Your most common anxiety dream, based on your zodiac sign

Are you most likely to have a nightmare to be naked in public or to be prosecuted?

This nightmare where you are running in class without knowing that you have a big exam? Or the one where you look at the bottom and you don't wear clothes? Maybe you are more subject to the dream of being prosecuted, but your legs will not move? It may seem random What you worry Once your head hit the pillow, but there is a chance that your zodiac sign says a lot about what stands at night. To help you disentangle the deeper meaning of these recurring nightmares, we consulted Better life resident astrologer. Read the rest to find out what your most common anxiety dream is, depending on your zodiac sign.

Read this then: The only word that sums up each zodiac sign, according to an astrologer .

Lauren Ash is a famous astrologer and lifestyle writer. She writes horoscopes for the best life and USA Today, and hosts the weekly podcast and the Podcast of POP PLS culture. Follow Lauren on Twitter and Instagram or subscribe to his blog for monthly horoscopes .

Aries: you are invisible

young invisible woman sitting alone
Istock / Pick-Uppath

Aries is the Cool and confident Zodiac leader. You always put your best foot forward and hope to impress those around you with your charm, your rescue and your achievements. It is not that you did it only for recognition, but it certainly does not hurt to be celebrated for everything you have done.

It is therefore not surprising that a nightmare where you are invisible would send you a panic. After all, what is the point of being the best if no one else can see it?

Bull: your house is empty

Sad tenant complaining after home robbery in the night
Istock / Antonioguillem

Taurus are reliable and pragmatic zodiac planners. You work harder than almost anyone, and you Enjoy beautiful things Following your time and efforts. Not only that, but you are proud of your achievements and like to support people closest to you.

A common fear for you is that one day you wake up and that everything will have disappeared. Whether it's disappearing from the thin air or slipped directly under your nose, nothing scares you as the idea of starting again.

Read this then: Your most unlucky month of 2023, based on your zodiac sign .

Gemini: you are haunted

floating evil ghost
Istock / Paul Campbell

Geminis are the optimistic and carefree supporters of the zodiac. You don't worry too much for the future; you are busy live in the moment . And although this takes you far in life, thanks to your flexibility, it also means that your past could come back to haunt you when you are not careful.

Dreaming of being haunted maybe a sign that you are worried, even unconsciously, of a previous decision or interaction. This could also show that you are impatient not to be up to your full potential.

Cancer: you are chased.

Close up of a injured and scared woman driving a car
Istock / Geber86

Cancers are the HomeBodies of the Zodiac , so you like to put yourself away wherever you are in life. Once you have found somewhere, you can relax and be vulnerable, you are not very likely to leave. It is a quality that helps you establish deep relationships and friendships with the people around you.

The idea of being chased and leaving your safety is sufficient to make you wake up in sweat. If you feel more anxious, you can expect to have the common nightmare problem not to be able to run away.

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Leo: you are abandoned

A transparent man is sitting on a bench and looking at the lake
Istock / Happyphoton

Leos like to show themselves, and who can blame you? You are scandalous actor zodiac. You love to make a show and make the eyes of others light up. In fact, your relationships and opinions of others on you are incredibly important.

This is why the idea of being abandoned is one of the worst things you can imagine. Worse than being invisible, the idea that nobody wants to be around you is the cloth of nightmares!

Virgin: you forget something important

Sleeping Problem. Overhead above top view of stressed African American guy lying alone in bed touching grabbing head feeling depressed, suffering from insomnia
Istock / Prostock-Studio

Virgos are the meticulous planners zodiac. Everything has a place and every day has a routine. You are obsessed with the maintenance of control, so much so that you always think of the different ways in which a situation could take place. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Your worst fear and your most common anxiety is the imminent thought that you have forgotten something important and that you cannot quite place what it is. It may seem a simple fear for some, but the idea of this throbbing feeling is enough to send a perfectionist like you in a tailpin.

Read this then: Your worst habit, depending on your zodiac sign .

Balance: you are in the apocalypse

apocalypse city
Istock / Bulgac

Libras are the Funny zodiac, always keeping things relaxed and optimistic. You like to indulge in all the little pleasures of life, and if you don't have to work too hard to get there, you don't push yourself more than you need.

A nightmare on the collapsed society, or having to start zero in an alternative universe, is too much to manage for you. You may be a sign of justice, but you are drawing the line of having literally rebuilding the world.

Scorpion: you are naked in public

man shocked and caught naked in the shower
Istock / Pixalot

Scorpions are notoriously complex and mysterious. You convince others that you are completely stoic, but you are in fact very sensitive and kept below - so much so that the idea of being vulnerable or exposing yourself is sufficient to send you a panic.

This is why your most common anxiety dream is the classic to be naked in public. Don't you want people to look at you? Well, now all eyes are on you in your most absolute exposed state.

Read this then: The greatest myth of each zodiac sign, according to astrologers .

Sagittarius: you are trapped somewhere

silhouette of a woman with her hands pressed against a glass window.

Sagittarians are the High -flying adventurers zodiac. You follow your passions and are looking for new exciting experiences any chance you have, which is why you have the most decorated passport of all signs.

Staying in the same place too long or having to do something you hate is enough to make you want to go up the blankets and never get out of bed. Any dream where you are trapped or imprisoned can also be a sign that you feel suffocated in your current situation.

Capricorn: you are back at school

young boy hanging out in school
Istock / Peopleimages

Capricorns are the Ambitious overhangs zodiac. You work hard and you devote to being the best in everything you have engaged. It is not just your intelligences or your skills; This is the time and efforts that you have put to achieve your goals.

Nothing makes you more panicked than the idea of waking up one day and having to start again. The recurring dreams that you are back to school and that you have forgotten to study for an examination are nightmares for you.

Read this then: How to know if someone lies, depending on their zodiac sign .

Aquarius: you drown

hand emerging from drowning waters
Istock / Piranka

Aquarius likes to claim that emotions do not matter, but people could be surprised to at what point you are. You are the bearer of the water after all, which means that you can always sympathize with others and understand things from their point of view.

It is difficult for you to see the weight of the world on someone's shoulders and not to feel affected. If you don't be careful, you may feel like you are drowning in their problems. This is why your most common anxiety dream slides under the waves and cannot resurface.

Fish: you are blocked alone

Shipwrecked teenager on a barren winter shore.
Istock / Ehrlif

Fish are the sweet and dreamers of the zodiac. You can enjoy life for yourself, but you feel much better and you have fun when the others are there, whether it's a friend, a family member, a partner or partner Even a pet .

Your biggest fear is to be deserted on an island alone. Reverie can only take you so far, and as soon as possible, you will miss civilization and your old life.

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