What is the biggest snake on earth?
Python Burmese snake and green anumonda snake

During 1997, it was shown for the first time on the movie "Anaconda" starring the great star Jennifer Lopez and Luis Yossa. I remember that I watched this movie with my family, years ago, and I felt very terrified; The way the snake agreed on the victims and then swallowing them alive that was terrifying, and until recently I thought this work was completely fantasy and there is no snake in this size in the world, but I was wrong, to get to know together the largest snakes on the face of this earth:
Python network snake, "Midosa"
The python network snake is a non -toxic snake that lives in Africa, Australia and Asia, and one of the most famous python snakes is a Midosa snake, which weighs more than 136 kg and reaches its length to 25 feet and two descriptions. It is worth noting that the Midosa snake entered the Guinness Book of Records as the longest A snake on the face of the earth.
According to the encyclopedia statements, the retinal snakes were named by this name because of their skin -like skin, and although the mesh snake is not toxic, it may devour humans and therefore it must be contemplated from afar only without approaching them.

Python Burmese snake
The weight of the burmese python snake reaches about 90 kilograms, and its length ranges from 5 to 7 meters, and the Burmese python snake lives about 20 years and was recently registered among the endangered animals. Burmese python is considered one of the largest snakes on the ground that has a skillful swimming ability.

Anacona green snake
The green snake lives in the South American swamps, and its length reaches 9 meters and in some cases it weighs 500 pounds, it is worth noting that the green snake of the green Anaconda is sacred in the popular heritage of some, and it is a semi -aqueous snake that spends most of its time in the tables and rivers, and despite its huge size and fierceness However, merchants are looking for him a lot in the desire to get his skins.

Titanopois Serigoninsis snake
Are you more interested in the largest snakes in history instead of the biggest snakes that currently live? In this case, your interest in the Titanoa Cyrigoninsis snake known as the largest snake in the history of the planet may provoke! This snake lived on the ground six million years ago and thanks to the fossilized remains we learned that these snakes could reach 42 feet and weigh about 2500 pounds.

Bochster snake
Giant snakes such as anumonda and papron are non -toxic snakes despite their huge size, but the Bochster snake, which does not exceed 12 feet, is the largest poisonous snake in the whole world. Do we make things more intimidated? Here, this snake is the most hostile on the planet and its name in Latin means "silent death" and therefore we never wish you to meet this snake one day.

Diaondabback's eastern snake
The eastern Diaondabback snake lives in the southeast of the United States, and is considered one of the most dangerous toxic snakes in the world.

Eastern indigo snake
The east indigo snake lives in North America, and its length reaches 8 feet, and it is worth noting that it is threatened with extinction and for this reason a team of advocates of preserving the environment in Alabama launched a rush to return the eastern Nile snake to the state.

The origins of a cobra snake from Southeast Asia descended, and it is considered the longest poisonous snake in the world with a length of 18 feet, and although a poisonous snake is usually not devouring humans but lives on eating small snakes, it is worth noting that a zoo in Sweden has announced in October 2022 about a snake from the amazingly masculine King of the Cobra family during the weekend, but the snake returned on its own to its prison in the garden.

Black Mamba snake
Black Mampa is the second longest toxic snake in the world, mainly lives in Africa, can reach 14.6 feet long, and is never absent trying to hunt this snake because it moves at a speed of 12 miles per hour and kills within 20 minutes.

King Brown snake
Although it is called the "brown king", this Australian snake mainly belongs to the black snake family, which may reach 11 feet, and it is terrifying in this snake that its poison is a killer of nerves and can destroy your muscles immediately, especially that it tends to chew its prey during Poison.