According to scientific research: How to whiten teeth at home within 3 minutes

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid used as an antiseptic to kill bacteria

Getting a beautiful smile is everyone's dream; That is why a lot of cosmetic procedures have recently appeared, such as a Hollywood smile and other teeth whitening processes that depend on the use of chemicals that may become harmful in the long term and lead to the erosion of the enamel enamel, in this article we will save you a lot of time and tell you how to whiten teeth in The house within 3 minutes according to scientific research and without any harmful materials.

Teeth whitening by using baking soda

According to one of the scientific research, the regular use of baking soda positively affects the color of the teeth, as it works to remove surface stains from the teeth and also creates a alkaline environment in the mouth, which in turn leads to the prevention of harmful bacteria from growth, and it should be noted that medical studies It has proven that the toothpaste contains baking soda is much more effective than other teeth species.

To get the best results through this method; Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of water, then put this mixture on the toothbrush and clean your teeth with it. Make this mixture several times a week and you will get amazing results.

Teeth whitening by using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid that is usually used as an antiseptic to kill bacteria and clean wounds, and it should be noted that it is known for its medical properties and that is why it is widespread in pharmacies and can be obtained with ease, and scientific research has proven that hydrogen peroxide is an oxidized substance and for this the mechanism of its work is based Basically on the release of oxygen and therefore it works deeply cleaning and eliminating harmful bacteria.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in teeth whitening at home by mixing a tablespoon of it with two tablespoons of baking soda, after which the mixture is placed on the toothbrush and then rubbed the teeth well. It is worth noting that hydrogen peroxide should be diluted when used to whiten teeth; Because the concentrated solution of it may cause adult damage to the tooth enamel over time.

Teeth whitening by using lemon juice

Some medical studies have proven that lemon juice works to whiten teeth, because it is rich in citric acid, which is considered an active and strong substance that helps to whiten teeth, and to get the best results from this method; Mix 4 teaspoons of baking soda with lemon juice, add the mixture to the toothbrush, then wash your teeth for three minutes, and this method of whitening teeth at home should be used only once a week, because there is a scientific study issued during the year 2015 and proved that The acidic nature of lemon juice can, with excessive use, weaken tooth enamel.

In the end, dear reader, you should know that the process of whitening teeth at home must be accompanied by washing your teeth with brush and putty daily, and you should avoid using some of these methods if you suffer from gingivitis or ulcers in the mouth, because the antiseptic and lemon can lead to more From pain, and do not forget, of course, visit the dentist if you notice any pathological symptoms, and do not use more than one way at the same time; If you use the lemon juice method, do not use the same day as a hydrogen peroxide method.

Categories: beauty
Tags: Celebrities
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