Dr. Fauci says there is "no purpose" to the coronavirus pandemic

In a recent, inaccurate address says that coronaviruses will continue to be a threat for a long time.

When pandemic coronavirus first touched the American soil andCommands at home Becoming the law of land, many people thought it would be a temporary twofold phenomenon. Alas, four months later, Covid-19 is not just a fatal problem, but it worsen with every day passing. And although there is hope of a vaccine, is realitycould be a long time to come, and even then, the post-pandemic world will not look like the normal we previously knew, according toAnthony Fauci, MD, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

"We are here in mid-July with nearly 14 million cases globally and 580-thousand thousand dead so far withbasically no end in sight"Said Façi during a Keynote virtual address for the American Association for Research on Cancer on July 20th. At the time of publication, these figures increased for almost15 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 617 000 deaths Around the world, according to the Coronavirus Resource Center of Johns Hopkins University.

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More troubling: America has trouble slowing the greatest number. "The United States has been struck stronger than any country in the world with most cases," said Fauci. As of July 22, the United States has 3.9 million cases and 142,000 deaths, according to John Hopkins. In addition, a recent white house document indicatedon a third of states like "red zones" due to surges recorded in cases.

doctor overwhelmed by coronavirus outbreak in this state

When asked how we could brake or contain Covid-19, especially inStates that see peaksFauci said that wearing a facial mask and physical distancing in public are the "common denominator of the bottom line" in the fight against coronavirus.

Fuci concluded by saying that epidemics, pandemics and other health crises have always been a risk. The best way to stop them: to be proactive and act quickly. "We have always hadEmerging Infectious Diseases, "he says." We now have them and we will have them in the future ... We must be prepared perpetually. "And if you want to stay safe, check13 tips of Dr. Fauci on how you can avoid coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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