Potato cuisine These 3 ways increases your risk of diabetes, a new study finds

The researchers distinguished potatoes, but studied the effect of other vegetables on the risk of diabetes.

Potatoes are probably one of the most versatile vegetables : They are a welcome addition to any meal, and with so many different ways to prepare them, they never really age. But a new study has revealed that the way you cook your potatoes could be more important than you think. It turns out that a few different cooking methods can really increase your risk of developing diabetes, while other methods have a much more deaf effect, if applicable. Read the rest to discover the preparations of potatoes that you may want to ignore.

Read this then: The surprising reason leaving the lights on at night weighs your risk of diabetes .

A recent study distinguished potatoes.

raw potatoes in sack
Val_r / Shutterstock

Diabetes becomes more and more widespread. In 2021, the condition affected 537 million people between 20 and 79 years old, according to a study recently published in the newspaper Diabetic treatments October 28. By 2030, this number should reach 643 million.

Researchers say that this increase can be linked to an increase in the consumption of processed foods and a decrease in the contribution of fruits and vegetables. In this spirit, studies are underway to assess the effect of vegetables on type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the results were an incoherent person. A higher vegetable intake has proven to be associated with a lower risk of diabetes in certain studies, while others have found that eating more vegetables had no real effect.

In the latest study, researchers have isolated the potatoes of other vegetables, discovering that taters "in fact hide the association" between plant intake and T2D. Vegetables To do have advantages with regard to T2D, have concluded researchers, because those who consumed more vegetables (but no potatoes) had a risk of 21% of the condition development.

Armed with this knowledge, they then examined more closely the relationship between potatoes and the risk of diabetes, in particular the preparation of these tubers.

The potatoes are not all bad, but three cooking methods will increase your risk of diabetes.

mashing potatoes in bown
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

If you like your sps, rest assured that old simple potatoes are not likely to increase your risk of diabetes.

The researchers evaluated the data of 54,793 participants in the Danish Diet Cancer and Health Study, of which 7,695 people then developed T2D over 16.3 years. The study revealed that the risk of diabetes increased when the participants ate potatoes in three key variations - curly, puree and pourtilles. The boiled potatoes, on the other hand, have not increased or decreased the risk.

Although this may not sound just as surprising, the key aspect of the study is in general, potatoes will not increase the risk of diabetes, Juliana Tamayo ,, recorded dietitian And editor of FitnessClone.com, explains. "What aggravates diabetes or increases the risk of diabetes is how the potatoes are prepared and the ingredients with which they are associated," she says Better life .

Tamayo points out that the way you cook potatoes affects their nutrient content, and that boiled potatoes do not have added ingredients that change their makeup.

"The potato puree, fried potatoes and pits all contain added fat [and] salt," explains Tamayo, noting that accompanied condiments are generally rich in sugar and fat. "Potato puree is often prepared with whole milk or thick cream, butter and salt, which can all increase the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and exacerbate diabetes. , which is higher in saturated fats. ""

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Researchers have also taken into account other food trends.

different types of veggies each in a plastic container of tupperware

Unlike previous studies, researchers also represented the diet typical of people who eat large amounts of potatoes. This includes Red meat, which is a risk factor known for T2D and could affect the probability of developing diabetes, the author of the main study Nicola Bondonno , PHD, a postdoctoral researcher at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia, explained Medical News today. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

But it's not just the global diet - it comes out of potatoes. The fries and fries are starchy and higher in carbohydrates. "These types of food make your body produce more insulin to control blood sugar and, if consumed in addition, can make you gain weight in the abdomen, which can cause insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, " Jason NG , MD, an associate professor of clinical medicine, and president of the diabetes working group at the University of Pittsburgh, told the point of sale.

Compared, the vegetables are rich in vitamins and low in calories, said Bondonno. Although it is not clear exactly why the consumption of vegetables lowers the T2D risk, it could be linked to a bodily mass index (BMI) resulting lower (BMI), reported today medical news.

It's all about balance.

potatoes with fish and salad
Jacek Chabraszewski / Shutterstock

The researchers found that, compared to those who ate the least potatoes (excluding fries and fries), those who have the highest had an increased risk of diabetes. But do not let it drop because health professionals confirm that potatoes can have a place in a healthy and balanced diet.

Tamayo recommends preparing the potatoes in olive oil without added salt. You can also help leave their nutritional value intact by cooking, grills, sautéuse or boiling, she said, adding that you should also consider what you serve alongside your sps.

"Try to combine your potatoes with a lean protein, such as poultry or fish and fibers, like a salad or vegetables," she said. "Eating carbohydrates associated with proteins will slow down their absorption, which will ultimately lead to more controlled blood sugar levels."

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