Wide hips, fertility and intelligence: there is a close correlation

The "pear" body is synonymous with sensuality, health and fertility

Do you know the Venus of Willendorf? It is one of the most famous sculptures in prehistory, which dates back to more than 25,000 years ago. Great breasts and prosperous hips, the perfect image - for the men of that time - of the fertile woman, of the woman who brings life to the world. According to what was believed in the Paleolithic, the equation was certain: a prosperous woman, with very wide hips, was a guarantee of fertility. Today, science has confirmed this belief and the principles that underlie this theory are manifold: the lipid accumulations in this area of the body translate into an availability of higher energy, which seems to be of fundamental importance during gestation. Women with prosperous hips are more attractive to men. And a strong correlation has been highlighted between wide hips and intelligence. Don't you believe it? We explain everything better below.

Returning to modern beauty canons is not always useful

The hormonal balance of a woman - and consequently his fertility - is closely correlated to his diet and how the body metabolizes what is ingested. Sometimes, despite a iron diet you cannot have a long -limbed physique and ... this could be good. It is shown, in fact, that women with the wider hips are more fertile than those who do not have them. That is to say, that it is essential to take care of yourself, your body and your physical and mental health and being in shape is a variable that helps a lot during a pregnancy, but it also seems that the lipid accumulations in the hips translate into an availability higher energy during gestation.

Wide hips, but not overweight

If it is true that having wide hips is not necessarily negative, being overweight is, especially for the general health of the body. Among other problems (such as bad circulation of blood and fatigue) excessive weight is often the cause of an increase in blood estrogen levels, which do not favor ovulation and hinder the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

But how does the shape of the body condition a woman's fertility?

In reality, the correspondence wide and fertility is strictly correlated to a mental approach, rather than something strictly biological. Everything happens in the brain of men, of males. In fact, it has been shown that the latter prefer women with a "pear" silhouette: very close to life and more pronounced on the hips. Confirming that ancestral approach to the abundance of the body as a synonym of fertility. It is the strong attraction that men feel for the body of a forming woman, who pushes them to commit themselves more to reproduce.

Estrogen and genetics

Apparently, the managers of this conformation are the estrogens that go crazy in the body during puberty even if, with greater probability, it is genetics that really is the master. Yes, because even the tendency to have prosperous hips is written in the genetic equipment and often inherited from her parent.

The numbers

The WHO, the World Health Organization, has established a precise index to understand if the life-window relationship is the ideal one. For women it should not exceed 0.85 while for men it is 0.90. Numbers that come out of simple measurements and from an equally simple operation. Get a seamstress meter and measure your waist (right above the navel, where the sides are closer) and the hips (the highest part of the buttocks). Divide the waist for the sides and the number that will come out will be your index.

Wide hips and intelligence

A few years ago, research conducted by researchers from the Universities of Pittsburgh and California has shown that women with the most pronounced hips seem to have a higher intellectual quotient and that this feature is genetically transmissible. Analyzing anthropometric data and intelligence tests, collected on a sample of about 16 thousand women (more or less young), they established that women with a more marked difference between the size of the waist and that of the hips have obtained higher scores in the Qi tests to which they were subjected. And this was often in line with the results obtained by their children. A further point in favor.

Categories: Beauty
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