How to simply whiten your teeth in a few minutes

Would you believe that loyal helpers on the way to a vibrant smile can be, for example, edible soda or hydrogen peroxide?

In today's world, there are a plethora of cosmetics that are simply available and guarantee satisfaction. This also applies to the area of teeth care and a radiant smile. However, freely available drugstore products often contain a variety of chemicals that can have a detrimental effect on the human body, and can also cause health problems. In the case of teeth care is probably the greatest risk of using such products weakening tooth enamel. It is not better to whiten teeth in the dental office. Although the procedure can help achieve the desired effect in the form of a brighter smile, it is definitely not a gentle procedure. Fortunately, however, there are ways to whiten teeth more gently and at the same time cheaper, without undesirable side effects. Would you believe that loyal helpers on the way to a vibrant smile can be, for example, edible soda or hydrogen peroxide?

Baking soda

You can easily conjure up a bright white smile with yourself by using only basic ingredients. For example, edible soda is able to remove stains on the tooth enamel according to recent studies. Combining classic toothpastes and baking soda, visible results can occur in a few weeks. However, the basis is to brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially with evening cleaning. The study proved that people who used toothpaste containing edible soda achieved fundamental results in less than two months and their teeth were much whiter.

Not only are there other studies confirming that edible soda is a natural remover of dirt and dental spots, it has also been found to have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce the likelihood of possible infection in the mouth. Baking soda is therefore a truly universal panacea and helper in every household.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a solution that can now be easily found in pharmacies or drugstores. It serves to disinfect something in the need or, for example, to sterilize tools. However, few would think that three percent peroxide may be useful even when teeth whitening. However, it should be treated in the right way. The essential rule is to use peroxide only occasionally and only in smaller quantities.

As with cosmetic products that contain many chemicals, the high concentration of hydrogen peroxide may cause tooth enamel damage. This negative effect on enamel is also scientifically confirmed, but only applies to the use of larger quantities, for more than a few months. It is therefore recommended to use smaller quantities, ideally in a maximum of a few weeks to three months. Even during this period, however, really visible results can be achieved.

How to Domestic Tooth Whitening

We have already imagined two basic available products for home -bleaching, let's see how this procedure should take place. First, put one tablespoon of baking soda in a smaller bowl and mix it with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Thorough mixing should be achieved by dense mixtures, a consistency resembling toothpaste. The resulting mixture can be applied to the toothbrush and brush your teeth exactly as in the case of a conventional drugstore toothpaste.

It is advisable to brush your teeth with this mixture for at least five minutes, but we try not to swallow the paste unnecessarily. After cleaning, it is recommended to rinse the whole mouth very thoroughly so that no rest of the paste remains there. This method should only be performed once a week, as excessive use of the mixture can lead to deterioration of the quality of the teeth. At the same time, it is recommended to use a brush exclusively for these purposes and apply a normal paste to another brush.

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