How the moon phase can predict your soul mate, according to astrologers

Is the Tiktok viral moon phase compatibility testing testing? Astrologers weigh.

It has long been a conviction that you can Find your soul mate In the stars. But if you believe the media threw around the Latest Tiktok trend , it is the moon that can tell you who you will fall in love. According to the compatibility test of the viral moon phase, if the moon phases of two people ( Find yours here ) Create a full moon when it is superimposed, you are a romantic match. And although these videos are certainly fun and cute, how precise are they in the forecast of your soul mate?

We have asked a panel of astrologers to give their opinions on the trend and share their reflections on how the lunar phase you were born can predict your love life (Tiktok aside). Continue to read to find out more about your moon phase.

Read this then: What your birthday is said to be a personality, according to experts .

Lauren Ash is a professional astrologer, writer and host of Podcast. She writes horoscopes for USA Today and works as a columnist for the best life, Instyle, Mane Trusts and Reader's Digest, among others. Follow Lauren on Twitter And Instagram or subscribe to his blog to monthly horoscopes .

Understand the moon phase against the sign of the moon.

Couple stargazing together
Istock / M-Gucci

The moon in astrology is very romantically important. However, the moon phase and the sign of the moon are two very distinct concepts.

The moon phase refers to the moon phase - (that is to say the full moon or the decreasing moon, although there are eight in total) - when you were born.

The sign of the moon is the sign of the zodiac in which the moon was at the exact moment and instead of which you were born. While Your upright sign Represent how others perceive you, your moon sign represents your emotional center or the part of yourself that you keep hidden from others.

When it comes to predicting romantic compatibility, astrologers agree that the moon sign is more an indicator than the moon phase .

"Understanding your sign of the Moon can reveal important information on your emotional nature, your instincts and your habits," explains professional astrologer Rebecca Farrar . But the moon phase also plays a role.

Read this then: What numerology can tell you about your love life .

So what about the trend of the Tiktok moon phase?

beautiful woman on phone

The functioning of the Tiktok trend is that you get an image of the moon phase (its shape, so to speak) and that you see how it corresponds to that of your partner or your crushing. The idea is that if you create a full moon together, you are compatible.

Professional astrologer Danel Ferreira Said "You cannot predict compatibility or soul mate via a viral trend", although it adds that understanding your moon phase "can show what you are looking for to find emotional security in another person or partner ".

Once you have identified the moon phase you and your partner were born (again, you can use This simple calculator ), you will want to capture images of the two moon phases in order to participate in the trend.

Then download the CAPCUT Video Edition Application . Then find a video on Tiktok using this trend and click the "Try this model" button. Select the model in Capcut and select the images of your moons and your partner. Add music and personalize, and viola! You will have your own compatibility video in the lunar phase.

But do not sweat if your moon phases do not line up for a perfect match. Astrologists say that this trend is better to show your online love than to predict if you have found this one. To do this, keep reading to find out what your moon phase says about your love life.

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New Moon

Man sitting on sofa reading a book

The new moon in astrology marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, when the moon is not yet visible from the earth. Being born under a new moon means that your sun and moon are in the same sign and side by side in your birth theme.

"If you were born in a new moon, you can be more introspective and more interior as a person. You know yourself well and are entrusted in whom you are Said Farrar.


Female Asian painter
Istock / Koh Sze Kiat

A crescent moon to hair removal is the first time that the moon has appeared as a small ribbon. Being born under this phase gives you a personality marked by ambition , creativity, and a strong sense of goal.

"This moon phase is associated with growth and expansion. You are probably attracted to someone who is motivated and motivated to succeed," explains professional astrologer Ankush Wadhwa .

Read this then: What numerology can tell you about your love life .

First quarter of the moon

ambitious woman working

The first quarter of the moon appears as a semicircle with the illuminated right side. It occurs seven to 10 days after the new moon.

"Traits of people born under this lunar phase Include independence , ambition and will, "said Farrar. These people like to take great risks and bet on themselves. And they are attracted to people who are equally ambitious and self-sufficient in friendship and romance.

Gibbous Moon with wax

handsome man working out

A gibbous moon with hair removal appears as a mainly complete circle, with only a small part on the left side in the shade. It gradually increases in size. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This moon phase can suggest that someone is motivated, concentrated and determined, but also who may need to work on balancing their high expectations with a healthy dose of Compassion and acceptance . This can be particularly applicable in relationships, where understanding is essential.

Full moon

woman at the beach
Istock / Pixdeluxe

The full moon is the largest and most brilliant of the lunar phases and occurs when the sun and the moon sit from each other in your native table.

This phase is associated with intense emotions and with a strong need for connection and privacy. "You can see that these feelings are increased during the full moon," said Wadhwa.

Decreasing moon gibbous

young woman at sunset
Istock / Tamer Dagas

The decreasing gibbous moon appears as a mainly complete circle, with only a small part of the right side in the shadows. It gradually decreases in size.

This moon phase can suggest that someone is reflective and introspective, with a strong inner world and a deep feeling of intuition . These people are very rebellious and like to push the limits whenever they can, so they are attracted to wilder and free partners.

Read this then: Your love language, based on your zodiac sign .

Last quarter of the moon

young man outside having fun
Biascioli Istock / Alessandro

This moon phase occurs when the moon appears as a semicircle, the left side illuminated in the sky. It is associated with perseverance, independence and ingenuity.

People born under the last quarter of the moon are easy to live and know how to keep their pressure under pressure. However, these people may also have trouble getting involved because they too much appreciate their freedom.

Decreasing crescent-moon

beautiful older woman
Istock / Shurkin_son

The decreasing croissant appears as a small ribbon, which becomes smaller every night until it disappears again during the new moon phase.

Those who were born in this lunar cycle can be more reclusive or reflective, because it is the calm moment of the moon before starting a new month. "These people have a lot of passion and fire in their hearts, but can feel suffocated if they feel judged," said Farrar.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: / dating / News / Viral News
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