Why you shouldn't clean your bathroom with bleach, according to experts

You may want to reassess the cleaning products you use in your shower and toilet.

Bleach is often announced as the whole and fine Cleaners . It is known to eliminate even the most difficult spots and has been recommended as a disinfectant during the pandemic for the surfaces contaminated by cocvid. But you should think twice before removing the bleach for any cleaning work - and not only because you could ruin your clothes. It turns out that cleaning with Bleach is not advised with regard to your bathroom. Read more to find out why experts say you should go with another cleaner instead.

Read this then: If you use one of these "dangerous" cleaning products, stop now, the FDA warns .

People have used Bleach more than ever in recent years.

Due to COVID-19 Coronavirus spreads in The United States. People are panic buying, bleach products were almost sold out at Publix supermarket.

The Covid pandemic has changed our lives in countless ways - and this is certainly worth for our cleaning habits. A National Cleaning Survey The American Cleaning Institute found that 22% of people in the United States say they use more than they were before Covid's spread.

The point of using bleach has however led to poorly won applications.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in 2020 that some people had admitted to having placed bleach on their food and gargot diluted laundry solutions to try to avoid become cochable . These are considered "high-risk practices not recommended" of the cleaning agent, due to the potential health risk, according to the agency.

While most people know that bleach should be removed from their mouths, there are other apparently harmless uses for this cleaning agent that you should always avoid.

Experts say you shouldn't use Bleach in the bathroom.

Pouring bleach close up on black background

If you bring bleach to the bathroom, think again.

"Bleach is known to clarify the whites and kill mold, but that does not mean that it is necessarily a good bathroom cleaner," said Steve Evans , owner of the base of Tennessee Home cleaning service Memphis Maids. In fact, Bleach is strong enough to cause serious problems.

"Bleach is a powerful oxidizing substance that can discolor, deteriorate and weaken many different types of materials due to the rupture of their chemical structure". Kim Abrams , an expert at home and CEO of Roofing Abrams explain. "You will most likely find these materials in a bathroom, where they can cause a significant repair bill if they are broken."

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Bleach can damage many bathroom lights.

Cleaning Service Professional Wearing Gloves Cleaning The Tiled Wall Using Sponge And Spray Bottle

Chris Willatt , owner of the maids apline cleaning service In Denver, Colorado, says that many people have damaged different parts of their bathroom just using Bleach.

For example, this strong oxidant can quickly degrade the caulking in your shower, according to Willatt. "So, if you use Bleach, you need to make your shower every three months," he warns.

Bleach can also eat away from other materials in your bathroom with prolonged use due to its corrosive nature, according to Alex Varela , Managing Director of Texas Home cleaning service Dallas Maids.

"It can corrode metal lights and break the protective coating of the tiles, which can cause moisture stains and problems," explains Varela.

Even your toilets could go on the wrong side of Bleach. Mélanie Musson , A Home cleaning expert With Clearassur, warns potential problems if you have a septic tank connected to your dresser.

"The septic tanks work effectively when good bacteria decompose content," she said. Putting bleach in your toilet can hinder because it kills all bacteria, both good and bad. "So your septic tank will not work well with Bleach."

There are other cleaning products that you need to use in your bathroom.

Closeup top view of unrecognizable home cleaning products with blue bucket and a mop on the side. All products placed on white tiled bathroom floor.

Many people clean their bathroom with bleach because they assume that it will work faster and better than any other product. But according to Varela, Bleach is not really useful when it comes to daily cleaning. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"It will not be as useful because it does not have properties to reduce dirt or fat remuneration, which is the number one problem for regular cleaning," said Varela.

Consequently, Bleach often ends up Toner Karina , the director of operations at Spek cleaning without in Washington, D.C.

"It is important to be aware of the risks and weigh the advantages and potential damage to the use of Bleach," she advises. "There are other cleaning products that can be effective in cleaning your bathroom without the risk of using bleach. For example, vinegar, baking soda or hydrogen peroxide can be good alternatives. "

If you need to disinfect your surfaces, Varela says that Bleach can be useful in these special cases, but only if you use it correctly and sparingly.

"Try to use bleach only to kill mold or disinfect surfaces and always dilute it in the water," said Varela, adding that part of 10 parts of water is the best.

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