putting gum in her mouth
Billions of photos / shutterstock

Despite this scary list of ingredients (elastomers, emulsifiers and humucitants, oh my!), Michael says that in most cases, swallowing a piece of gum is not a big problem.

"If you swallow the gum, your body cannot digest it, but the gum is generally moved relatively intact through your digestive system," he reassures us. Phew .

However, if we do not find a trash can or a piece of paper to wrap this Glob Glob, should we go ahead and move it forward?

The swallowing of the gums regularly can cause unpleasant symptoms.

young woman clutching her stomach in pain while lying on the couch

Before getting used to swallowing your eraser after losing your flavor, you would be wise to take into account this warning from Michael: "If you swallow excessive quantities of gum several times, you can put yourself in risk of abdominal pain , Gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation and oral ulcers. ""

Of course, he talks about "excessive" quantities and do it on several occasions - but if you are a frequent gum cage, it is probably better not to try fate. It could be a slippery slope after all.

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An intestinal blockage due to the gum to swallow is serious, but rare.

Doctors Performing Surgery

Just because Michael says that the eraser "usually" makes its way through our systems without causing drama, that does not mean that there is no potential for serious consequences. "In rare cases, swallowing a lot of eraser or swallowing the gum with other indigenous objects can cause blocking in the digestive tract," explains Michael.

While most of us probably don't chew more than one or two gum at a time (three at most!), And are even less likely to swallow it with another non -food article, it is good to be aware of signs of an intestinal blocking which, according to the Cleveland clinic, is a medical emergency This may require surgery.

"Symptoms of intestinal blocking may include abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, loss of appetite, vomiting, a feeling of fullness or extreme swelling, and the inability to have a breast or a gas Passing, "explains Michael.

If you experience it and think it could be an intestinal blockage, check with your health care provider as soon as possible, whether or not you are advancing regular gum. (And if you have done, remember to keep a few pieces of paper in your pocket for easily and safe! - Elimination of gum.)

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. If you have specific questions or concerns, always consult your health care provider directly.

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