Not having enough this vitamin can ruin your sex life, the doctor says
Taking a supplement can help keep things spicy in the room.

All oursex life are forced to have ups and downs - and if you go through a period of drought, you are not alone. A 2021 study revealed that Americans of all ages areHave less sex than in the past. You can crack it up to a certain number of reasons, such as weak libido, sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalance or be too exhausted by the demands of the world to the rhythm of lightning today, but the good news is that there could be a simple solution. Studies show that obtaining sufficient vitamin in particular can help keep things spicy in the room. Read the rest to learn what it is, so that you can put the rest of your room problems.
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A healthy sex life has surprising advantages.

Sex does not only feel good - a good sex life can improve your health and your life. In a 2016 study published inThe Journal of Sexual Medicine, the researchers examined the relationship between sexual satisfaction and quality of life in 3,515 American adults and found thatSexual health was essential For most participants. In addition, people with better health reported higher sexual satisfaction, while those who were less healthy were less satisfied with their sex life.
According to webmd experts, having asex life Help support immune health, lowers blood pressure, reduces yourRisk of heart attack, Improve sleep, facilitate stress and even burn calories - all convincing reasons to make sure you have good sex throughout your life.
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The lack of nutrient can interfere with sexual health.

A growing corpus of research shows thatVitamin D deficiency may have a significant impact on your sexual health. In men, the so-called "Sunshine vitamin plays acrucial role in sexual function. For example, a 2019 study published inThe World Journal of Men's Health have shown that vitamin D increases the motility of sperm, stimulates fertility and helps improve testicular function thanks to the production of sex hormones. And a 2019 study observed a link betweenlow levels of vitamin D in women And symptoms of sexual dysfunction, such as pain during sex, inability to become excited and lack of libido.Jeffrey Bland, PHD, Immunity expert and founder ofHigh healthy health, said: "In women, vitamin D is used by ovaries to maintain good sexual function. However, no conclusive evidence shows that vitamin D modifies female sex hormones."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Vitamin D can have an effect on erectile dysfunction.

A 2018 study published in theInternational endocrinology newspaper I looked at the relationship between vitamin D and sexual function in 114 men. The results have shown that participants with higher vitamin D levels also had higher testosterone levels andBest erectile function. Cleveland Heart Lab reports that help vitaminIncrease the blood flow to the genitals By improving the mucosa of the walls of the blood vessels, which supports blood circulation and reduces inflammation. "Medical research suggests that optimal vitamin D levels are necessary for erectile function," saidAndrea Paul, MD, medical advisor atIlluminated laborations.
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The absence of vitamin D affects urological health.

Urology is a field of health care linked toreproductive system And the anatomy involved in sexual health, including sexual organs, bladder, kidneys and urinary tract. The assembly evidence shows a link between low levels of vitamin D in men and urological problems such as hyperactive bladder, enlargement of the prostate glands and urinary tract infections (UTI). Vitamin D deficiency was also correlated with aHigher risk of UTI in children and adults, according to a 2019 meta-revision published in theAnnals of clinical science and laboratory.
"Vitamin D influences absorption and use of calcium, so it can affect the amount of calcium excreted in the urine," explains Bland. "Consequently, a well -balanced contribution of vitamin D is important for promoting good use of calcium and urinary tract health."
To ensure that your sexual health is at its best, get enough vitamin D by spending time outside in the direct sunlight, eating foods rich in vitamin D and taking a vitamin D supplement if necessary . According to the National Institutes of Health, adults aged 70 years and under require600 international units (IU) Vitamin D daily, while those over 70 need 800 IU per day. Talk to your health care provider before taking new supplements, or if you have any questions about the dosage.

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