Kroger under fire while buyers claim that they are overcharged

Customers share their frustrating experiences with Kroger pickup orders.

Although inflation was down, the record heights last year all forced us to pass a little more carefully. But although we may have reduced excessive purchases In the middle of high inflation, it is more difficult to go without certain grocery stores. These shopping trips add up definitively, and now some buyers claim that they cost even more than they should. Read more to find out why several Kroger customers claim to have been surfaced.

Read this then: 6 Kroger secrets does not want you to know .

The CEO of Kroger said that the company focused on the fight against inflation for buyers.

A middle aged man shopping

At a time when consumers have trouble with higher prices and continuous shortages, Kroger says it focuses on stress for buyers.

"We like to try to do our best to do it Easy with a customer , " Rodney McMullen , Chairman and CEO of the Kroger Co., said at the National Retail Federation (NRF) 2023 Big show of retail in January.

According to McMullen, the company constantly envisages the impact of inflation on buyers at the moment. "We worry about every day," he said. "About half of our customers are subject to a lot of pressure in a financial point of view, and their salary has not followed inflation."

Kroger says he focuses on new technologies to help relieve tension. "For us, we are constantly focusing on how we use technology to facilitate the fact that the customer inspires them on what is for dinner, uh, help stretch their budget a little and to ensure that products of grocery store wants to get them, "McMullen explained.

But some buyers say they are billed more than they should be.

On February 3, the user of Tiktok Hanna Daminski published a video For her account, @hannadaminski detailing a frustrating experience she recently had with Kroger. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Kroger's pick-up has decided to eat salmon for a month," she wrote on the video in the bunk text.

According to Daminski, she had only ordered a Atlantic salmon book for the collection of Kroger. The product was at the origin of $ 9.99, but a screenshot provided said it was on sale that day for $ 8.99. Instead of receiving the salmon from a book she wanted, however, Daminski showed that Kroger's collection service had given her six pounds of salmon cost about $ 50.

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Other Kroger buyers have said they encountered similar problems.

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It doesn't seem to be a unique problem. In the Daminski video comments section, many buyers said they had faced similar situations with Kroger.

"They did the same thing to me! Twice in a row," said a user. Another wrote: "The same thing happened to me with chopped beef once. Ordered two 1 lb packages and found itself somehow with a 10 LB newspaper?"

Other customers added that they had received the wrong amount of many different items, including bananas, chicken, bagels, carrots and even baking soda.

Some buyers have come to say that Kroger was not technically wrong in the case of Daminski, because the product was listed like a salmon side for $ 8.99 per book - not just smaller portions of the net. But they nevertheless criticized the grocer for having deliberately made this confusing for the buyers.

"The announcement is not clear, which Kroger does all the time. I am so on the misleading announcements of Kroger and price errors," said a user.

A Kroger employee weighed to say that the company's system is not properly equipped to connect the appropriate size of certain orders. "I work in a Kroger pickup. There is one thing at the end [where] you can write how much you want," they wrote. "Until they correct this thing, what you ordered appears as an entire side of a salmon and a business expects you to know."

Kroger has been criticized for overcharging in the past.


Better life Contacted Kroger to comment on the complaints of customers surrounding the viral video, but has not yet heard.

But this is not the first time that Kroger has faced the concern of overcharging customers. In August 2022, a The trial was filed behalf Lisabeth Gansberg , a Northbrook resident who regularly purchases in Mariano supermarkets belonging to Kroger in Chicago. Gansberg claims that it has often been overcharged at the Northbrook Mariano, alleging that the mega-local "regularly invoices the bad price" for items by raising those who are on sale at their regular price.

More recently, in December, the Moraine police, Ohio, warned Kroger buyers in the region to check their receipts after several buyers said they were overcharged by the company, in particular with regard to the delivery service .

"People must be vigilant if they place the Kroger delivery service , "Sergeant Andrew parish With the Moraine Police Department told Whio. "A customer was billed over $ 500 for an order that she initially placed for only $ 100."

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