"Very large" new species of spiders have discovered - there is where there can be a hiding place

Researchers say that arachnids can have a body length of about two inches.

Despite how humans assume that we know on the environment, nature still has many ways to surprise us and take us by surprise. In some cases, this may mean facing a Invasive species Quickly make your way through a new area and overwhelming the ecosystem. In others, this may involve meeting insects or animals that we never even knew. And in the latest example, scientists say they have discovered a new kind of spider that they consider "very large". Read the rest for more information on this arachnid and where she can hide.

Read this then: 8 ways to invite spiders to your home, according to experts .

Scientists have just discovered a new kind of spider that can become "very large".

trapdoor spider perched on log
Shutterstock / Kasikun_kamol

In an article published in the Journal of Arachnology On March 15, researchers from Queensland Museum in Australia announced that they had discovered a new kind of spider after a four -year study .

The team said that the arachnids could become "very large", women reaching up to two inches in body length. The researchers said that the name of the species, Dignitas Euoplos , reflected his larger construction .

"'Euoplos' is a group of trap spiders - we call them the spiders of golden trap - and 'dignitas' is a Latin epithet which means dignity or grandeur," Michael Rix , the head of study and principal conservative of Arachnology in Queensland Museum, told Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

The researchers also established the habitat of the spider and where he lives.

woman scared of spider on bed
Robert Petrovic / Shutterstock

Although the spider can be relatively large, it does not take up too much space on the map. The research team says that the species lives in a particular type of black floor around Eidsvold and Monto in Queensland, Australia, in an area of wooded meadows known as the name Brigalow belt ,, Nowsweek reports.

But could you find them at home? Fortunately for the arachnophobes who live in the fear of meeting a new type of visitor to eight legs, it is a fairly improbable scenario.

"When a species is a specialist, this means that it is specifically adapted to life in a particular habitat and cannot generally prosper it," Charles Van Rees , PHD, scientific conservation and naturalist at the University of Georgia (which was not involved in the study), says Better life . "You will generally only find him in the habitat for which he specializes. In other words, unless your kitchen is a brigalow forest, it is unlikely that you meet one in your home - even if You live in Australia. "

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However, they are also fantastic to hide by their very nature.

A trapdoor spider sticking out of its burrow
Shutterstock / Ken Griffiths

Although the new Trapdoor spider may not find its way in your bed soon, it is also unlikely that you would notice them in nature - even if you are actively looking for them.

"Unlike your cleaning or garden typical spiders, they do not weave canvases. Instead, they dig tunnels under the ground and live more or less at full time," explains Van Rees. "Fascinatingly, they also build a door or a door at the ends of their tunnels, which they can use to lock themselves well if they do not want a company."

He says that this style of hunting and life acts as a form of natural camouflage that makes them very difficult to find. "According to literature, it seems that they are probably feeding a bit like other exciting spiders: they hide just inside the entrance to their burrows, wait for prey to pass, and exhaust and exhaust themselves tear it away when the opportunity arises, "he says.

The new species could already be threatened.

A trapdoor spider coming out of its burrow
Shutterstock / Marco Maggesi

If you find yourself face to face with a trap spider, you will probably have nothing to worry about. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"They are no threat to humans," said Van Rees. "The spiders of this group, including the Tarentulas, often count on the brute force to dominate and kill prey, rather than the super powerful venom. Without an escape option."

Ironically, it is probably the spiders who have more to fear humans at the end. According to Rix, the species is "rare and perhaps quite threatened", noting that their habitat has been threatened due to clearing in cattle and other uses.

"We are a little worried about it," Rix told ABC. "They are not very good at circumventing the landscape and dispersion - for example, compared to a flying insect", adding that it hopes to do more surveys on their native habitat to better understand their status.

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