Mortal fungal infection spreads quickly, says CDC - These are the risk factors

Case counts increase "at an alarming rate", warns the health authority.

In a world still in shock of the COVVI-19 pandemic , few things are more disturbing than the reports of a new health problem with rapid spread. However, on Monday, March 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a Surprising warning of Candida Auris ( C. Auris )) , a fatal fungal infection that is increasing.

Citing a new paper Posted in the medical journal Annals of internal medicine In question of concern, the health authority indicated that clinical cases C. Auris have increased consistent in recent years. From 2019 to 2021, experts saw a particularly spectacular increase, cases from 476 in 2019 to 1,471 during this period.

The CDC warns that C. Auris "Can cause serious infections with high mortality rates", but says that some people are at disproportionate risks. Read the rest to know what factors could put you in danger - and why experts say that the general public should not yet panic.

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A fatal fungal infection spreads in hospitals, warns the CDC.

Man in hospital bed sleeping

Name C. Auris An "urgent threat", the CDC wrote that fungal infection spreads "at an alarming rate". Although the infection was initially found in only four states in 2016, the health authority noted that between 2019 and 2021, 17 additional states reported their first case or infection.

In response, experts call for an increase in monitoring and prevention measures. "The rapid increase and geographic spread of cases are concern and underlines the need for continuous monitoring, expanded laboratory capacity, faster diagnostic tests and adherence to prevention and control of proven infections", said the CDC epidemiologist Meghan Lyman , MD, main author of the newspaper, via the CDC press release.

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C. Auris Infections are resistant to treatment.

A scientist completing a study in a lab looking into a microscope while wearing full protective gear

If its general proliferation was not sufficiently worrying, the CDC also notes that C. Auris East resistant to several types of treatment . Referring to fungal infection as "an urgent threat of antimicrobial resistance (AR)", the health authority has also noted a tripling of the resistant to echinocandins, the most commonly recommended antifungal medicine to treat C. Auris Infections.

NBC's main medical correspondent John Torres , MD, underlined in a interview with Today This "this is not going to resume the world and provoke Armageddon around the world, but it is something that must certainly be examined". The point of sale has indicated that since November 2022, there have been 12 confirmed cases of infection and four "potentially associated deaths".

Infection is "not a threat" for healthy people, the CDC says.

middle-aged woman talking to doctor
Lordn / Shutterstock

Although the spread of a treatment resistant infection is certainly worrying, the CDC notes that "in general, C. Auris is not a threat to healthy people. "" AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Waleed Javaid , MD, epidemiologist, expert in infectious diseases and director of prevention and control of infections at Mount Sinai Hospital, developed by speaking with NBC News . Although he recognized that the emergence of new cases was "worrying", he also urged the public not to panic. "We don't want people who looked The last of us To think that we are all going to die, "said Javaid at the point of sale." It is an infection that occurs in extremely sick people who are generally sick with many other problems. ""

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These are the risk factors for a C. Auris infection.

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There are, however, certain risk factors that considerably increase your risk of contracting infection. "People who are very sick have invasive medical devices or who have long or frequent stays in health establishments run an increased risk to acquire C. Auris “The health authority wrote. For example, patients who have been placed on fans, long -term IV lines or cardiac catheters would be considered a high risk.

The CDC says that it thinks that the number of cases has increased in part due to "bad practices for prevention and control of general infections (IPC) in health establishments", which have aggravated during the COVID-19 pandemic . If you believe that you are at increased risk of C. Auris , talk to your health care provider of disinfection protocols they follow to prevent their spread.

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