The zodiac sign is most likely to spy on their partners, according to astrologers

For these signs, espionage goes beyond the relaxed crowd and in detective mode.

It is unlikely that your partner will follow you with a pair of binoculars or hire a private detective, but that does not mean that they are not yet likely to spy on you. And these days, with iPhones and e-mails and the power of Google, it's too easy to spy . If you are wondering if your significant other has an unpaid sequence, you may want to take into account these advice from astrologers, because they share the signs of the zodiac most likely to spy on their partners. Read the rest to find out which signs have made the list, from somewhat suspect to real paranoid.

Read this then: The most tense zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


husband accusing wife fight
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This sign likes nothing more than being the center of interest . "Directed by the Sun, the planetary influence of Léos can make them confident, expressive and theatrical", explains Rachel Clare , A Astrologer at mystics . "However, this confidence can sometimes be a mask for their deep insecurity."

Because they thrive on validation and admiration, leos can easily go to a suspicious place if they do not get these insurances. In such cases, Psychic reader and astrologer Emily Newman said it is not uncommon for them to check the phone, computer and portfolio of their partner.


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The Virgin is not intrinsically unworthy of confidence. As Newman notes, "if Virgo chooses you, you are perfect and honest with them."

But it's this sign Perfectionist nature This can return their perception. "Virgo is all about timetables and routines," notes Author and astrologer Lisa Barretta . "If their partner is five minutes late or do not send you a text, Virgo will immediately ... Try putting a tracker on your phone and bombing questions that require every small detail."

Read this then: The zodiac sign is most likely to live a secret life, according to astrologers .


An angry woman tearing up a photo of a happy couple.
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"Geminis are known to be curious, butterflies Who like to communicate and learn new things ", shares Clare. Their talkative (and sometimes, talkative), curious nature makes them inclined to ask a lot of questions and espionage, which, in certain situations" can lead to suspicions or To the paranoia which their partner is not faithful, "she adds.

The other reason why this sign can spy on their partners is that they are the sign of twins and have two sides to their personality. "They can feel contained and safe in a relationship until the tides are changing and suddenly consumed by anxiety," said Clare.


Man cheating on his wife on the phone.
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"As a sign of the earth, the bullfights are anchored and reliable partners Who appreciate stability and security ", explains Clare. Regular by Venus, the planet of love, this sign is incredibly engaged in their romantic relationships.

"However, this loyalty and devotion can sometimes lead to possessiveness and jealousy," warns Clare. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If the bull suspects that something is deactivated, they will patiently bring together all the facts, even if it means resorting to espionage. "They particularly keep an eye on how their partners spend their money and do not exceed the cash applications of their partner," notes Barretta.

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It is not a secret for anyone that cancer is the the most emotional and sensitive sign of the zodiac. These can be wonderful attributes in a relationship, but they can also cause major confidence problems.

"They make love at the center of their life, and even the smallest change in the behavior of their partner could make them become spying eyes," warns Newman.

Clare explains that cancers are governed by the Moon, which governs our moods and instincts. "This influence can make them very intuitive, but it can also lead to too much and anxiety in relationships," she said.

If these doubts slip into their minds, they will seek all proof that they can find that their partner is there to obtain them.


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"The Scorpion is the natural detective of the Zodiac," explains Barretta. This complex sign is known for their secret and mysterious manners, which makes them insufficiently enritted from others.

"They spy on their partner even when nothing suspect happens," adds Barretta.

But their skepticism is in fact rooted in vulnerability. "As a sign of water, scorpions are very emotional and have a deep need for connection and intimacy in their relationships," explains Clare. "Scorpions feel deeply attached to their partners and very protective of their relationships, which can sometimes lead to feelings of jealousy and to constantly check their partners."

Do not be surprised if you find them looking over your shoulder when you are on the phone.

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