7 Signs that your partner will never love you as you deserve

Love is a feeling that lasts, and relationships only subsist healthy if it is present. Many couples survive the phase of passion, but they do not develop love, so they end up separating and taking different directions. However, there is ...

Love is a feeling that lasts, and relationships only subsist healthy if it is present. Many couples survive the phase of passion, but they do not develop love, so they end up separating and taking different directions. However, there are situations where one party loves and the other does not - an unrequited love. In this case, it is not uncommon for the relationship to be a failure.

Here are some signs that your partner will never love you as you deserve, and that they may be a reason for having a serious conversation with that person and reconsider your future with them.

1. It is aggressive

One of the most obvious signs for those who look out is aggressiveness, which you may not realize because you are loving. If the person physically and/or psychologically assaults him, he most likely does not love you. In this case, do not expect it to change, because even if it happens, it will probably not be worth all your suffering.

2. does not demonstrate romanticism

Romanticism is quite common in the passion phase, especially acts like buying a bouquet of roses or dinner in candlelight. In long-term relationships, the novel takes other forms, such as a time consuming kiss or by buying your favorite chocolate on the way back. If the person you love is not romantic, love is probably not reciprocal. However, it is important to talk about it before, as different individuals show love in different ways.

3. Do not support you

The relationship must be a partnership, where one supports the other and, if there is disagreement, talk sensately. Notice in everyday life if the person is supporting you in the little things - is they happy when you get something? If not, there is a problem, and it is important to ask what this problem is and identify if this is really the partner you want by your side.

4. does not satisfy your mind

Do you mentally connect or just get sexually satisfied? If you try to have deep and significant conversations with this person and get nothing in return, or cannot maintain a dialogue on important issues such as the future, it is possible that it is not so important to form a connection with you, an indication of love unrequited.

5. Criticism Everything you do or think

If your partner does not like the way you do things and never agree with what you say, make sure it will be difficult to continue with him or her in the long run. Constant criticism wear out the relationship, and the part that receives them ends up feeling useless, and never good enough.

6. You are not part of your decisions

Consult your partner when making decisions, especially those most important, demonstrates that you care about the effects of these decisions on life. If this is not reciprocal, it is possible that the person is not planning to be with you for a long time, and not including you in the plans for the future.

7. Want to change you

Over time, couples grow and change together, which is completely normal and healthy. However, if the person you love tells you not to wear an outfit, you want you to lose weight or change your job, it's a sign that she doesn't accept you. Advice is welcome if you really want and are asking-otherwise your partner may be a controlling person, which is not good for the relationship.

It is noteworthy that these are just signs, and that it is important to talk and clarify what you think with the person before making decisions. One tip is to pay attention to reactions and realize if you are being a victim of manipulation.

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