4 benefits for the health of adding milk to your coffee, according to experts

Whether it is dairy or plant -based products, adding milk can add health benefits.

The majority of American adults - 64%, to be exact - embellishing at least one Cup of coffee per day. And for many of these coffee lovers, their ritual is the same every day. However, experts say that if you take your black coffee, there may be some good reasons for Fill your routine .

We asked Lindsay Delk , RD, RDN, the Dietitian of food and mood , to share some of the greatest advantages of milk in your coffee. Read the rest to learn four ways of which a touch of milk could transform your morning infusion.

Read this then: High blood pressure? Drinking 2 cups of coffee daily doubles cardiac disease risk of death, a new study reveals .

You will get more vitamins and minerals.

Woman drinking coffee in sunshine
Dan76 / Shutterstock

Coffee is full of useful vitamins and minerals, such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), magnesium and potassium. It is also rich in antioxidants, which protect your cells from free radicals. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

However, if you are looking to give your Joe morning cup An additional boost, experts say that milk can help. "Many people appreciate the fluid texture that milk adds to their cup of coffee, but milk also offers health benefits," said Delk. She says that a touch of additional milk can provide "many vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients are vital to build and maintain bones, teeth and strong muscles", she says Better life .

Read this then: Drinking this popular drink can reduce your bad cholesterol, say the experts .

It gives your morning a protein boost.

Woman Napping Next to Cup of Coffee
Vgstockstudio / Shutterstock

According to the American Society of Nutrition, the consumption of protein in the morning gives a handful of health benefits, in particular to help you Build muscles and lose weight . This is why eggs, with their content -rich content, make an excellent choice for breakfast.

Milk, which generally contains eight grams of protein per cup, or one gram per ounce, is another large source of morning proteins, whether in your cafe, your oatmeal or your cereals.

This can help fight inflammation.

Happy woman holding coffee smiling
Floor image / trigger

Delk also underlines that adding milk to your cup of morning coffee can also help you Combat inflammation . "Polyphenols are compounds found in plants (including coffee beans), and they act as antioxidants to control oxidative stress and inflammation," she explains. Inflammation is the culprit behind many chronic conditions , including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

"Recent research has revealed that when polyphenols in coffee was combined with protein in milk, it increased the anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenols. In fact, immune cells exposed to polyphenols and proteins were twice as effective For the inflammation combat compared to polyphenols alone, "Delk says Better life .

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It can be softer on the belly.

barista pouring coffee
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

When you add milk to your coffee, it also increases the pH level of your drink, which makes it generally less acidic. If coffee tends to disturb your stomach, stirring a little milk can cause less stomach burns and digestive distress.

Not an ordinary milk milk fan? Even better. The use of almond milk instead of cow's milk or other plant -based milks can further neutralize the acidity of your coffee, because the almonds are alkaline. This may be particularly beneficial If you suffer from certain gastrointestinal conditions, according to a 2021 study published in Critic criticisms in food and nutrition sciences .

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