Whoopi Goldberg says that she accepted her Oscar well - and her mother could say it
His attempt to calm his nerves turned against the 1991 ceremony.

Whoopi Goldberg put the o Son Egot When she won The Academy Prize For the best support actress in 1991 for her work as a Mae Brown Oda Ghost . Years later, it has been revealed that she had smoked cannabis on the day of the ceremony and was in fact high when she accepted the prestigious price in front of millions of viewers. Read the rest to discover what led to the oven -cooked acceptance speech and what she had to say about her mother immediately recognizing her less than sober status.
Read this then: The former star child says he was "high" during the shooting of a classic family film .
The weeks before the Oscars had been "traumatic" for her.

The appointment of Goldberg for Ghost was her second, after being transmitted for the best actress for her role of rupture as Celie Violet color in 1985. This time, the conduct of the ceremony was made all the more intense due to The buzz around his probable victory , she later revealed in an interview with her Violet color Costar Oprah Winfrey . "The six weeks ago, he was somewhat traumatic because people were so positive and encouraging that I would be in the bathroom in the movies and people under [the stand] came by saying:" You know you Go win, "t you?" Remember Goldberg.
She turned to a natural remedy to relieve stress.

In a TMZ video published in 2011 Goldberg's recording of his voiceover for the 1994 live film / Animation film The PageMaster , the actor revealed that when the big day took place, she was so stressed that she had decided to take her nerves by calming. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Smoking cigarettes and pot from time to time is something that relaxes me and I said to myself:" I have to relax "," she shared in the video of August 9, 1992. Then she admitted that she "smoked this wonderful joint which was the last of [her] cultivator" some time before the announcement of the support actress.
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She had some regrets.
It turned out to be a decision that it would come quickly Denzel Washington presented the nominees - a list that also included Annette Bening ,, Lorraine Bracco ,, Mary McDonnell , And Diane Ladd - Then announced Goldberg as a winner. In the PageMaster Sortked, the star shared the hilarious experience of trying to act normal in lapature, as well as the regret that followed.
"Darling, when [Denzel] said my name and I appeared, I said to myself:" Oh, [Expletive], Oh, [Expletive]. At the top of the one-two-three-four-five staircases, towards the podium. [Halhes.] There are millions of people, okay, enter the statue, get the statue, "" said Goldberg before adding: "I knew I should never have done it."
His mother could say it.

Goldberg poisoning was not widely detected by viewers at the time (unlike Jack Nicholson famous "cooked" 2003 Critics' Choice Awards Acceptance). Now it is impossible to watch the video of her Exasperated acceptance speech In the same way with the knowledge of what happened in advance, and for those who knew it best, her condition was apparently immediately obvious. In the speech, Goldberg noted that his mother was at home to watch (she said Variety in 2021 His mother had refused To attend, because she was worried about revealing her disappointment if Goldberg was not the winner). But despite kilometers, his mother could say that something was in place, the actor shared the TMZ video. "My mother called me and she said," You smoked, right? "", Did she say.
She called for a learning experience.

The victory made Goldberg the first black actor to win an Oscars since Wind 's Hattie McDaniel In 1939, and she would continue the successful race to become the best paid female actor of the time for his role in Sister Act 2 . In the 1992 video, she admitted that experience had also changed life in another way, teaching it to "never smoke pot before it was the possibility of having to speak a hundred millions of people".
In the years that followed, View Co-Host continued to advance the use of cannabis for better health, co-founding Whoopi & Maya , a now disappeared company that made cannabis products to relieve menstrual pain, before honoring the first coverage of Black cannabis magazine to promote the launch of Emma & Clyde , its brand of "high and socially conscious" products for medical and recreational users, According to a press release .
Goldberg also recently reacted to this year's Oscars' appointments, which did not include the film Until , a biographical drama on Mamie Till-Mobley and his fight for justice after the lynching of his son in 1955 Emmett Till that Goldberg produced and co-and with the most notable was the absence of a main actor Danielle Deadwyler (photo above with Goldberg), which had already received Bafta and Screen Actors Guild Awards appointments for the best actress, and a few hours after the announcement of the Goldberg appointments referenced the opening of SNUB View by congratulating the nominees but noting sober, by Weekly entertainment "Unfortunately, my film Until was not nominated. ""