"What is afraid when you get married?" Spouses share hard truths

People go to Reddit to complain about things that their spouse does. Here are seven of the most common reproaches.

Marriage is not for everyone. There are many happy single people who are accomplished in their solo life, but whoever has taken the step knows the amount of effort necessary to maintain the strong relationship. Although marriage can be a magnificent and wonderful institution that provides life for life, it can also be difficult, difficult and hard. It's not always a happy moment and people sound on their marriage difficulties in the Reddit Subject "What fear when you get married?" Until now, there are more than 14,000 comments and here are some of the most common complaints.

Deal with parents-in-law


There are many reasons why relationships with parents-in-law can become messy, so adjust expectations and have healthy limits is always recommended. But even with great parents-in-law, there may be additional stress at wedding and some Reddit users do not hesitate to talk about their family problems. A commentator wrote: "Discover that your justification (which could have implemented you and have tried to act well until you are married) are really [not nice people] that normal people do not want not cope. " Another wrote: "I had always heard that my [mother-mother] controlled and narcissistic, but I never really saw her. I thought it was cute if maybe a little weird when we are married for the first time and she started to call us both 'my children.' I did not know that she meant that as I had literally become her property. This relationship took place ... "Someone else was returning and shared:" Faced Between parents-in-law and always have someone crazy because you can't be in two places at the same time! Sux! Because whatever you want is a peaceful period. It wakes up once you have children . They all want to see the children of course. Since then, we have moved away from everyone and we are always harassed on the visit, but with our health problems, it is difficult to travel so badly. MDR "

Have home allowances all the time

man pressing doorbell obsolete home items
Shutterstock / Tero Vesalainen

Seeing your eyes on the frequency you have guests is a great conservation in the wire. Although having mutual friends and socialization can be a great time, things can worsen quickly if you don't have the same idea of the frequency you have. A person shared: "Like my wife a lot. But they used to invite friends and family to stay with us for a weekend, and not tell me until the Invitation be already made. It took a while before being able to convince her not to do that. "Another commentator said:" The weddings of certain friends ended after something like that (after ~ 2 years of therapy to couple.) He liked to have fun and get people in it. She would come home late (7 p.m.) to find more than 6 people in their socializing house. He thought it was rude that she spends 30 minutes after 1 hour after Being home `` `ignorant guests '' (she would say hello and would be polite, but then do her own thing a little ... like going to the toilet ...) it happened 2 to 3 times a week and they also made Group combinations / friend most weekends. What confused me is that most people seem to be the side with him. Well, I guess he was the most social ... "

Eat the remains of the other person

man putting plate of eggs into the fridge
Shutterstock / Monkey corporate images

Eating someone's remains is a great non-no according to Reddit users. A woman revealed: "Once when I was pregnant, I spent all day thinking about the sandwich that I was going to do with the leftovers of meat. D finally started cooking again after the first 3 months of feeling horrible and Not only had he used meat bread, he had used it as a kind of omelet filling. The rage I felt, disbelief, sadness. This kid. I was almost 14 years old and I 'Still pupil the omelet of meat meat every few years. "Other people agree. "Your outrage in front of the omelet of meat is absolute gold!" Replied someone. "I love the fact that it has been recalled for 14 years! In addition, I fully agree with you that it is improper use for the remains of meat bread." Another person commented: "Someone else eating the remains / chocolate / snack that you waited all day. The thought of this delicious lasagna of you supporting you through meetings or others ... and it is Party. UGH! " Another comment said: "I currently eat the rest of the pork pulled by my partner, but I first asked for permission. Our rule is that if it was not affected for two days, we probably forgot it And it's a fair game, but we always ask each other in case. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The compromise is not easy

Woman pushing man aside during argument on the couch
Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

When you do not have the same point of view as your partner, one or both people must make compromises, but it is not easy. A person has shared: "I have been married for 29 years and I absolutely love my wife, but sometimes the compromises are not great. We do it out of love and devotion but from time to time, it fears. television, with interior decoration. We each have our own hobbies and interests, so compromise is essential at a good marriage. "In response, another user wrote:" I have been married for much less time than you , my friend, but this statement sounds very faithful. Excited, and it is the worst result of all time. The compromise is not easy! "

Do not have freedom and space as a single person

woman watching tv
Stock-Asso / Shutterstock

Abandoning personal time to spend with a spouse was another major conservation subject in the Reddit wire. A commentator said: "Not having so much free time. I love my wife and I love spending time with her, but I also tend to like different types of films that she does not do, he is So difficult to find a good time to watch them. She always wants me to go to bed at the same time when I prefer to stand up. "Another person shared:" Lack of intimacy. Sometimes I just want to be alone . I love my husband, but I lack my "return home, I sometimes make pizza, I don't talk to anyone" sometimes ". Someone else admitted:" get used to little ones quirks. He leaves the towel fracet, and I leave the bathroom window open for too long. Do not have your bed for you. Otherwise, a big marriage. Oh, and do not make plans for the holidays by myself. I used to have much more freedom. Now we have to even plan separate holidays together and plan the schedules for the other. I can't just go on vacation with my friends spontaneously more. ""

Have a bed

Couple lying in bed drifting apart
Lucky business / shutterstock

Different night habits can launch a routine or plan spouses and many admitted to having separate rooms, which saved their marriage. A woman admitted: "My husband and I have separate rooms. He snores like a bear and works the opposite change of me. And we love it. We have our own spaces - it is much more disorderly than me - and I Am able to have a good night's sleep every night. We tried the same bed at first when we both worked on days, but someone would always end on the sofa with its snoring and move. From my own space when I sleep lol. And then, when he sleeps during the day, I don't have to worry about waking him up if I need something from the room. It gives us both a Independent space. "A husband shared:" The old guy married here, 22 years old. We are wonderfully compatible with many respects, but not with regard to sleeping in a shared bed. None of us have ever had a good sleep night. We wanted to switch to separate beds were not a little failure or defeat, but once we did, we both was able to sleep at night. We felt better, we were happier and it disappeared as a source of resentment and conflict. "Someone else joked," the more I get older, the more I understand why my grandparents had separate beds. "

Do not share the same taste in food


This can be a challenge if spouses have different diets. If someone is vegan or vegetarian and the other is not, it can be difficult to share meals together. Or if someone has food restrictions due to health problems and the other does not do so, it can also be difficult, which many Reddit users say. A person who wrote: "Having to decide what to eat every night for the rest of your life while trying to adapt to the other," received more than 27,000 likes and a ton of answers. "This is what we do," said an answer. "Beginning of the week, we plan and buy grocery products for 7 meals. We now have 7 choices the first night, 6 choices the next night, etc." Another commentator wrote: "My partner and I have been together for about a year and I always do that. I ask what they want to be nice, but if they don't know, I just do what I want. 'They don't want to be an adult adult capable of getting their own food. "Someone else replied:" I sit down once a week, usually Sunday or Monday evening, look at the announcements of the store and make a list of races and a meal plan for the week. I ask her if there is something she wants or needs the store, then I make the decisions from there. 31 nights per month . (The remains count if I was preparing the original meal!) From time to time, we will have to take, or if it will cook. "

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