200+ get to know your questions that really work

Say goodbye to clumsy presentations with these good questions for know-how.

Not all Conversation starters are created equal. While some can help break the ice, others get a little, well - grumpy . Fortunately, there are a few guests that can really lead to an engaging conversation. And, perhaps more importantly, the result is often worth it. You never know when you take the time to learn to know that someone will lead to certain advantages, socially or even professionally, speaking.

American author Dale Carnegie felt so firmly on the importance of taking an interest in others, he even considered it one of the basic principles of his corporate bestseller, How to win friends and influence people . Below you will find a long list of questions to know for any occasion. We hope that these requests help make your little conversation a little more structured and a little less painful.

Read this then: 206 important questions to ask your crush .

Get to know your questions for colleagues

group of coworkers standing around and making small talk
Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke
  1. What is your job title?
  2. What is the best career advice you have ever been given?
  3. How long have you been in the business?
  4. What kind of tasks do you practice at work?
  5. Have you ever played in front of a large crowd?
  6. Have you been to school for the work you do now?
  7. Do you like to travel?
  8. What were you doing before joining the company?
  9. Who inspires you?
  10. What was your favorite matter at school?
  11. What was your first job in the field?
  12. Who have you learned so far to the company?
  13. What is your favorite sandwich?
  14. What is the last thing you looked at excessively?
  15. What is your favorite sports team?
  16. How do you understand what others do in the office during their working day?
  17. What is the worst job you ever had?
  18. What is the most distant you have ever been far from your home?
  19. How do you usually like to spend your birthday?
  20. How would you describe the perfect work?
  21. What is the best farce you've ever shot someone?
  22. What is your most used productivity hack?
  23. What do you know about the crypto?
  24. What famous film quotes have you memorized?
  25. Do you have talents or hidden hobbies?
  26. Have you ever owned your own business?
  27. Are you an early lift or a night bird?
  28. Have you ever fractured a bone?
  29. What music helps you work best?
  30. What do you usually do with your leave?
  31. What are you looking forward to?
  32. What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?
  33. What motivates you to work hard?
  34. Do you prefer to win the lottery or continue your dream work?
  35. Are you good in the kitchen?
  36. When people come to you to get help, what do they usually want help?
  37. What are you interested in most people have not heard of?
  38. Do you have summer traditions?
  39. How many languages ​​do you speak?

Read this then: 271 questions to ask your boyfriend before becoming serious .

Get to know your questions when you go out together

man and woman getting to know each other over coffee
Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. What are you super special?
  3. What is worth spending more money to get the best quality?
  4. Are you a dog or a cat?
  5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  6. What is your favorite vacation?
  7. If you could share a meal with someone, living or dead, who would you choose?
  8. What is something strange that you recommend to everyone tries at least once?
  9. Do you have a favorite film?
  10. Do you make your bed in the morning?
  11. What's your favorite dish?
  12. What is the highest building you have ever seen?
  13. Are you a spiritual person?
  14. What was the last film you saw in theaters?
  15. Who is your crush of celebrity?
  16. How often do you clean your home?
  17. Have you ever cheated on a test?
  18. In which parascolia did you participate when you were in school?
  19. What is your biggest bane in terms of meetings?
  20. What is the best gift you have received in the past year?
  21. What is your favorite sleep position?
  22. Is eating healthy a priority in your life?
  23. What is the most unusual conversation you ever had during a first appointment?
  24. If you were the sovereign of your own country, what would be the first law you were in place?
  25. Which cooking devices do you use daily?
  26. Do you already feel uncomfortable for a meal during a first appointment?
  27. What is your favorite family vacation tradition?
  28. What could others consider to be a luxury, but you wouldn't live without?
  29. What is a song that you completely memorized?
  30. Do you usually revolve to blondes or brunettes?
  31. Do you sleep best in total silence or with a kind of background noise?
  32. What did you want to be when you were a child?
  33. What's your favorite book?
  34. What is your favorite pizza garnish?
  35. Can you describe the perfect date?
  36. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  37. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?
  38. What is your absence of number one relationships?
  39. How many pills do you sleep?
  40. What film do you want you to see again for the first time?

Read this then: 228 questions to ask a girl during your next meeting .

