7 "healthy" habits that are actually bad for you, according to doctors

Some things that seem to be good for you are not.

If you want to live a long and happy life, then taking the best possible care of your health is obvious. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to know what is good for you and what is not. The results of the study are often in conflict (is occasional good wine glass for you, or not so much ?) And different doctors often give different advice - just one of the reasons why many people choose to Get a second opinion When making major medical decisions. Are some of the things you incorporate into your routine aren't as good for you as you thought? Read the rest for seven so -called "healthy" habits which may, in fact, not be so healthy after all.

Read this then: Doctor who has not shower for years thinks that others should join him .

Exercise every day.

mature black woman exercising outdoors
Pixelheadphoto Digitalskillet / Shutterstock

Let's move on a direct thing: no one calls into question the importance of the regular exercise. Move your body Can increase your heart health, help you keep a healthy weight, improve your mood and give you more energy, according to the Mayo Clinic - and these are just some of the advantages that the exercise offers. But if you are going hard and you sweat every day, the experts say that it is important to cut a break.

"The exercise is absolutely brilliant and healthy for your body, but there is absolutely a good thing," family doctor certified by the board of directors Laura Purdy , Md, tells Better life . “The injuries on overuse and overestimation are very common. Things like tendonitis, muscle strains, stress fractures and even fatigue and exhaustion can occur when we push our body too far, or further than they want to go. Exercise in moderation, and only when we have been eliminated by our doctor and that we know that activities are safe for us. ""

Sleep on weekends.

Woman sleeping in bed next to an alarm clock on a table.
Wavebreakmedia / Istock

The sleep foundation says that most adults need Between seven and nine o'clock to sleep every night for optimal health. But if you lack this amount, you may not be able to compensate for this by sleeping more during your days off. In fact, a 2017 study revealed that women sleeping two overtime on weekends in order to "catch up" sleep were more likely to have poor heart health that those who have not caught more Zzz on weekends.

"It is actually better and healthier for our body to have a coherent schedule," explains Purdy. "It is important that we strive as much as possible to go to bed and wake up both every day. Our brain, our body, our systems and our hormones work better when we give them a very predictable cycle of the Right quantity of wake and sleep time. If you have a particularly exhausting week, you are sick or travel, it may be necessary to sleep from time to time. But get into the habit of having a sleep schedule irregular can actually cause more harm than good when it comes to sleep hygiene and get the rest you need at night. "

Read this then: Doing this for 10 minutes twice a week increases your metabolism, say doctors .

Have a cup of herbal tea before bed.

woman making tea
Emily Frost / Shutterstock

Signing a hot cup of herbal tea may seem just the ticket to prepare your mind and body for sleep every night, but this soothing infusion may not have exactly the effect you hope. On the one hand, you must make sure that you really drink tea without caffeine. Ashley Haywood , founder and CEO of Artisan Tea Company Embew , emphasizes that it is not because a tea is marketed as "plants based", this does not allow you to awaken.

"There is a term unfit that all teas based on plants are caffeine without caffeine," she said Better life . "But if a tea is marketed as with plants, it simply means that it is not from the Camellia sinensis factory," she said, noting that herbs like ginseng, ginko and guarana are really energizing. "It is best to avoid these if you try to settle for the night."

Take place with a glass of red wine.

Red Wine

Another popular way to relax - drink a glass of red wine - not to be the health sip of the heart that you hope that it is (and that previous studies have praised that it is ). A November 2022 study published in Jama Network Open I found that drinking Any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Alcohol is harmful to health Starting at very low levels , " Tim Naimi , MD, MPH, says The New York Times . "The risk begins to increase well below the levels where people think:" Oh, this person has an alcohol problem. ""

Marissa Esser , PHD, the main study of the study, told The Outlet that even if you follow Federal Guidelines for safe alcohol consumption "There are risks even within these levels, especially for certain types of cancer and certain forms of cardiovascular disease".

To tan.

Woman with closed eyes sunbathing on lawn
Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

While we are probably all aware of the link between sun exposure and skin cancer, some of us always house a persistent conviction that obtaining a little color of the time spent in the sun is healthy and Can associate pale skin to be sick. Purdy, however, categorically disputes this notion.

"I certainly have no tan! Always, always, still Wear a sunscreen on any exposed skin, and if you need to have a tan, please use sunless tanning products, "said Purdy." Your risk of skin cancer . I do not know that there is necessarily a healthy or good or desirable amount of UVA and UVB exposure that I can recommend. You can also get vitamin D from food or food supplements if it is something that you feel like you need more in your life and your diet. But I would never recommend using sun exposure or exposure to the tanning bed as a means of sunbathing your skin. ""

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Cut all the sugar.

Woman Spooning Sugar onto Cereal
Speedkingz / Shutterstock

A bunch of evidence shows how bad sugar is for us, especially the refined sugars that you will find in many processed foods, bakery products and other treats. "" Refined sugar contribution is linked to conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, ”explains Healthline.

But moderation is the key to all things, including consumption of sugar. A study published in the May 2014 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found this Added sugar consumption has been not linked to an increased risk of death, after having followed more than 350,000 adults for more than 10 years. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends "limiting sugars added to no more than 6% of calories every day", adding that, for the majority of women in the United States ", it is no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar. For men, it is 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons. "

An interesting note: the AHA does not distinguish between the types of sugar, so while you can think that what is called "Natural" sugars are better , this may not have as much importance. "Your body has no idea if [sugar in your diet] came from table sugar, honey or agave nectar. It simply sees molecules of monosaccharide sugar," Amy Goodson , MS, RD, told Healthline.

Drink kombucha.

Grocery store shelves with bottles of Kombucha
Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock

Although it is not necessary to cut all the sugar, it is always a good idea to keep your consumption in failure, but sometimes it is more difficult than you think. Many people are Kombucha gained these days in an attempt to Improve their intestinal health . But sparkling brewing can add unnecessary and empty calories - to your daily diet.

"Sugar drinks (SSB) or sugary drinks are The main sources of added sugars In the American regime, "Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warn - and this includes the Kombucha purchased in stores, which contains an average of 20-24 grams of sugar by bottle. "The frequent consumption of sugary drinks is associated with weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, non -alcoholic liver disease, dental caries and cavities and drop, a type of arthritis. "

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