12 crystals that can be good for you, according to astrologers

Do you find the chance of a sparkling sun stone or a radiant pink quartz?

Crystals are one of the most popular spiritual tools to invite good energy in your life. And if you hope to shoot your luck this year, there is a crystal that can help you do it. Each crystal has unique energy and vibrations, and by choosing the right one, you can draw in their mind and manifest luck and positivity from your life.

"Whether you transport these crystals with you, meditate with them or place them in your home or workspace, integrate them into your daily routine can help you attract the abundance and prosperity you want," said Alicia Giles , astrologer and owner of Crystal moments . Continue to read to hear Giles and other astrologers on the 12 crystals that can bring you luck.

Read this then: The best crystal for your zodiac sign, according to an astrologer .

12 crystals that can bring you good luck

1. Citrine

Istock / Adomer

Citrine is one of the most popular and most useful crystals for manifesting good luck. It is often said that its brilliant golden color symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and citrine would attract financial success, abundance and positive energy.

"For as many advantages as possible, try to place your citrine in the corner of the richness of your room or the most on the left of your house from your front door," explains Giles. You could also place it there at your office.

2. Jade

jade crystals
Istock / Magical_Light

Of all the crystals of this list, Jade is the stone par excellence of good fortune and extreme richness. It has been appreciated by many cultures for thousands of years, often offered as a gift to bring fortune to others.

"Jade is an extremely popular choice as a crystal for luck and prosperity because of its association with abundance and protection," explains Giles. "This can help you be more open to receiving abundance in all areas of your life, including financial prosperity." Jade will remove all the blockages that prevent you from aligning yourself with your real goal.

Read this then: What your birthday is said to be a personality, according to experts .

3. Amethyst

A woman's hand holding a light amethyst tower
Holly Mazour / Shutterstock

Amethyst is a colorful and natural quartz crystal which is well known for its calm, healing and restorative properties. If you feel lost and uncertain things, Amethyst could be the perfect choice for you.

"Amethyst is a crystal that can eliminate the confusion and illusion of the mind while allowing individuals to remain intuitive and linked to their environment," said professional astrologer ,, Danel Ferreira . Clarity and connection with your intuition that Amethyst provides is the perfect tool to find your way to your spiritual center.

4. Foam agate

Moss agate

Moss Agate is a popular healing stone loved for its restorative properties; Make it an excellent selection for anyone who tries his luck with something new.

"Known as Stone of the gardener, Moss Agate is a beautiful crystal that promotes growth and abundance, while amplifying energy and improving the clarity of thought," explains Giles. The refreshing properties of this stone allow the wearer to be completely open to the new beginnings.

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5. Turquoise

Turquoise gemstone
Istock / Michel Viard

Turquoise is a powerful stone that has been used through history to remove negative energy and protect the bearer from external influences. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Turquoise is a crystal that symbolizes strength, wisdom and protection and can help individuals feel confident and safe while pursuing their objectives," explains Ferreira. It has been known for a long time to bring wealth and success, which makes it a perfect crystal for anyone looking to invite abundance and new opportunities in its life.

6. Sunstone

Istock / Benedek

This crystal derives its magnetic influence directly from the sun, which helps to inspire confidence and warmth to anyone working with it.

"Sunstone brings luck in the form of love and positive energy as well as increased vitality", explains Astrologer and spiritual coach Linda Berry . "It improves originality and gives luck and abundance to those who use it, especially if it is worn or worn, emitting a golden glow." Since Sunstone eliminates old energy and fears, it's great to grasp just before the Spring Equinox .

Read this then: The color you should wear according to your zodiac sign .

7. Moonstone

Istock / Koca

Moonstone is known as the crystal of mystics and healers. If you are someone who finds inspiration in your dreams, placing a moonstone near your bed can help you channel your creativity while you sleep.

"Moonstone improves intuition and emotional balance, making it an excellent choice for all those who seek to show good luck, the new beginnings or a new start," explains Ferreira. If you are interested in meditating with moonstones, they are said to be the most powerful on the new moon and the cycles of the full moon.

8. Pyrite

Istock / çağla Köhserli

If you are looking to earn money seriously this year, look no further than this golden stone. Pyrite is known to help attract wealth, abundance and good fortune, making it a popular choice to demonstrate financial success and material prosperity.

"Pyrite has a strong energy which can help overcome obstacles. It is said that it gives a feeling of confidence and empowerment, which facilitates the continuation of the opportunities that lead to success," explains Giles. If you are looking for quick results, the best way to activate your pyrite is to wear it every day on a collar or bracelet.

Read this then: The candle that you should burn, depending on your zodiac sign .

9. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz tumbling rough

The pink quartz is a natural crystal known for its soft signature pink shade. If you are looking for a connection of a soul mate, "Rose Quartz promotes love and harmony, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to have luck in love", explains Ferreira.

This crystal is also one of the best precious stones to improve your existing attractive qualities and promote self -love - so it is not only for those looking for romance.

10. Eye de Tiger

Tiger Eye Stone
Istock / Underworld111

Tiger's Eye is a quartz crystal known for its gilded and soft brown patterns. It is mainly used to stimulate determination and spiritual strength.

"A well -known precious stone that amplifies luck is Tiger's eye because it stimulates intuition and improves consciousness, while amplifying positive energy," explains Berry. You should consider using a tiger eyes crystal in your spiritual practice if you are looking to leave fear and continue your dreams with confidence.

Read this then: What numerology can tell you about your love life, according to astrologers .

11. Amber


Amber is a fossilized resin stone which emits sunny, shiny and positive energy. He is known to improve the wisdom and courage of a person, which gives them motivation to continue his dreams. Amber has also been said to awaken a person's deeper goal and help them exploit their real desires.

According to Berry, it is very effective in bringing luck "if it is worn or used during meditation".

12. Fluorite

colorful fluorite crystals
Istock / Zeynep Boğoçlu

If you are looking to press the reset button for your current situation, the fluorite could just have the energy you need. It is one of the best crystals to eliminate negative energy and attract abundance and luck in your life.

"Fluoritis promotes interior strength and confidence, which can help individuals face their fears and take up challenges with determination," explains Ferreira. These soothing crystals are available in unique patterns and shapes, so experts suggest following your intuition when you find one to adapt to your atmosphere.

Categories: Smarter Living
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