If you have this problem with your eyes, your risk of cardiac disease is high

In a new report, researchers have found that this could be an early indicator of heart problems.

When you think of signs oftroubleYou probably imagine pain in your chest, difficulty breathing and lightness. However, new research on the health of the UC San Diego revealed thatEarly marker of cardiac disease can actually be found by studying your eyes. For the whole story about what your eyes could reveal on your heart health, read it and for another way to test your ticker, checkIf you can not do that in 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, the study says.

The blood vessels of your eyes can say a lot about your health.

Ophthalmologist analyzing exam's results in a monitor

The eyes are particularly interesting to study because, as the CPU researchers of the San Diego has said in their conclusions - published on March 2 in the newspaperEclinical medicine by lancet-They are the only place in the body where our smaller blood vessels can be easily observed. Decreased blood flow or other heart disease problems, such as increased blood pressure, will trigger visible damage in the eyes and alert doctors to underlying or developed problems.

"The eyes are a window in our health and a lotDiseases can manifest in the eyes; Cardiovascular diseases is no exception, "the main author of the paperMathieu BakhoumMD, PhD, a scientist and a retinal surgeon at the UC San Diego Health, said in a statement. And for more about what your eyes say about your well-being, check17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

These are your particular retirements that can report signs of heart disease.

Young men having an eye exam at ophthalmologist's office.

Considering that heart disease kill more Americans than any other disease each year, researchers at the UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute have found whether a non-invasive eye test could detect under- July, which would contribute to early detection.

They assumed that retinal ischemia could serve asEarly indicator of heart disease. The team therefore examined the way in which a digitization of optical consistency tomography (OCT), which creates images of the retina, could be studied to see where the lesions occurred. The retina is the smartest and intelligent layer of the eye and all that is usually, there is a concern.

"Ischemia, which is a decrease in blood flow caused by heart disease, can cause inadequate blood flow and may cause cells of the retina to die, leaving behind a permanent mark," said Bakhoum . "We called this mark" Ischemic perivascular lesions of the retina ", or sought to determine whether this finding could serve as a biomarker for cardiovascular disease." And for more red flags of heart disease, checkIf you see that in your mouth, your risk of heart attack is high, says the study.

Researchers have found that patients with heart disease have more injuries on their retina.

Optician examining woman's eyes
Jen Bernal / Shutterstock

The health researchers of the UC San Diego reviewed the archives of the persons who received a retinal analysis October at the hospital from July 2014 to July 2019 and compared the analyzes ofPeople with heart disease to those of healthy individuals. According to researchers, an increased number of Ripls has been observed in the eyes of people with heart disease, which led them to conclude that "plus the number of ripls is high, the higher the risk of patients with cardiovascular disease."

The American Cardiology College has developed theAtherosclerous cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) Score Risk Calculator, which is the way doctors assess the 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or stroke. In the report, the researchers found a correlation between the number of ripls in the eye of a patient and their risk score of the ASCVD. "Individuals with low and neighboring ASCVD scores had a small number of rich in their eyes, but the number of Ripls Ascvd has increased," said Bakhoum. And for more health news delivered directly to your box. reception,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Your eyes can show signs of blood flow problems before other symptoms of heart disease appear.

MS symptoms
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The Ophthalmologists of the UC San Diego Health suggest that patients to a cardiologist if ripls are identified during an OCT analysis, even if they have not shown othersSymptoms of heart diseaseAgain. "At the global level, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and unfortunately many people are not aware that they can have heart problems," Bakhoum said. "The key to prevention of this is early detection and treatment. We hope that, by identifying the Ripls as a marker for cardiovascular disease suppliers, will be able to identify heart problems before a catastrophic event, such a heart attack or cerebral stroke. " And for cardiovascular risk factors, see If you have this type of blood, your risk of cardiac attack is higher, the study says .

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