Communities are fighting against Dollar General and Dollar Tree - This is why

Some take a position against the growth of these stores.

Dollar stores Dominate the retail space at the moment. While other retailers have closed stores in the United States due to financial challenges, popular reduction chains have opened new locations on the left and right. In some places, it seems that you cannot travel more than five miles without identifying a general dollar or a dollar, but other areas have taken a position against the expansion efforts of these stores. Read more to find out why communities are fighting against Dollar General and Dollar Tree.

Read this then: Dollar Tree accused of having "put everyone" .

Dollar General and Dollar Tree opened the most new stores last year.

dollar tree store
Billy F Blume JR / Shutterstock

Despite the accumulation of media titles on retail closings, store openings did Ossu global closures in 2022. Coresight Research data indicated that if the retailers closed 2,603 locations last year in the United States, they Open 5,103 new stores , Retail Dive reported. According to the media, it was the first time since 2016 that the main American retailers have in fact opened more stores than they closed it, and there was also a type of clear detailing leading the pack.

The reduction channels represented most of the openings, with 1,858 new stores overall in 2022. By decomposing even more, Dollar General and Dollar Tree were the two companies demanding the title of the largest number of opening stores All retailers. Last year, Dollar General welcomed 1,024 new locations to its portfolio. Following this, Family Dollar and Dollar Tree - both of which belong to the Dollar Tree company, Inc. - opened 393 and 206 new stores respectively.

But some communities are fighting against their growth.

CEO and his assistant cutting a red ribbon, opening ceremony. Few people are in back and they

General and Dollar Tree, however, did not receive warmer reception everywhere in the United States. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance, an organization and defense group of non-profit organizations, has published a new report On February 28, presenting how some fought against retailers and their recent growth. Since 2019, at least 75 communities have elected proposals for new stores to a dollar, according to the report. And more than 50 of the openings offered took place between January 2021 and December 2022. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Stores to a dollar continue to multiply at a frantic pace ... An increasing number of groups of citizens and local officials increase to refuse them," wrote researchers in the report.

Some cities have even pushed things a little further, according to the Institute for Local Autonomy. Their report revealed that at least 54 towns and villages, including Birmingham, Alabama; Fort Worth, Texas; Kansas City, Kansas; And PlainView, Nebraska - in fact promulgated laws which "strongly restrict new stores to a dollar", as prohibiting them from opening a new location for less than two miles from an already existing dollar store. The city of Stonecreast, in Georgia, has disappeared until you put a total ban on new stores to a dollar, the organization said in the report.

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The leaders say that these stores to a dollar injure local communities.

Close-up of ecologically friendly reusable bag with fruit and vegetables while grocery shopping

At the end of 2020, Dollar General decided that he wanted to open a store in Morgan, Minnesota, a small town of around 800 people with only one grocery store. But Jerry huiras , the mayor of the community, said The New York Times that they elected The plans of the company after discovering the reduction chain were known for having undervalued local grocers with its low prices. "We simply do not want your store," recalls HuiS to the developer looking for zoning approval to build the Dollar General Store.

The Local Autonomy Institute said that communities and rural cities have marked communities and rural cities. "They are generally next to it or on the other side of the rue de la Ville's only grocery store, and often succeed in wiping it," they explained in their report.

Managers in cities like Toledo, Ohio and Birmingham, Alabama, say that Dollar stores feed unhealthy food choices, reports The New York Times .

"Dollars stores are lamentable substitutes; they store few fresh products and sell only a narrow range of processed foods, such as canned soup and soda," said the Institute for Auto- local repair. "According to some city leaders, this has contributed to poor health and the decline in life expectancy. It is a reality largely invisible to people in better places, which could be surprised to learn in what Measure the Americans are counting on stores to a dollar for grocery store, or this general dollar represents a much larger tranche on the grocery market than Whole Foods. "

Dollar General and Dollar Tree still plan to develop more.

Backhoe working in road construction site, with mountains and sky

It is clear that the opposition has not stopped the expansion efforts of the retailers. Dollar General recently Announced plans To open around 1,050 new stores in the United States during the year 2023. Dollar Tree said that it was planning to open approximately 650 new locations during the same period. And the two channels also spoke out against the affirmations that they harm communities by opening stores.

Society spokesperson Kristin Tetreault said Better life This dollar tree and the family dollar "provide quality products at affordable prices" to many communities across the country, its stores helping to alleviate "food deserts" where there are few options for options grocery store nearby. "We often take control of vacant space in neighborhoods and areas already challenged, keeping centers and other open open companies and service communities, in particular those who are in hand," said Tetrault .

Dollar General gave a similar defense, telling Better life That its stores often fill a void in areas where other retailers have chosen not to serve. "Although we are not a grocery store, each general store in dollars offers components of a nutritious meal, including canned and frozen vegetables, canned fruit, proteins, cereals, dairy products, etc. Discover Fresh products in more of its stores in the years to come. "We think that the passage of Moratoria harms customers who depend on us to help them extend their budgets, especially at the inflationary era."

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