We finally discover you who Princess Leonor is coming out

The love life of this 17 -year -old girl becomes important since in the future she will become queen of Spain.

Leonor and her mother try to keep the personal life of the throne heiress as calm as possible. She is currently studying in Wales, which helps her build the autonomy necessary to lead a more normal life. The princess will fulfill the age of this year and has many obligations to put to her teenage life, but there is something that will not be able to hide. We are talking about the love of the Kings' daughter. In this article we decided to review the love life of the princess and reach the final candidate that we have discovered ... today.

The first young man who captured Leonor's heart was a boy just one year older than her; A student in his own boarding school. They met when Leonor was a first -year student at high school, while he was in this last semester the second and last year. From what we know about him, it comes from a wealthy family and has become a possible option for the UWC Atlantic College. The relationship between the two seemed serious, since during Holy Week of 2022 the mysterious young man left for Spain to visit no less than the princess's family.

It was not the last time they saw each other, since last summer they were together in Mallorca. As we can imagine, Felipe and Leticia not only gave green light but also allow their daughters to live their teenage love with total freedom. Unfortunately, they ended their relationship last summer due to distance. The Brazilian then began the university away from the Princess country.

Leonor then began a friendship with Gavi, a footballer in the FC staff. Barcelona. It all started during the FIFA World Cup in the Spanish match against Costa Rica. The king asked Gavi to sign a shirt that was close to the size of Leonor. Although it is clearly the purists who attracted the attention of the media, it seems that many people would have liked to see them as a couple.

More than a month ago, rumors ran that the princess was with another young man after the stir on social networks about Leonor and Gavi. It is said that it was most likely the younger brother of a Leonor classmate. They met through it and since then they have exchanged letters and photographs as in the old days. Felipe's daughter seems to be very excited with the boy, confirming that they have a romantic relationship that goes beyond friendship and knowing each other.

The boy is part of a high -class family that traditionally assists one of the most prestigious universities worldwide, could be Oxford or Cambridge. According to an expert in the royal family, the young man has impressed both the royal family that plans to travel soon to Spain to meet the parents of his girlfriend. Hopefully it will last!

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