Get to know your questions for friends

group of friends getting to know each other better
Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke
  1. What is your guilty pleasure?
  2. Do you believe in astrology?
  3. What is your favorite family recipe?
  4. If anyone decided to make a film about your life, who would you like to play? And who do you think would be more realistic?
  5. What kind of shows are you in?
  6. What is your most precious possession?
  7. What is your favorite Disney character?
  8. What is your favorite sport?
  9. What do you think of group trips?
  10. What do you like to do the "old-fashioned" way?
  11. What takes too long?
  12. do you have a pet?
  13. Do you have a green thumb?
  14. What is your favorite podcast?
  15. How old was your favorite, so far?
  16. What do you really want but you can't afford?
  17. What is the most visited website in your research history?
  18. Do you like to host?
  19. How long have you been living in your current apartment?
  20. If you could choose, where do you prefer to be?
  21. What is the best concert you have ever participated?
  22. What fictitious character do you make the most?
  23. Do you have a favorite board game?
  24. Do you like to look at people?
  25. Did you go to the summer camp when I was a child?
  26. What is a rule that you have to follow everyone in your home?
  27. Do you like going to the theater to watch a movie or do you prefer to watch the comfort of the house?
  28. What is your strangest quirk?
  29. What would you consider your claim to glory?
  30. If you could change the end of a film, what would it be?
  31. How long have you lived in [Place]?
  32. Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
  33. What is your favorite bar / restaurant in town?
  34. What is the longest you ever went without sleeping and why?
  35. Do you prefer a vacation in Mexico or Alaska?
  36. What are your black animals?
  37. What does your ideal weekend look like?
  38. What is the worst gift you have ever made?
  39. What are the best holidays you have ever experienced?
  40. If you earn a million dollars, what is the first thing you buy?
  41. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
  42. What is your favorite way to spend time with your family?
  43. What is your choice song Karaoke Night?
  44. If someone offered you the opportunity to go to space, would you take it on it?
  45. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  46. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Read this then: 236 questions to ask your girlfriend before settling . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Funny questions to ask to get to know someone

group of coworkers laughing around a table
Shutterstock / Monkey corporate images
  1. What is the craziest thing you have ever made in public?
  2. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  3. What is your favorite dance movement?
  4. If you could invent a new career (the one that does not currently exist), how would you describe work?
  5. If you could invent a new YouTube channel, what kind of things would they cover?
  6. What do you think of mayonnaise?
  7. Do you think Hanging phrases Never work?
  8. Do you like to sing in the shower?
  9. Do you think penguins have knees?
  10. Has anyone already organized a surprise party for you?
  11. What is the most interesting thing you have ever tasted?
  12. If you were cryogenically frozen for 100 years, what do you think your first question would be by waking up?
  13. If you have been banished from the library, what would be the reason?
  14. If you present yourself to the presidency, what will your campaign slogan be?
  15. What is a strange fact that you still remember from school?
  16. What is the most defert place you have ever been?
  17. What is the story of the strangest roommate you have?
  18. If you could create a new invention, what would it be?
  19. Which fictitious television family is the most similar to yours?
  20. What is the coarse thing that a child has ever told you?
  21. What is the first hour acceptable for a cocktail on Saturday?
  22. What is the most ridiculous outfit you have ever carried in public?
  23. If you had a warning label, what would it say?
  24. What phone application do you depend on the most?
  25. Have you ever wanted to learn Elvish?
  26. What is an embarrassing moment that has stayed with you over the years?
  27. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
  28. Do you have a kind of unnecessary talent?
  29. If your pet could speak, what would be his slogan?
  30. What is the most unhappy fashion choice you have ever made?
  31. If you could eliminate a month of the year, which do you choose and why?
  32. If you could invent a new dish, what ingredients would they contain?

Read this then: 241 questions to ask a guy at an appointment, in person or by SMS .

Deep questions to get to know someone

two colleagues exchanging a few get-to-know-you questions over coffee
Shutterstock / Annastills
  1. What is the advice you give to your young person?
  2. How do you manage the arguments between family members?
  3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  4. What is your biggest fear?
  5. Of which your personality traits are the most proud of your family?
  6. Who is the smartest person you have ever met?
  7. What is your favorite thing at home?
  8. If you could go back in time and prevent an event from taking place, what would you choose and why?
  9. How did you make new friends in your adult life?
  10. Which family member are you closest to?
  11. What is your greatest regret?
  12. What is your favorite family tradition?
  13. What mystery do you want you to know the answer?
  14. Do you have irrational fears?
  15. What would you like to change the most about yourself?
  16. If you don't already have children, do you want to become a parent one day?
  17. What about your adult life surprise the most of your young me?
  18. How would your friends describe you?
  19. What kind of music affects your mood most?
  20. Is there anything in the life you think you are currently missing?
  21. Have you ever had an imminent death experience?
  22. Have you ever stolen anything?
  23. Do you often fight with people?
  24. Would you plan to convert to another religion if it would make your partner happy?
  25. Do you think cheating is a forgivable offense in a relationship?
  26. What was the last time you are super angry?
  27. Are you easily under pressure by peers?
  28. What instantly calms you?
  29. What is the most comforting thing you have ever seen?
  30. To what extent was your life different a year ago?
  31. If you could choose how you will end up dying, how would you like to go?
  32. Do you consider yourself introverted or extroverted?
  33. What are you the most grateful?
  34. What did you recently recently formed recently?
  35. What is the best way to start the day?
  36. What is the thing you are absolutely determined to do?
  37. What do you hope you hope you never change?
  38. What is the worst criticism you have ever received?
  39. Have you ever thought of going back to your hometown?
  40. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  41. Does your work make you happy?
  42. Are you addicted to something?
  43. At what age do you want to live?
  44. Do you generally remain friends with your ex?
  45. Do you consider yourself a conflicting person?
  46. What qualities do you admire with your parents?


That's all for our list of questions to know! Be sure to check soon with us for more ways to break the ice. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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