6 errors you make that cause mold growth in your bathroom, according to experts

It may be time to throw a second overview of your cleaning habits.

Like a owner (or tenant) , One of the last things you want to face is the mold. Not only is it a terrifying show to see, but it can do You and your sick family , as well as weakening your walls and ceilings. Your bathroom is particularly sensitive to mold because this ugly fungus thrives in dark and humid places.

"Mold is much easier to prevent than deleting, so I suggest taking all the necessary precautions to avoid dealing with this problem [before it starts]" Tim Wells , founder of Transformed garage recount Better life .

Read the rest to discover the errors that could worsen the situation of your mold, according to cleaning experts.

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Leaving things on the bathroom floor.

Towels hanging on a rack in the bathroom.
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Sometimes you are in a hurry and you can forget to hang a towel after your morning shower where you leave your damp gymnology clothes on the bathroom floor. It happens to the best of us from time to time, but it doesn't make you favors when it comes to keeping mold from a distance.

Beth McCallum , a writer for Oh so impeccable recount Better life , "Do not leave towels, rags or foofah on the ground. Hang them to dry.

By leaving wet items on the ground even a little, you essentially invite the mold to grow - and the same goes for your products. The shower caddies are not only perfect for saving space, keeping the bottles on the floor of the shower (and closed) is another key to the prevention of mold. "Leaving your shower products on the floor prevents them from driving drip," explains McCallum. "Soon, you "I warn mold collection on the bottom, the seal and the cover of your favorite products."

Do not clean your bathroom once a week.

 Woman cleaning in the bathroom at home
VH-Studio / Shutterstock

Your bathroom is easily one of the most filled with germs in your home, so do not clean it regularly can result in rapid growth of mold - and the boy increases it quickly. After meeting moisture, mold can start grow in just 24 hours If it's the right environment (AHEM, a dirty bathroom). AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

So how often should you clean it? Phi Dang , the director of the professional service Pile , said it should be a weekly company. "Moping likes humid and dark places, so if you leave your bathroom that is too dirty, you give mold an ideal place to grow," he said. "Make sure you clean your bathroom at least once a week to prevent mold from taking over."

Do not wipe your bathroom.

Beautiful minimalist bathroom.
Olena Ivanova / Shutterstock

Now we all know that mold likes humid places, so it is better not to just take a shower and leave. Leaving your booty bathroom, especially in your bathroom and your shower, is an easy way for mold to continue to grow and prosper.

"After taking a shower, be sure to wipe all the surfaces of your bathroom to prevent the water from sitting and creating the perfect environment for mold to grow," said Dang.

You can use a shower mouth (be sure to keep it so that it can also stop dry) or a bath towel to wipe the shower walls. It does not hurt to also give mirrors and counters.

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Do not check your fan.

Bathroom circulation.
Fellowneko / Shutterstock

Air your bathroom is essential to prevent the formation of mold. Of course, you can open a window to let the air enter if you have one in there, but having a properly active fan is also a must.

"You need an air flow at the top of your bathroom which can suck up wet air and keep things in circulation at any time so that nothing can rest for long periods," said Darcay Allan of Let go . "You must run the fan each time you can, especially when the toilets are used, then 30 to 60 minutes later."

It is also important to check your bathroom fan from time to time. "You must always keep an eye on the fan of your bathroom to make sure it works effectively and is kept clean. Your fan will only have a positive impact if it is clean and capable of doing its job", Adds Allan.

Do not repair leaks right away.

Fixing bathroom leak.
Acts_data Stock / Shutterstock

Even ignore the smallest of leaks will promote the growth of fungi.

"Flee pipes, plumbing lights and other sources of water can create stagnant water in your bathroom, which offers a perfect environment for mold growth," said Justin Carpenter , founder of Modern maids . "Regularly check your bathroom for signs of leaks or water damage and solve any problem as soon as possible."

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Not using mildew -resistant products.

Bathroom cleaning products.
Alexander Raths / Shutterstock

The use of high quality paint, primer and tiles for your whole house is excellent, but in your bathroom, it's even more important. To avoid the growth of molds, you can use mildew resistant products which are designed to fight against this annoying fungus.

"When renovating or renovating your bathroom, opt for paint, tiles and mildiou resistant coulis to help protect mold," explains Carpenter. "These products are designed to resist humidity better than standard products, so they are less likely to develop mold and mold."

Viktor HOLAS , founder of Simply swider recount Better life That these mold resistant products help prevent mold growth by "creating a barrier that prevents mold spores from fixing themselves to surfaces".

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